Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 145 Frivolous

Did someone set a trap to deal with him? Qingyang then shook his head again. This was unlikely. He had just arrived in Yuling City and didn't know a few people. Who would deliberately cause trouble for him? What's more, the second level of the Pulse Opening Realm is not his opponent in the middle stage of the Pulse Opening Realm.

However, it is difficult to say this kind of thing. Many people are always right. Qingyang shook his head and said: "We still have things to do when we go back. We can't delay here. How about we help you to the roadside? Let’s rest here for a while and wait until the leg is healed before leaving?”

After listening to Qingyang's words, the woman couldn't help showing a look of surprise, but she quickly covered it up, nodded and said: "Okay, little brother, I'll trouble you."

Qingyang bent down, and Yu Mengmiao picked up the woman on her left and right sides, and helped her to the side of the road. As soon as the two of them let go, they saw three figures flashing out of the alley in front of them, walking straight towards this side. One of them even laughed and said: "Hahaha, Fellow Daoist Li, we are really destined. I didn't expect it to happen so soon." meet again."

The person who spoke was none other than Li Shunfeng, who had made a bet with Qingyang when he was practicing his spiritual roots a few days ago. The person standing in the middle was also an old acquaintance, Liang Qingtian, the direct eldest son of the Liang family. As for the man on the other side, he is also a young man in his twenties. He has a cultivation level of the ninth level of the Pulse Opening Realm. His aura is almost as strong as that of Liang Qingtian. I don’t know his identity.

Seeing these two people, Qingyang couldn't help but suddenly realized. No wonder he always felt that there was something fishy about this matter. It turned out that someone was really targeting him. After I came to Yuling City, I only met these two people once. Apart from making a bet, I had no other interactions. I didn't expect that the other party would hold a grudge against me because of this. It was really inexplicable.

Qingyang said: "You guys have been thinking carefully. I'm afraid they have been waiting here for a long time, right?"

Slowly walking to Qingyang, Li Shunfeng showed a trace of pride on his face and said: "Yes, if you hadn't waited for so long, how could you have seen this scene? Do you think what happened last time was so easy? Finished? No one who has fallen into disgrace to our eldest son has ever been safe. Fellow Taoist Qingyang, you are dead this time."

"That's nice to say. I think you're not trying to regain some face at all, but because I'm close to the second young master of the Liang family, right?" Qingyang said coldly.

Qingyang's guess was good. This was really the reason, because a bet between the two parties during the last spiritual root test made Liang Qingtian very embarrassed. Although Liang Zhongtian was very angry, he did not deliberately try to embarrass Qingyang. The bad thing was that after Liang Zhongtian returned home, he reported this matter to the head of the Liang family, their father Liang Yudong.

I don’t know what Liang Chongtian said or what his father thought. In short, because of this incident, Liang Qingtian was severely criticized and even asked to go to find Qingyang with his second brother Liang Chongtian to apologize. The eldest son of the Liang family has grown up so long, when has he ever received such anger? So he completely hated Qingyang, which led to what happened today.

When Qingyang told him the reason, Li Shunfeng just snorted, then turned to the woman next to him and said: "Sister, was this guy frivolous with you just now? You don't have to be afraid, just say it, we will do it ourselves I will make the decision for you.”

As soon as Li Shunfeng said these words, the woman's eyes suddenly turned red and she cried: "Master Li, just now the slave family came here, he turned around and grabbed my arm, wanting to be frivolous with me, if it weren't for you I don’t know what will happen.”

The woman in coarse cloth opened her mouth. Whether it was expressions, movements, or words, they all changed freely without any pretense, as if everything she said really happened. Even Qingyang couldn't help but admire her acting skills. And impressed.

After the woman finished speaking, Li Shunfeng looked at Qingyang and said, "Fellow Taoist Qingyang, I didn't expect you to be so inferior to a beast. Now that people and people have stolen the goods, what else do you have to say?"

Qingyang is really angry. Even if you are framed, you must at least have some technical skills. Are you treating everyone as a fool with your empty talk? Qingyang said angrily: "You have set a trap and are just waiting for me to escape. What else can I say?"

Although it was only the woman's one-sided words, the other party was deliberately trying to mess with her. She must have set up a trap long ago. She probably even prepared witnesses. Whatever she said would attract the other party's refutation. This kind of thing became darker and darker as she described it. Yang was too lazy to argue with them.

Seeing that Qingyang seemed to have given up resistance, Li Shunfeng couldn't help but look happy, and said quickly: "Brother-in-law, Leader Cao, he has already acquiesced, can we take him back?"

Liang Qingtian didn't expect that things would go so smoothly. He turned around and said, "Boss Cao, what kind of crime is it to be frivolous with a woman in Yuling City in broad daylight?"

The man next to them who came with them is what they call Chief Cao. This Chief Cao is from the Cao family in Yuling City. His status is slightly lower than that of Liang Qingtian, but he has been patrolling the city in Yuling City these years. Working within the team, he was recently promoted to a small leader of the city patrol team. His status has been improved, but he is not much inferior to Liang Qingtian.

When Liang Qingtian asked, the leader Cao said expressionlessly: "Those who are frivolous in the street will be whipped four times or given four Qi-nourishing pills as a punishment. Those who do not change despite repeated admonitions will be given an additional level of punishment."

Hearing what Leader Cao said, Li Shunfeng said excitedly: "Then what are you waiting for? Arrest him quickly. Even he himself has acquiesced, and he will definitely not be able to escape this crime. Even if he can't be taken away with four whips, His life can also be severely injured, let’s see if he dares to offend others casually in the future.”

"How to do it, do I need your teaching?" Leader Cao said coldly.

Li Shunfeng was so complacent that he even forgot that the status of Leader Cao in front of him was something that even Liang Qingtian had to discuss with him when doing things. He could not just give orders casually. Seeing that the other party was dissatisfied, he quickly shrank his neck and retreated to the back.

For Liang Qingtian's sake, Leader Cao ignored Li Shunfeng, turned to look at Qingyang, and asked expressionlessly: "Can you plead guilty?"

"You guys are waiting here together. I'm afraid you've been looking forward to this situation for a long time, right? So what if I don't plead guilty?" Qingyang sneered. This guy, Liang Qingtian and Li Shunfeng came together, they must be in the same group, and they will be in trouble regardless of whether they admit guilt or not.

Sure enough, the leader Cao smiled and said: "I can't control the rest, but I can tell you one thing. As long as the evidence is conclusive, we will act in accordance with the rules of Yuling City. If you honestly plead guilty, you will be punished as you should. If you resist to the end, , maybe he will be severely punished.”

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