Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1059 Pay for my son

All the anger burst out at this moment. Zhenjun Shifu could no longer care about anything else. Suddenly, his hands were balled up, and then he volleyed towards the two people in front of him. He didn't know what method he used, but he suddenly appeared in the air. The two giant flame palms were astonishingly powerful.

At this time, Qingyang and the One-Horned Ghost King had already reached the sky above the Fallen Ghost Abyss. The infinite suction below had taken effect, and their bodies had begun to fall. However, they still could not escape the palm of Lord Shifu. They only heard two bangs. , two giant flame palms hit Qingyang and the One-horned Ghost King respectively. The One-Horned Ghost King screamed, his body instantly fell apart, and he quickly disappeared into the Fallen Ghost Abyss.

Qingyang also let out a scream, his body was almost shattered, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, sprinkling blood mist in the air. This is nothing, after the flames shot by Zhenjun Shifu penetrated into Qingyang's body, they caused a series of explosions in his body. The meridians in his body were blown into a mess, and even several cracks appeared on the golden elixir.

You must know that the golden elixir is the most important thing in the golden elixir monks, and it is also the hardest thing in their body. Once there is a problem with the golden elixir, at least the cultivation level will be reduced and the strength will be reduced, or at the worst, the cultivation level will be completely lost and the person will become a useless person. Now Qingyang In this situation, I am afraid that my cultivation level will not be able to be used in a short period of time. I can only slowly recover after repairing the wounds of the golden elixir.

In fact, it is normal for such a situation to occur. The flame giant palm is an angry blow from the Yuanying monk. With the mid-level Nascent Soul cultivation level, it attacks the early Golden Core monk. Isn't it easy to catch it? Although Lord Shi Fu acted hastily, this Qingyang was the culprit who killed his son Shi Ruyu, so he naturally had to take care of him, and it was much more powerful than the one-horned ghost king's palm.

Shifu Zhenjun struck out with his palm, causing Qingyang to lose half of his life. However, with this inertia, Qingyang's body was pushed forward more than ten feet by the wind of the palm, and then was sucked by the infinite gravity below, and fell instantly. Deep in the Fallen Ghost Abyss, it was too late for Shifu Zhenjun to strike a second time, so he could only retract his palm angrily and stopped himself at the edge of the Fallen Ghost Abyss.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, looking at the bottomless Falling Ghost Abyss, and feeling the infinite gravity below, Shifu Zhenjun felt quite regretful. Although the previous palm was very powerful, it did not kill the kid on the spot. If it had been It would be great if he could replenish his palms. In this situation, if that kid is lucky and survives in the Falling Ghost Abyss, wouldn't his hard work be in vain?

At this time, Fairy Duanqing also came over. Seeing that Lord Shi Fu seemed unhappy, she quickly apologized and said with a smile: "Senior, the abyss of fallen ghosts is extremely deep. Even if that kid is not slapped to death by senior's palm, he will definitely fall to death if he falls from here. , Congratulations to senior for getting his revenge."

The two gentle palms just now did not vent the hatred in Zhenjun Shifu's heart. When Fairy Duanqing spoke, he was immediately reminded of the tragic death of his son. He suddenly turned his head and stared at Fairy Duanqing fiercely, his eyes as if As if he wanted to eat people, he said: "A great revenge must be avenged? That Shi Ruyu is my only son, so what if I take revenge? Do I still have to bear the pain of losing my son? If it weren't for you to stir up trouble, if it wasn't for your apprentice to seduce , How could my son provoke that evil star? How could he be killed by that kid? You have nothing to do with it. "

Zhenjun Shifu lost control of his anger in anger. The coercion of the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul made Fairy Duanqing frightened. She was really afraid that the other party would slap her to death with a palm out of anger. Suddenly her knees softened and she knelt down and said: "I ...I...Senior, you can’t blame me for this. I didn’t expect that bitch to have lingering feelings for this boy. After getting engaged to City Lord Shi, she dared to have a private meeting with that boy. All of this was the work of that couple. Yes, it has nothing to do with me.”

Fairy Duanqing's words immediately turned the anger of Lord Shifu to Qingyang. He said with a ferocious smile: "Hmph, you can't let that kid off easily at any cost. He wants to see a person dead or a corpse. This Fallen Ghost Abyss has no influence on the strength of the monks." The suppression was very powerful, but it had relatively little impact on the body-refining monks. I turned around and asked a few people to try to go down and have a look. Even if the kid died, I had to get his soul up and make him suffer. The pain of refining the soul and regretting being born in this world.”

The cruelty of Zhenjun Shifu was beyond the expectations of Fairy Duanqing. She was afraid that the other party would think that she was useless, so she quickly said: "Senior, after all, this incident happened because of me. I am also willing to do my best to help this fallen ghost abyss." I can also accompany them to make up for their past mistakes.”


Shifu Zhenjun squinted at Fairy Duanqing. This woman had been tortured by him in recent days. Although her hair was disheveled and her body was covered in blood, she was quite pretty. It was a pity to die like this, especially since she looked so cold and abstinent. , but with a look of fear and helplessness on his face, Zhenjun Shifu felt a sense of joy of conquest. He sneered and said: "You can make up for your past mistakes if you want, but there is no need to go to Fallen Ghost Abyss to help. I have another one." A more important task is entrusted to you, and Shi Ruyu died because of you, so you should pay for it with my son. "

Fairy Duanqing didn't expect that Lord Shi Fu would change his face so quickly. Before, he looked like he wanted to kill himself, the broom star, but he was about to accept her as a double cultivator in a blink of an eye. She didn't react for a while and said: "Senior, this ……this……"

But Zhenjun Shifu didn't care so much, he rushed forward, hugged Fairy Duanqing with one hand, and directly held up the white crane on the ground with the other hand. He rose into the air and flew towards Lu Yukong.

Each level of monks has different abilities. The Kaimai realm belongs to the lowest level of unqualified monks. When attacking, they can only use magic weapons with bare hands. When they reach the Qi refining stage, after their spiritual thoughts are strong, they can control magic weapons and spiritual weapons to attack. At the foundation building stage, the spiritual thoughts are even more powerful, and the monks can not only control spiritual weapons, but can even fly with the monks themselves, which is often said to be flying with swords.

Golden elixir monks are on another level. They can fly without the help of artifacts and rely solely on their own abilities, which is to fly in the air. Of course, the speed is slow and consumes a lot of real energy, so the efficiency is not very high. It is only used in some special occasions. Most of the time, you still need to use spiritual weapons and magic weapons. Qingyang already has this ability, but he just hasn't had time to try it.

When they reach the Nascent Soul realm, the monks' abilities in all aspects become even more powerful. Flying in the air is a very simple thing for them. They don't need to rely on external objects. Sufficient true energy can support long-term flying in the air. The speed is also much faster than that of the Golden elixir cultivator.

This Lord of Stone Talisman, holding Fairy Duanqing in one hand and supporting the huge white crane in the other, flew in the air with ease, and his speed was not much slower than that of the flying spiritual weapon Royal Palace.

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