Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 102 Adventure

After the transaction, it was getting dark. Hong Mantian lit the candles in the lobby and asked the old servant to bring some more food. Everyone ate briefly. Later, a small cultivation experience exchange meeting was held in this lobby.

The first one I talked about was Liang Chongtian. Liang Chongtian was a pretty good person. He didn’t pretend to be a member of a big family, nor did he show any air of being superior to others. He didn’t look down on other casual cultivators. Instead, he got along well with everyone. It tells a lot about what everyone knows and doesn’t know.

Liang Chongtian is worthy of being a child of a big family. He talks about a lot of theoretical things. In addition, he has a higher level of cultivation than everyone else and has richer cultivation experience. He can make everyone present gain insights by just talking about something. A small inspiration.

For example, Liang Chongtian talked about the problem of impurities in the true energy, which made the monks present feel the same way. Sometimes the true energy is not pure, which is one of the reasons why it has been impossible to break through.

People eat whole grains, absorb energy, and excrete impurities. People's urine and feces are impurities, as are mucus, phlegm, eye feces, sweat, dandruff, skin oil, etc. But no matter whether it is a person or a monk, the impurities cannot be discharged so cleanly, and there will be more or less residues. Too many impurities in the human body will make you sick, but if there are too many impurities in a monk's body, the impact will be greater.

However, one thing that monks are better than ordinary people is that they can cleanse the marrow and open the meridians to refine the body. Through practice, the impurities in the body can be slowly expelled from the body and the body can be purified. But no matter how many methods are used, it will be troublesome if we often need to remove impurities from the body, right?

Why do high-level monks slowly inediate themselves? On the one hand, it is because the energy in ordinary food is too low, and it has little help in improving your cultivation level after eating it. On the other hand, it is because there are too many impurities in it, and it takes a lot of extra time to eliminate the impurities.

Low-level monks must provide energy through food, so food is necessary. There is no way. When the cultivation level is higher, the monks will use other means to avoid it, such as using bigu pills, using ingredients with spiritual energy inside, etc. If you have a higher level of cultivation, you can even live without grains directly. You only need to take some pills occasionally to avoid wasting time due to the frequent need to eliminate impurities.

However, the spiritual energy in the outside world is not absolutely pure, and spiritual objects are not absolutely free of impurities. Even the grades of elixirs taken by monks vary. The lower the grade, the more impurities. After taking it, it will stain the monk's true energy. In a short period of time, You can’t tell, but it gets serious over time.

Why do some monks use Qi more powerfully? Why are some monks able to fight across levels when other conditions are equal? Why is it easier for some monks to break through bottlenecks than others? The reason is very simple, it is because the Qi in their bodies is purer and has fewer impurities.

The reason is very simple, and it is worthless to say it, but almost all the people present are casual cultivators, and no one has taught them this. Only people like Liang Chongtian, who are descendants of the big families in Yuling City, will practice at the beginning. At that time, someone would point them to these things.

There are many ways to cleanse and practice Qi. Some are dedicated to practicing this type of exercises, some are to take elixirs, and some are through some special opportunities. In fact, the transformation of Qingyang's internal energy into the cultivation of the third level of the Pulse Opening Realm was also a simple process of refining the true energy.

After Liang Zhongtian finished speaking, it was the turn of Hong Mantian, Lame Taoist, Beggar King and others. Although these casual cultivators are not as high as Liang Zhongtian and their theory is not as sufficient as Liang Zhongtian, they have spent half their lives struggling at the bottom of the world of immortality. There is also plenty of experience. Moreover, each of them has their own strengths and emphasis, and what they say has benefited others a lot.

As for Qingyang in the end, he had no choice but to put it on the shelf and casually talk about some of his insights when he broke through to the middle stage of the Pulse Opening Realm. Fortunately, everyone understands that he is a teenage boy who has only been involved in cultivation for a few years and his cultivation level is low. It is normal for him to be unable to say anything useful. If he really plans to talk at length, no one may be willing to waste time listening to it.

After some exchanges, everyone gained something, and some people also had some insights that needed to be digested and absorbed, so Hong Mantian arranged for everyone to go to the guest room to rest. There are quite a lot of rooms in Hong Mantian's place. Everyone is assigned a separate room without disturbing each other.

But this was someone else's place after all, and there were so many ignorant cultivators around him. Qingyang didn't dare to fall asleep. Instead, he sat on the bed and meditated all night. The spiritual energy here on Hexin Island is similar to the dense forest in the cave where Qingyang stayed, and the effect of cultivation is very average.

Last night, everyone held a candlelit night talk and said everything that needed to be said. After breakfast, Qingyang was about to leave. At this time, the Beggar King suddenly said to everyone mysteriously: "Fellow Taoists, I have a top-secret message here. , I wonder if you are willing to take the risk.”

Liang Chongtian was more curious and asked: "What news?"

The Beggar King whispered: "A few years ago, my subordinates found out a piece of news, saying that there were rumors of monsters eating people in Qianhu County, Kaiyuan Prefecture. Later, I went to inquire about it, and found that among the legends in Qianhu County The monster is just a monster that is about to advance, but the monster is too strong and I am no match, so I have to retreat. But it is different now. Now we have many monks gathered together, and among them is Taoist friend Liang. As long as we all work together as a ninth-level cultivator of the Open Pulse Realm, we should be able to kill that monster."

For casual cultivators like them, there are really not many ways to accumulate spiritual stones. One is to search for elixirs in the mountains and fields, but how can elixirs be found so easily? Another way is to hunt monster beasts. Not to mention how difficult it is to find monster beasts. Even if they encounter a monster beast occasionally, they can't kill it if they want to. Maybe the monster beast doesn't kill them. Bitten to death.

That's why these casual cultivators are all extremely poor. After hearing what the Beggar King said, everyone's eyes couldn't help but light up, yes, there are too few people. Aren't there too many people now? There is a saying that two fists are difficult to defeat with four hands. A good man cannot stand against the crowd. Everyone works together and gives a few blows to the monster. No matter how powerful the monster is, it will be killed. At that time, the valuable things on the monster will be sold. Everyone can get a lot.

But now that a few years have passed, the monster beast may have completed its advancement. The first-level monster beast is equivalent to a monk in the early stage of Qi training. Can these people deal with it?

But turning around to see so many casual cultivators present, the doubts in everyone's minds immediately disappeared. Could it be that so many people couldn't deal with a beast? What's more, there is also Liang Zhongtian in the middle, who is from the ninth level of the Pulse Opening Realm from Yuling City?

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