Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1061: Taoist Exorcist

Qingyang leaned on crutches and walked forward slowly. In fact, he had no purpose and didn't know where he would go. He just wanted to meet other monks as soon as possible and figure out where he was now. place, and also find out where the One-Horned Ghost King ended up. It would be best to get some healing elixirs to speed up his healing.

Qingyang is now pressed for time. It is not safe after entering the Fallen Ghost Abyss. The Lord Shifu will definitely not be reconciled. Sooner or later, he will send people down to look for him. If he does not regain his strength as soon as possible, how will he deal with them after they come down? What's more, surviving in the Fallen Ghost Abyss also depends on strength. In his current state, no one in the Pulse Opening Realm can defeat him. What's more important is that Yu Mengmiao's life and death are still uncertain, and she is still waiting to find a way to save her after she regains her strength.

After being hit by the Seven Escape Locks, Qingyang Yuanshen was locked. Neither the talisman nor the Drunk Immortal Gourd could be opened, and nothing could be taken out. Originally, after killing Shi Ruyu, some of Shi Ruyu's relics could be used. It was just that Qingyang had no place to put it on his body at that time, so he temporarily kept it in the Soul Gathering Flag. Later, the two of them were knocked down by Shifu Zhenjun and fell into the Ghost Abyss. The One-horned Ghost King took the Soul Gathering Flag and fell to an unknown place. , Qingyang can't even get a spiritual stone, let alone healing pills, so if he wants to heal, he can only find a way to get it from others.

Qingyang walked forward holding on to the branches. At first, his injuries were too severe and he could only walk more than ten miles a day. Later, he moved more and gradually adapted to the surrounding terrain. As his injuries gradually improved, he moved faster and faster. Faster and faster, we actually walked more than a hundred miles on the fifth day.

Maybe Qingyang himself temporarily made those herbal pills more useful, maybe it's good for his health if he moves more. In short, Qingyang's physical condition has been much better these days. It's no longer like the first two days, when he walked in less time How can I say that there is not much time to stop and rest? His current mobility is comparable to that of an ordinary elderly person in his fifties or sixties.

This area seems to be really inaccessible. For five consecutive days, Qingyang didn't meet anyone, not even a beast. He only met a lone old wolf on the fourth day and struggled with it for a while. After a while, he was killed by Qing Yang and became the food ambassador in vain.

During these five days, Qingyang also collected two spiritual grasses, one of which had grown for about forty years and the other for more than eighty years. If it were in the past, Qingyang would not look down on the spiritual grass of this age. Materials of this level can also be used to refine some elixirs used by monks at the level of opening the pulse and refining the Qi. Qingyang has no regard for it. How useful it is, but it's different now. After being hit by the Seven Escape Chains, he couldn't get anything out, and he still expected to use this in exchange for something. What's more, with Qingyang's current situation, it's pretty good to be able to collect such spiritual grass. .

If the spiritual grass is not well preserved, the medicinal power will be seriously lost. There is no other way. Qingyang can only dig out the soil from the roots, find a few larger leaves, wrap them up, and carry them in his arms.

The sky was getting dark, it was difficult to walk at night, and it was easy to encounter unknown dangers. Qingyang found a cave, cleaned it up, and blocked the entrance of the cave with branches. Nowadays, Qingyang's soul is locked and the golden elixir is broken. Meditation is of no use to him for the time being. Qingyang simply stops practicing and just leans against the stone wall with his eyes closed to rest. It seems that he still needs to find a way to repair the golden elixir as soon as possible. .

Time passed very slowly, but Qingyang also adapted to it during this period. Besides, he was not completely idle. There was still the matter of the Seven Escape Locks that needed to be resolved. When he was escaping for his life, the One-horned Ghost King used the refining method that he once said. Hua Qi taught Qingyang the special method of escaping black energy.

The One-Horned Ghost King does not have the ability to break the Seven Escape Locks, but he knows some special methods that can greatly shorten the energy consumption time of the Seven Escape Locks. However, this is a hard work that requires time and effort to slowly refine. After waking up this time, Qingyang I started trying it as soon as I had free time, but time is still short and I haven’t seen any results yet.

In the blink of an eye, it was midnight and everything was quiet. The cave was quiet except for the occasional chirping of insects and birds. I don’t know how long it had passed. Qingyang, who was leaning on the stone wall, suddenly opened his eyes and sat up, and then looked through the cave entrance. Through the gap between the branches, he quietly observed the outside.

Soon, the crisp sound of gongs and heavy footsteps came from a distance. The sounds got closer and closer. Through the moonlight outside, you could vaguely see a Taoist in front holding a gong to guide the way, and five people behind him. The figures lined up neatly and followed closely behind.

As the figure approached, Qingyang gradually saw their appearance clearly. The Taoist was wearing a green sermon robe, straw sandals, a black belt around his waist, a green cloth hat on his head, and a gong in his hand. Every time he walked, he would Knock a few times on the gong and sprinkle a few talismans on it.

He was followed closely by five figures, connected by a straw rope, seven or eight feet apart from each other. Each figure was draped in black cloth and wearing a tall rice-leaf bamboo hat, slowly following the Taoist. And go. If you look more carefully, you will find that these five people are completely lifeless. They have yellow talismans on their foreheads to cover their pale faces. Their seven orifices are coated with cinnabar, and their bodies are tied with five-color cloth strips. In other words, these five figures are not living people at all, but five corpses. The person in front is just using some special means to drive away the corpses.

In the dead of night, under the cold moonlight, a Taoist priest drove five corpses. If an ordinary person saw such a horrible scene, he would probably faint. But Qingyang didn't care much. What strange things had he not seen in these years? He had fought against the silver-armored zombies in the Yinfeng Extreme Fire Cave, and had lived with the One-horned Ghost King for decades. How could he be afraid of these?

The corpses driven by the Taoist priest were just ordinary people. Even if they turned into zombies, they could at most reach the level of iron-armored zombies equivalent to the cultivators in the Kaimai Realm. They were low-level existences in the world of immortal cultivation and did not pose much threat to Qingyang. As for the Taoist priest who drove the corpses, according to Qingyang's estimation, he was only at the seventh or eighth level of the Kaimai Realm, and could barely be considered a cultivator.

Qingyang had been rushing on the road these days, just to find the cultivators surviving in the Fallen Ghost Abyss as soon as possible, and to find out his position and the situation in the Fallen Ghost Abyss as soon as possible. He didn't expect to meet a Taoist priest who drove corpses in this desolate mountain. After more than a month at the bottom of the abyss, he finally saw a living person.

However, Qingyang did not rush forward. He was seriously injured and could hardly exert his full strength. He was even inferior to the Taoist who drove the corpse. He did not know what kind of person he was. If he had bad intentions, wouldn't he be in trouble? Let's wait and see the situation first.

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