Drunk House

Chapter 792: Clan (second update)

 Chapter 792: The Clan (Second Update)

 The next day was Su Rong's birthday, so she slept until about three o'clock in the morning.

Zhou Gu did the same, sleeping with her till the end of the night.

 After the two of them woke up, they both felt refreshed. They hadn't slept in for a long time. They had a deep and full sleep, which was enough to cope with today's lively birthday party.

 The clan members all rushed into the palace before noon to give birthday gifts to the princess.

 The current Nanchu clan was frightened by Su Rong's direct execution of King Liu'an's lineage and everyone involved after returning to the capital. For half a year, I was too timid to get close to Su Rong. I was afraid that if she looked displeased with her clan members, they would push her to the vegetable market and kill her if she got angry.

Now that half a year has passed, they found that Su Rong had no intention of causing trouble for other clansmen who had not rebelled against her, so they became bolder. Taking advantage of the princess's birthday, she quickly entered the palace to congratulate her in advance, to show that the clan members support the princess and please her. meaning.

Su Rong also gave face to these people, all of whom were named Chu. After all, they were the ones connected by blood to her.

She received the old concubine from Ding'an Palace with a smile. She was the eldest in the clan, already seventy-two years old, but she was neither confused nor dim-sighted. She spoke and acted as a peaceful and open-minded old lady.

Su Rong shook her hand, invited her to sit down, sat down next to her, and talked to her, "Old concubine, it's just a birthday, it's nothing. Why do you bother to come into the palace to celebrate the birthday of a junior like me?"

The old concubine was surprised by the concubine's kindness to her. Although it was the first time for her to see this concubine, she also knew that this concubine not only defeated the Wei Dynasty with force, but also after returning to the royal capital, she also He is unambiguous in court matters, acts vigorously and resolutely, and is decisive in his approach. He is a person who is not easy to fool. In the past six months, everyone in the government and the public has admired him.

The courtiers did not dare to neglect or slack off every day for fear of being kicked out of the court. Everyone did practical work, and the common people praised it. All the spring plowing was completed, and there was no business trip. The common people saw the seeds planted in the ground. They have almost seen this autumn's harvest, their food rations are guaranteed, it is said that everyone is smiling, and there is no riot anywhere.

She was slightly relieved because of Su Rong's attitude. She held Su Rong's hand and said with a smile: "I haven't seen the queen yet. I know that the queen has been busy with the court." I don’t dare to disturb you. Today happens to be the princess’s birthday, so how can I sit still? I have to come and see how the princess looks like.”

She smiled and said: "Your features are like your mother's, but your temperament is actually more like the king's. The king was like this when he was young. He would smile and look at romantic people, but who would have known that when he fell in love with someone, he would fall in love with someone. His appearance doesn’t matter at all.”

Su Rong also laughed when she heard this, "Is that so? Many people say that I look like my mother, but few people say that I look like my father." She blinked, "You can tell me more about my father when he was young. When I have some free time, I will use this to mock my father."

Hearing this, the old concubine said "ouch" and said, "Then I don't dare to say it."

Although she said this, the old concubine still picked up a few interesting stories about King Nan Chu when he was young. At that time, the late king was still there, and he was the prince, but she had never seen such an inconspicuous prince. Compared with today's Daliang Yan Huisheng, Yuan Zhao of the Wei Dynasty, he was the prince at that time. He didn't look like a prince at all, otherwise he wouldn't have gone to Daliang. Because he saw Princess Zhenmin and liked him, he stayed there for half a year and didn't come back.

 If we say it was a marriage, it was true, but unfortunately, we couldn't stay together.

In addition to the old concubine, there are also many other clan members. Among them, there is a clan member who lives in Fulubo Mansion. This Fulubo Mansion is not really blessed because of such a blessed name. There are not many heirs. In addition, Two generations have failed to make progress, and now they have become a famous shackles in the clan, leaving only orphans and widows. If this generation cannot inherit the title, the Fulubo Mansion will probably be gone.

Mrs. Fulubo is in her early thirties, and her son is fifteen this year. He is a very handsome and polite young man. It can be seen that the two of them live in poverty, and the clothes they wear are not brand new in such days. It's 80% new, probably the best in the house.

Among all the clan members, the mother and son were not like everyone else. Seeing that Su Rong was now friendly and friendly to the clan members, they gathered around them, only gave them gifts, and then quietly retreated.

Su Rong had good eyesight and scanned all the clan members. That young man caught her attention. She said to her side, "Go and ask Mrs. Fulubo and the young master to come over."

Mrs. Fulubo and the young master were a little nervous when they saw the female official next to the princess calling. The mother and son looked at each other and hurried to Su Rong.

 “My lady!” The two of them greeted each other.

Everyone in the clan didn't understand why, so they moved aside and moved aside, feeling strange in their hearts.

The mother and son have lived a difficult and quiet life in the clan for many years. The Nanchu clan is huge, not many people care about the declining Fulubo Mansion, and there are only a few kind and open-minded people, such as the old concubine. She would occasionally take care of the mother and son, but her family was suppressed by the King of Liu'an, and most of them were female dependents. Life was not very easy, and what she could take care of was limited.

At this time, these two people were noticed by the queen for some reason, and they were called to her.

Su Rong looked at the nervous Mrs. Fulubo, and then at the young man who became quiet after the ceremony.

The young man was not very nervous, but he was thinking that his family had not done anything wrong. Although the gifts he and his mother gave were not generous, they were the only good things in the family. The queen was smiling, so she probably did not want to criticize them harshly. .

Su Rong asked Mrs. Fulubo to sit down, "Madam, please sit down."

Mrs. Fuluobo quickly shook her head, "I just want you to stand and speak. Madam, Madam, please speak."

Su Rong saw that she was really cautious, so she smiled and said: "Madam, there is no need to be nervous. I just want to ask, can the young master in the family take part in the Golden Autumn Science Examination?"

Mrs. Froebel was stunned and shook her head, "No."

Su Rong looked at the young man in confusion, "Why?"

The young man glanced at Su Rong and lowered his head, "The clan does not participate in the scientific examination. This has always been the rule of Southern Chu."

Su Rong was also stunned and thought, does Nanchu still have such rules? After she came to Nanchu, she didn't care about the rules and etiquette of her ancestors at all, because in her eyes, they were useless, and if they stopped her from doing anything, she would break them. Anyway, rules are set by people. The worst she can do is to re-establish them. Who dares to be dissatisfied or disagree with them? Just hold it in.

 She turned to look at the old concubine.

 The old concubine nodded, "Yes, this rule has been in place since the founding of the dynasty. It was established by King Taizu."

Su Rong nodded and thought for a while. It seemed that there really weren’t many clan officials in the court. So many people were just doing nothing to eat. She asked, “What about the clan’s appointment of officials? What are the rules?”

 (End of this chapter)

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