Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1012 Five main materials gathered together

After coming out of the Yinfeng Jihuo Cave, Qingyang and others had been waiting here for six days. They saw that the Yinfeng and Jihuo at the entrance of the Yinfeng Jihuo Cave were getting stronger and stronger. It was impossible for the evil spirit master to come back, so everyone simply cleaned up. After that, he directly hired a small spiritual ship to return to Jiuxian City.

The image of the One-Horned Ghost King is still very intimidating. He has the demeanor of a senior and a master, and his aura is unpredictable. With him following him, the journey will be extremely smooth.

More than ten days later, the group returned to Jiuxian City. Master Shi Han and others had been waiting in the inn for a long time. When they saw that there were five missing people among the people who had returned, everyone present was filled with sighs. When they left, their team There were a total of eleven people, not counting Master Yu Mengmiao and the One-Horned Ghost King. When they returned, only six were left, nearly half less, which was a heavy loss.

However, everyone is mentally prepared for this. For many monks who have completed the Foundation Establishment, they have not much life left. This trip to the Yinfengji Fire Cave is almost their last chance to find the opportunity to form a pill. Success comes with success, but some damage is normal.

After some emotion, everyone settled their accounts first. Fu Chang died in the Yinfeng Jihuo Cave, and Qi He who survived did not gain much. After paying back the eight thousand spirit stones owed to Qingyang, Qi He had very little left. There may be no possibility of forming pills in a short period of time, but the two Wind and Fire Tokens can still be used in the future. In the future, the mother and son can continue to go to Yinfeng Jihuo Cave. There is still hope.

Xiying and Xiao Yuhan also paid off the spiritual stones they owed Qingyang due to the Wind and Fire Order, and later bought several portions of Earthfire Endosulfan Sand from Qingyang, but they had to collect everything on their bodies to get enough. Lingshi, Xiying even gave Qingyang a nest of alcoholic bees she had raised.

This alcoholic bee is of great use in Qingyang's hands, but in Xiying's hands it can only be regarded as useless. A small amount of spiritual insects will not have much effect, and cultivating a large number of them requires a lot of resources. However, Xiying is a poor casual cultivator and has no ability at all. Compared with Qingyang, Xiying doesn't even have enough for herself, so how can she have the extra resources to raise alcoholic bees? Therefore, the number of his alcoholic bees has not increased much over the years, and there are less than 200 in total. There are only a dozen purple-backed alcoholic bees, and none of the blue-backed ones. Compared to Xiyingzhu With Ji Perfect's cultivation, these alcoholic bees can't help much when fighting. They can only be used to pollinate the spirit flowers, collect nectar, and guard against the wind.

Now that she didn't have enough spiritual stones, Xiying simply sold the Alcoholic Bee to Qingyang at a discount, so that she wouldn't worry about it in the future. Giving the Alcoholic Bee to Qingyang would play a greater role.

After more than a month of treatment, Fairy Duanqing's injuries have improved significantly. She no longer needs the One-Horned Ghost King to treat her. After taking the elixir, she can heal herself. It can be regarded as a complete saving of life, but every time she sees it, Qingyang was a little embarrassed, still had a cold expression and didn't say a word.

Yu Mengmiao and Fairy Duanqing quit the place they rented in Jiuxian City and moved to the inn where Qingyang and the others were staying. Perhaps it was because Qingyang rescued Fairy Duanqing's master and apprentice this time in the Earth's Center Cave, and finally As for the discovery of conscience, maybe it was because of the existence of the One-horned Ghost King, or maybe Fairy Duanqing really thought Qingyang was good, so she didn't object this time.

During this period, Qingyang had a special meeting with Master Shi Han to discuss the refining of his five-element all-attribute magic weapon. Master Shi Han had already prepared all the necessary auxiliary materials and spent a full ten years on it. The Ten Thousand Spirit Stones were all due to Master Shi Han, an expert in weapon refining, coming forward. If Qingyang, an inexperienced person like Qingyang, had purchased them, he would have spent more spirit stones.

The only regret is that I couldn't find the main metal magic weapon material that matches the Netherworld Li Fire Stone, Huangji Smoke Dust Sand, and Yuhai Pingbo Pearl. Master Shi Han also found a few, but he was not particularly satisfied with them. He just wrote down the price and sales. place, waiting for Qingyang to come back and decide.

But there is no need for it now. Qingyang has already obtained a piece of Golden Spirit All-Killing Iron in the Earth's Center Cave. The grade is even higher than several other materials. There is no one better than him.

As for the main wood attribute material, Qingyang cut down the spiritual wood in the middle of the peach tree in the Drunken Immortal Gourd. After years of careful cultivation, the straight spiritual wood became stronger and stronger, and was used to make the main wood attribute magic weapon. The material is just right and the grade is not lower than the other three materials.

This peach tree seems to be a natural spiritual tree. Although it has only grown for sixty or seventy years, its level is higher than the thousand-year-old Red Heart Yun fruit tree that Qingyang obtained in the Yinfengji Fire Cave, and it is extremely tough. Qingyang spent most of the day using the Five Elements Sword Formation to cut it down.

When Qingyang took out the two materials, I won’t go into details about how shocked Master Shi Han was. Anyway, after seeing the two materials, he opened his mouth wide and couldn’t close it for a long time, especially when he saw Jin Ling Wan Sha Tie, He even couldn't help but bite himself hard, thinking he was dreaming.

Originally, Master Shi Han was somewhat confident about the magic weapon refining this time, but now that he saw the materials, he hesitated again, because the level of Jin Ling Wan Kill Iron was too high, and he was afraid that he would not be able to use the materials due to lack of ability, and would be disappointed. Qingyang's expectations were exceeded, and he couldn't afford to lose even if he sold him.

However, after careful consideration, he decided to take this matter forward. Although this weapon refining was a huge challenge for him, it was also a rare opportunity to improve his level. If he could successfully refine the weapon, his level of weapon refining would improve. Reaching a higher level and becoming a true high-level weapon refiner from now on, this kind of thing is rare, so of course you must seize it tightly.

While agreeing, Master Shi Han also made a request, which requires Qingyang to participate in the whole process. The purpose is very simple. These things are too precious. Master Shi Han is afraid that he will not be able to control himself and something bad will happen, so Qingyang must be involved. The client stands by as a witness.

There are no saints in the world. The reason why some people can resist temptation is because the benefits they receive are not big enough to offset the cost of betrayal. When the benefits reach a certain level, I believe most people can't afford it. This temptation.

Last time Qingyang taught him only tens of thousands of spirit stones, Master Shi Han could barely hold back. Now, each of these main materials is worth no less than one or two hundred thousand spirit stones. That golden spirit kills ten thousand people. Iron is a priceless treasure. Not to mention the golden elixir monks, even the Yuanying monks and the powerful gods will be jealous. Master Shi Han is unwilling to endure this kind of suffering, so he can only let Qingyang stare at it.

However, Qingyang is also in a bit of a dilemma, because he has a more important thing to do, which is to refine the Golden Pill. He has been looking forward to it for decades. Now that the materials are finally together, everything is ready and all he needs is the east wind. He didn't want to wait any longer.

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