Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 134 Winning

Qingyang smiled, scratched Yu Mengmiao's nose with his hand, and said with a smile: "We won, of course we won. This time it was all because of Miaomiao's intervention that we defeated them. I will take you to eat delicious food later." , reward our great heroes."

After listening to Qingyang's words, Yu Mengmiao jumped up happily, clapped her hands and said: "Great, we can go to have a big dinner soon, and you can eat my favorite candied haws."

Qingyang looked at Yu Mengmiao dotingly and smiled: "As long as you are not afraid of turning into a big fat pig, you can eat as much as you want."

"That won't work. I don't want to become a big fat pig. I won't be beautiful if I gain weight. I want to be the most beautiful bride of Brother Qingyang." Yu Mengmiao said.

Listening to the conversation between Qingyang and Yu Mengmiao, brother Li Shunfeng's jealous eyes almost burst into flames. We don't care, even if you really look like a fat pig, we don't care. What we need is your qualifications for cultivating immortals. It is you who can join the seven immortal sects at the Immortal Immortal Conference in a month. It is you who can give us The Li family brings benefits.

This is when Liang Chongtian also reacted. He looked at Brother Li Shunfeng, then looked at Liang Qingtian, and said: "I just said don't be too happy too early. You won't be able to laugh when you lose. Brother, now you still What do you have to say?"

Of course Liang Qingtian had nothing to say. He regretted speaking too much just now, and his face turned blue and red in an extremely ugly way. But it was too late to change his mind at this time, and he would only be ridiculed by his second brother if he stayed here, so he snorted coldly, turned around and left the room.

The masters all left, and the Li Shunfeng brothers also looked at each other, and then quickly followed Liang Qingtian in front, and fled in despair from the room where the spiritual roots were tested.

In the blink of an eye, all the people were gone. Liang Yucai took out a spirit stone from his body and handed it to Qingyang, and then said with a smile: "Little brother Qingyang, this is the spirit stone that I kept as a notary just now. Now Transferred to you."

After receiving the spiritual stone he had won, Qingyang was not very excited. After a period of buffering, he had slowly calmed down. From everyone's different reactions just now, he knew that he was still A bit high-profile.

Qingyang never thought that Yu Mengmiao's qualifications were so excellent. A good seedling with Tianlinggen qualifications is too rare and precious in the world of immortality. This matter is likely to cause a big incident, and even some incidents may occur. Things that you can't even predict.

But there is no use regretting now. So many people in front of me know it, including Liang Yucai who is in the Qi refining period. It is impossible to hide the news, so we can only take one step at a time.

The spiritual root test should be completed, and the spiritual stone has been won. There is no need to waste time here, so Qingyang and Liang Zhongtian took Yu Mengmiao out together.

However, before leaving, Liang Yucai repeatedly told Liang Zhongtian that he must invite Qingyang to live with the Liang family for a while. Moreover, the attitude of the shopkeeper was obviously better than when they arrived. He personally accompanied the three of them out of the store, and then sent them far away before reluctantly looking back.

After leaving the alley, Liang Zhongtian followed Liang Yucai's wishes and invited Qingyang and Yu Mengmiao to live in the Liang family. However, Qingyang thought twice and rejected him. Although the Liang family lives in a safe place, it is not as convenient as being outside, and they are not very free to do whatever they want.

The Liang family is still a giant to Qingyang, and Qingyang is just a small cultivator without a backing. He will be ignored if he goes there, and there is still the threat of Liang Qingtian, in case he is angered by the bad blood between the two brothers. , I can't bear it with my small body.

After what happened to Yu Mengmiao just now, Liang Zhongtian's mentality has changed slightly. If he had a natural sense of superiority when he was dating Qingyang before, this feeling has long since disappeared. As a result, he completely regarded Qingyang as a peer with the same identity and status as him, and as a true friend.

Seeing that Qingyang didn't want to go with him, Liang Chongtian didn't force him. As the bastard of the Liang family, he understood Qingyang's thoughts very well. You can live outside, just come to him when you have trouble. The Liang family is very familiar with Yuling City, so it is not very difficult to find someone.

Although there is a mixed crowd outside, safety is still guaranteed. Yuling City has special patrol warriors responsible for public security, and no vicious incidents will be allowed to happen in the city. If someone really makes things difficult on purpose, as long as Qingyang reveals the name of the Liang family, most of them will retreat.

Liang Chongtian had been away from home for more than a year, and he had already returned home. He said goodbye to Qingyang and went home. Qingyang took Yu Mengmiao to the commercial street for a big meal to fulfill the promise he made when he tested his spiritual roots. , looking for a suitable place to stay while shopping.

In Yuling City, there are many types of accommodation available. The lower-end ones are inns where ordinary people live, which can be done with silver coins. However, this type of shops is a mixed bag, and the grades are relatively low. There is no privacy. Monks live there. Very inconvenient.

The mid-range ones are inns specially provided for casual cultivators. They are much better and more private. Not only are there simple formations outside the rooms to isolate spiritual consciousness, but there are also some low-efficiency spirit gathering devices set up throughout the inn. Formation, you can even meditate and practice directly in the room.

High-end inns are the kind prepared by wealthy monks. They are generally located in relatively remote and secluded places. They are independent buildings with courtyards, independent courtyards, and fully functional. There are no other monks competing with them. The nearby spiritual energy is the best choice for monks, whether it is to live, practice, or even do other things.

In the past, Qingyang was afraid that Liang Chongtian would know that he had obtained the things belonging to casual cultivators, so he could only pretend that he was poor. Now he has two spirit stones and six qi-nourishing pills on his body, which can be regarded as a small fortune, especially after winning a spirit stone from Liang Qingtian. Liang Chongtian knows that he has spirit stones, so he doesn't have to worry about it. Deliberately concealed.

Of course, I still couldn't afford to stay in a high-end private inn, and it was too high-profile. With my fifth-level cultivation of the Pulse Opening Realm, I could easily attract the covetousness of people with malicious intentions. The inns where ordinary people live are too chaotic, making it inconvenient to take Yu Mengmiao with them, so mid-range ones are better.

After a big meal and walking around the streets for more than an hour, Qingyang had a basic understanding of the entire Yuling City. Yu Mengmiao was also having fun. Seeing that it was getting late, the two of them found a restaurant specializing in casual dining. The mid-range inn where the cultivators stayed had a guest room with two small suites.

The room has a simple small formation to isolate outsiders from intrusion. The privacy is very good and the price is not high. It only takes one Qi Nourishing Pill for three months. At this time, there is still more than a month before the start of the Immortal Knocking Conference, and this room is enough for the two of them to live in until the end of the Knocking Immortal Conference.

~~~~~~Thank you to Mr. Yan Dong and fellow Taoist fellows Arena Fenfenhehe for the rewards!

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