Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 104 Waiting for the rabbit

The Beggar King shook his head and said: "I don't know. I just looked at it from a distance and didn't dare to go forward at all. With my strength, I'm just looking for death."

"Besides just sitting back and waiting, I have another way. We can send a person to walk in the swamp to lure the monster out, and then everyone can go up and kill the monster." At this time, the lame Taoist said He smiled and said.

After the lame Taoist finished speaking, he couldn't help but turn his attention to Qingyang, who was the weakest. For a task like attracting monsters, you should either send someone with high strength who can escape quickly and with less danger, or you can send someone with low power who will not be a pity if he dies.

Obviously, this lame Taoist seems to think that Qingyang is the most suitable for this task. With his cultivation level of the fourth level of Kaimai Realm, he cannot help much when killing monsters. He also came from Xiping Mansion alone, so he is dead. No one is looking for trouble.

As expected, if you fall behind, you will be beaten, and if your strength is low, you will easily be sent to die. Qingyang couldn't help but regret a little, and shouldn't trust other people's integrity so easily. He was about to refute a few words when Ding Gong next to him spoke up and said: "This method is not suitable. The monster is too strong. The more power it has, the more chance it will win. You can't just let people die."

It was not that he sympathized with Qingyang, but he was worried that the same thing would happen to them as a couple. Apart from Qingyang, the one with the lowest cultivation level was his wife Pan Po, and after that it was him and the Beggar King. If you let others die easily, there is no cohesion in such a team. If it becomes a routine to let others with the lowest cultivation level die, what will you do next time it is your turn and your wife's turn?

The Beggar King and Ding Gong had the same idea, and said: "We are all casual cultivators struggling at the bottom of the world of immortality. Cultivation is difficult, so why bother others?"

Seeing that many people opposed his opinion, the lame Taoist had no choice but to say: "I just say it casually, and there's nothing you can do if you don't agree. Anyway, I have plenty of time, so I'll just wait slowly with you."

Waiting for the rabbit is also a way, but this method is too inefficient. I don't know when I can wait for the monster to come out. What if the Beggar King mistakenly goes to the wrong place and this is not the monster's lair at all? Wouldn't everyone have to wait in vain?

Liang Zhongtian thought about it for a while and said: "It's not necessary to send people to attract monsters. We can catch some small animals such as rats, rabbits, and birds, and throw them in the swamp or by the lake, and then everyone will go to the swamp." An ambush on the edge of the ground might work."

This was the last possible solution, and everyone agreed. Then everyone acted together and captured a lot of rats, rabbits, and birds in the dense forest next to the road. They broke their wings and legs and threw them all in the swamp. and the lake, and then wait for the monster to appear.

I don't know if the monster didn't notice the movement by the lake, or if the monster didn't care about the birds they captured, or if the monster wasn't at home at all. The seven people hid in the bushes beside the swamp and waited for nearly four hours. There was still no movement around them. Not even an ordinary toad was seen, let alone a blue-eyed red toad.

It was still noon when everyone arrived at the lake, and it was already dark. The birds they captured were also dying, and most of their lives were gone.

The sun had already set, and the moon was full in the sky, shining on the lakeside. Although it was not as bright as during the day, we could roughly see the surrounding scenery. However, mosquitoes, rats, and ants were more active at night, so the few of them suffered a lot while hiding in the bushes. Less guilty.

After waiting for a long time and getting nothing, and still having to suffer here, the lame Taoist held back his anger and couldn't help complaining: "I asked you to send people to lure the monsters out, but you refused and insisted on waiting here. It’s been a day, and I haven’t even seen the shadow of the monster. I don’t know how long it will take until the Year of the Monkey.”

The Beggar King next to him said impatiently: "What's the point of waiting this little time? If you are willing to attract monsters, you can go by yourself. What's the use of complaining to us?"

Of course, it was impossible for the lame Taoist to die on his own. The Beggar King's words made him look very ugly, and he said, "Beggar King, what do you mean? Why are you always against me?"

"I just can't stand your bullying attitude. What's wrong?" said the Beggar King.

Seeing that the two sides were getting ready to fight, Liang Zhongtian next to him shouted in a low voice: "What are you arguing about? Whose responsibility is it for disturbing the monster? Everyone should be silent, the monster should come out soon."

Hong Mantian was puzzled and said: "Fellow Daoist Liang, how do you know that the monster is coming out soon?"

Liang Zhongtian explained in a low voice: "Although the blue-eyed red toad is a monster, it is not completely divorced from the habits of ordinary toads. The early summer is warm and humid, and toads generally like to be active at night. The sun has already set for more than half an hour. It is estimated that the monster is It’s time to get out and do some activities.”

"Why didn't Fellow Taoist Liang tell you earlier? If you had told us earlier, we would have come later, so we wouldn't have to endure the pain of mosquito bites here." The lame Taoist said dissatisfied.

Liang Zhongtian rolled his eyes at him and said: "I'm just talking about normal situations. Who knows what the temperament of this blue-eyed red clam is? What if he likes to do activities during the day? Wasn't the last time the Beggar King discovered the blue-eyed red clam during the day? What if it happened in a row? If you don’t have any patience at all, how can you become an immortal?”

If anyone else dared to say something to the lame Taoist, he would definitely retort immediately. After being ridiculed by Liang Zhongtian, the lame Taoist could only swallow his anger and laugh a few times before giving up.

With Liang Zhongtian's words as the foundation, everyone felt a lot more relieved. No one showed any impatience anymore and quietly waited for the monster to appear.

After another half an hour, suddenly, there were several dull croaks of frogs coming from the lake. This voice was like giving an order. The whole swamp suddenly became filled with loud croaks, one after another, deafening. No one expected it. , there are so many toads living in this swamp.

This series of sounds seemed to be welcoming the arrival of their king. Sure enough, waves soon appeared on the lake. Then the lake swayed, and a huge figure suddenly emerged from the bottom of the water and headed towards the lake. Paddling through the swamp.

Although they were far apart, everyone could still see clearly. The figure was a toad the size of a wooden basin. It was just difficult to see at night. I didn’t know what color the toad’s skin and eyes were, but the size was correct. Go up, it should be that monster beast.

The monster that the Beggar King mentioned finally appeared, and a fierce battle was about to begin. The atmosphere at the scene couldn't help but become a little tense, and some people had quietly begun to prepare their weapons.

As for Qingyang, who was doing this for the first time, his palms were sweating and his heartbeat was a little faster. The forbidden rat that he encountered in the secret place was also a first-level monster, but he didn't do much good that time, and he didn't know how dangerous the first-level monster was.

~~~~~~Thank you Qing Ao \u0026 Zhan Tian and Yan Dong for the rewards!

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