Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 132 Double Spiritual Roots

Qingyang also heard what others argued. He turned out to be a five-element spiritual root. Although his cultivation efficiency was similar to that of other miscellaneous spiritual roots, he still had some merits. His combat power was stronger than others. At worst, he would find some five-element attributes in the future. practice.

Qingyang turned his head and looked at the five rays of light behind the chair. He felt relieved, then stood up and returned to the crowd.

Qingyang's qualifications have been tested, and Liang Chongtian said: "Li Shunfeng, it's your turn now. I want to see what qualifications you have to laugh at others."

Li Shunfeng did not dare to argue with Liang Zhongtian, but turned his head and said to Qingyang: "Although my qualifications are also average, I can't be lower than the 28 points of fellow Taoist Qingyang."

After Li Shunfeng finished speaking, without waiting for Qingyang to speak, he strode to the soul-detecting chair, sat on the chair, and then, like Qingyang, held the armrests of the chair with his hands and pumped out his true energy.

There was just a soft buzzing sound, and there was a trace of energy fluctuation in the room, and then four rays of gold, blue, red, and brown light appeared on the back of the chair. The other three rays were relatively dim and short. Only the third ray appeared very bright and a lot longer. At least it was much brighter than the five rays of light during Qingyang's test just now.

The shopkeeper looked at the scale on the chair and said: "It is a mixed spiritual root with four attributes. It is a medium qualification among monks. The immortal sect will not recruit directly. The total potential is seventy-one points, including nine potential points for the golden spiritual root and the water spiritual root. The twelve potential points and the seven potential points of the Earth Spiritual Root are of little use. Only the Fire Spiritual Root is relatively powerful, with a potential of forty-three points, which is suitable for practicing fire attribute techniques. "

Li Shunfeng turned his head and looked at the light behind him, and said: "The shopkeeper is right, forty-three points, not more than fifty. Among the casual cultivators in Yuling City, it can only be regarded as average, but compared to Qingyang Dao Friends’ twenty-eight points should be okay, right?”

The shopkeeper commented: "The Five Elements Spiritual Roots are mutually reinforcing and interfering with each other. The efficiency of cultivation is definitely higher than that of 28 points, but the level is limited. There is definitely no way to compare with your 43 points of Fire Spiritual Roots. However, His overall potential is higher, and his Five Elements Spiritual Roots are relatively rare. Overall, you two are good at each other."

Each is good at winning? Doesn't it mean that the two are tied? Liang Qingtian was a little dissatisfied and said coldly to the shopkeeper: "Since Qingyang's cultivation efficiency is not as good as Li Shunfeng's, why doesn't Li Shunfeng win? What's the use of being rare?"

Seeing that the eldest son of the family was angry, the shopkeeper quickly changed his words and said: "Yes, we monks judge victory or defeat based on our cultivation. Our qualifications determine the speed of our cultivation. Fellow Taoist Li's qualifications should be slightly better than those of fellow Taoist Qingyang." Raised.”

The shopkeeper satisfied Liang Qingtian, which immediately aroused Liang Zhongtian's dissatisfaction. Seeing that Liang Zhongtian also wanted to express his opinion, Liang Yucai had no choice but to speak, saying: "Let me see it this way, if the next game is a draw, this one will be counted by Li Shunfeng." Win; if the gap between the two is obvious in the next game, how about this one being a draw?”

Although Liang Yucai's opinion is a bit controversial, it is generally fair. The difference in this game is very small. If you want to judge the outcome, you still have to watch the next game. If the gap between the two in the next game is too big, there is no point in fighting this game. If the next game is still a draw, it is time to argue with the other party, and at least maintain an undefeated situation.

Neither party bothered with this issue anymore. Before Li Shunfeng came back, Liang Qingtian couldn't wait to say to Li Chengfeng next to him: "I have heard from your sister that your cultivation speed is the fastest in your area, and your qualifications It must be very good, go and test it and let me see.”

Li Chengfeng originally wanted to see the other person's qualifications first, and then go up and test his spiritual roots when he was sure. At this time, he saw that his brother-in-law was in a hurry, so he had to walk over first, wait for Li Shunfeng to get down from the soul-detecting chair, and then sit on it himself.

Injecting the true energy into the soul-detecting chair, an energy wave flashed through, and two dazzling lights soon appeared on the soul-detecting chair, one was green and the other was blue. Everyone could judge without the shopkeeper's words. It turns out that Li Chengfeng's qualifications are much better than the first two.

Li Shunfeng looked at the two bright lights behind the chair, a trace of jealousy flashed across his face, and then said: "Shopkeeper, my brother's qualifications should be very good, right?"

The shopkeeper nodded and said with a smile: "It's indeed good. The water and wood dual attribute spiritual roots have a wood spiritual root potential of sixty-two points and a water attribute potential of twenty-nine points. With such good qualifications, our small shop will not be able to sell it for a year." You will definitely meet one. However, the potential of the wood spirit root does not exceed seventy, which is a pity. It is difficult to directly worship the seven immortal gates, but it is still easy to worship the smaller immortal gates, Li Daoyou. congratulations!"

There are many kinds of immortal sects in Jiuzhou Continent. There are seven major sects in total, and the others are some second- and third-rate small sects. On the Nine Provinces Continent, a sect with at least one late-stage Golden Core monk can be called a big sect, a sect with at least one Golden Core monk is a second-rate sect, and a sect with at least one late-stage Foundation Establishment monk is a third-rate sect.

Any further down can no longer be regarded as a sect, but can only be called casual cultivators. If there is not even a late-stage foundation-building monk, who would join such a sect? It's better to be a casual cultivator in Yuling City.

Every time a knocking Immortal Conference is held, only the seven major immortal sects have the ability to recruit disciples in various large cities of casual cultivation, while other small sects generally only recruit disciples in the state where they are located or one or two surrounding states. Therefore, in addition to the seven fixed Immortal Sects, there will also be about ten small Immortal Cultivating Sects in each Immortal Kowling Conference in Yuling City.

For casual cultivators, a large sect is definitely the first choice. If they cannot choose, they can only settle for the second best and choose a small sect. However, the number of small sects is not large, and they only recruit disciples from the surrounding area, so the places of small sects are also very popular.

Generally speaking, at each Immortal Immortal Conference, the seven major immortal sects will recruit a total of more than thirty disciples in Yuling City, and the smaller sects will have about dozens of places, and the total number is less than a hundred. There are tens of thousands of monks in Yuling City alone. This does not include the casual cultivators who come from all over the world for each Immortal Kowling Conference. This shows how fierce the competition is.

Therefore, for the monks in Yuling City, even a place in a small sect is extremely precious. This Li Chengfeng has 62 points of wood spirit root, which is equivalent to directly having a quota in a small sect. This alone exceeds 99% of the monks in Yuling City.

Facing the shopkeeper's congratulations, Li Shunfeng and Yourong Yan said with a smile: "I didn't expect that my brother's qualifications are so good. With a double spiritual root of sixty-two points, he can directly join a small immortal sect without having to knock on the immortal order. This I'm afraid our Li family will become prosperous."

~~~~~~Thank you Taoist Xiaoxiaoxiao for the reward!

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