Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1053 Killing Shi Ruyu

Akame Zhenren is Shi Ruyu's personal guard. He is sent to the young master by the Lingfu Zhenjun. His only mission is to protect the young master's safety. Under normal circumstances, he would never leave Shi Ruyu, but this time Shi Ruyu wanted to take revenge personally, and Qingyang's strength was much worse than Shi Ruyu. Akame Zhenren felt that Shi Ruyu would not be in any danger, so he felt confident and bold to deal with the One-horned Ghost King. Who would have thought that two fifth-level Jindan monks couldn't deal with one first-level Jindan monk?

Little did he know that things were so magical. Qingyang first trapped Duanqing Xinzhi with a swarm of spirit bees, and then after several trials, he used a three-yuan sword formation based on the Golden Spirit Wansha Sword. Akame Master has been paying attention here, but by the time he realized that the situation was not good, it was already too late. Qingyang's killer weapon came out too suddenly, and the place where he was fighting was too far away. However, the One-horned Ghost King was clinging to him, not caring at all. Give him a chance to escape, but there is no way to save him.

As Shi Ruyu's personal guard, his wealth and life are closely related to Shi Ruyu. If Shi Ruyu loses a hair, he will be severely punished, not to mention that the young master is killed. Once Shi Ruyu dies in Qingyang's hands, Akame Zhenren wants to die. It was all an extravagant hope, so when he saw the situation before him, he was even more frightened than Shi Ruyu. Unfortunately, he was tightly entangled by the One-horned Ghost King and could not move at all. He could only watch Shi Ruyu being submerged by the Three-Yuan Sword Formation.

Faced with Shi Ruyu's begging for mercy and the threat of Akame Zhenren, Qingyang did not hesitate at all, nor did he waver in Qingyang's intention to kill him. If it were before, he might have hesitated, but now they have killed so many villagers in Baishou Lake. It completely aroused the anger in Qingyang's heart.

A year ago, the elixir formation failed, and the many hardships between him and Yu Mengmiao made Qingyang unable to breathe. Now they are finally together. As a result, Yu Mengmiao's life and death are still uncertain because of taking the Wedding Pill. Qingyang The frustration couldn't be vented, and they were almost going crazy. Shi Ruyu and the others happened to bump into each other, so they had no choice but to vent their anger on them.

What's more, Qingyang has already formed a deadly feud with Shi Ruyu. Even if someone like Shi Ruyu spares him, can he be grateful? It's simply impossible. After Shi Ruyu is safe, he will definitely intensify his troubles with Qingyang. By then, there will be no chance to kill him again.

As for offending the Nascent Soul cultivator, since it is unavoidable, you should take action decisively and escape as soon as possible. Anyway, you are already like this, so let's take it one step at a time.

Shi Ruyu begged for mercy just because he had never faced such a powerful attack. He was not sure how to handle it and felt that he was likely to be killed by this attack. It did not mean that he would definitely die. To put it bluntly, he was facing the fear of death. , too timid.

In fact, as a descendant of the Nascent Soul cultivator, Shi Ruyu is still very strong, especially the defensive talisman, which is the proud work of his father Shi Fu Zhenjun. Shi Ruyu does not even need to control it himself, relying entirely on passive defense. Blocks most attacks.

Sure enough, as soon as the Three-Yuan Sword Formation came into contact with Shi Ruyu, there was a series of bang-bang-bang-bang explosions on his body, and seven or eight spiritual talismans exploded one after another, smashing the Three-Yuan Sword Formation into pieces. Shi Ruyu himself was only scratched by the aftermath of the sword formation, with a few small cuts on his body.

Seeing that Qingyang's powerful three-yuan sword formation was blocked, Akame Zhenren couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, he didn't have to die with his young master. The sword formation just now should be Qingyang's trump card. This move doesn't matter. If you use it, the young master should not be in any danger anymore. The defense method of Zhenjun Shifu is really powerful. As for Shi Ruyu, he looked like he was surviving a disaster. There were some wet stains on his pants, and his legs were still shaking, but he looked relieved.

It's a pity that they were all happy too early. At this moment, a sudden change occurred. There was a sudden explosion from the three-yuan sword array that had been rushed away, and tens of thousands of murderous auras were shot out instantly. Shi Ruyu, who was close at hand, was too late. He couldn't make any reaction, and the defensive talismans on his body seemed to be exhausted. He only had time to explode one, and then he was swallowed up by tens of thousands of murderous auras.

This incident happened too suddenly. Shi Ruyu was suddenly riddled with wounds from thousands of murderous auras. Even the soul could not escape. The red-eyed master in the distance showed his teeth and was about to burst, but he only had time to let out a scream and said :"don't want……"

In fact, this is Qingyang's real trump card. It would be better if the previous Three-Yuan Sword Formation could work better. Even if it doesn't work, Qingyang can instantly activate the ten thousand murderous auras in the Jinling Ten Thousand Killing Sword and kill the enemy. invisible. The reason why this Golden Spirit Ten Thousand Killing Sword is powerful is because the murderous aura contained in it was refined into the giant sword by Master Shi Han, and it can explode to kill enemies at critical moments.

Back then, Jin Ling Wan Sha Tie could scratch Qingyang with just a few blasts of murderous aura. Now, ten thousand murderous auras erupted together, and at Shi Ruyu's side. When he was defenseless, the effect was obvious. , when the murderous aura dissipated, and when he looked at Shi Ruyu again, he had turned into a corpse riddled with holes, his soul had dissipated, and he could no longer die.

Looking at Shi Ruyu's body on the ground, Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief. He originally thought that after breaking through the golden elixir, he would be able to kill everyone. Who knew that this first battle would be so difficult, forcing all his trump cards to come out? The younger generation of Yuanying monks are indeed difficult to deal with.

Let’s not say what Qingyang was thinking. The red-eyed master watched the young master die in front of him. The panic and anger in his heart can be imagined. What made him angry was that he had repeatedly threatened Qingyang, but the other party ignored him. , and finally killed the young master ruthlessly. What scares me is that the young master is dead. As his personal bodyguard, Lord Shifu will definitely not spare him lightly. It is a trivial matter to lose his life. What he fears is the endless torture, even if he wants to die, it is not that easy.

The only way now is to take away the merits and kill Qingyang, the culprit, or capture him and punish him for his crime. Maybe Shifu Zhenjun will see that he has tried his best and let him suffer less torture before his death. . Thinking of this, Akame Zhenren could no longer care about anything else and rushed towards Qingyang with all his strength, completely giving up his back to the One-Horned Ghost King.

Naturally, the One-Horned Ghost King could not let Akame Zhenren leave, because he knew very well that Qingyang was just an early-stage Jindan cultivator who had just broken through. Shi Ruyu, who was able to transcend the level and kill the fifth-level Jindan, was already beyond his level. How could he defeat him? Akame Zhenren who has passed the eighth level of the Golden elixir?

What's more, Qingyang has just used his ultimate move. Maybe his true energy and spiritual energy are severely consumed at this time, and it will take a certain amount of time to recover. No matter what, he has to stop Akame Master for a while.

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