Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1468 Red Giant

As he spoke, Fuliu Ghost King was already ready to attack. Without waiting for the One-Horned Ghost King to react, he directly controlled Futianliu, who was also greatly strengthened, to roll towards the opposite side.

Also using Futianliu, the Fuliu Ghost King on the ninth level of Yuanying is completely different from the Fuliu Ghost King on the eighth level of Yuanying. Not only is the trunk and branches of Futianliu more than twice as thick, but the speed is also faster than before. Several points, the strength and momentum are also unmatched before.

The Giant Ghost King and the Long-Eyebrow Ghost King were secretly frightened as they watched. If the Fuliu Ghost King had used such a method to deal with them from the beginning, they would have been defeated long ago. However, they also know that this is impossible, because the sequelae of the Blood Burning Technique and the Soul Burning Technique are too severe. It is impossible for Fuliu Ghost King to use the Soul Burning Technique when he has the advantage. Now he is forced by the One-Horned Ghost King to have no choice. That's why they used this lose-lose style of play.

Everyone else was thinking this way, so the pressure on the One-horned Ghost King on the opposite side became even greater. Facing the Fuliu Ghost King whose strength had increased dramatically, the One-horned Ghost King's expression suddenly became much more solemn. He had to deal with the Fuliu Ghost King who had previously been on the eighth level of Nascent Soul. It's all very difficult, not to mention the current Fuliu Ghost King.

Seeing that Fuliu Ghost King's attack was coming, the One-Horned Ghost King knew that it would be too late if he tried to deal with it, so he quickly took a few steps back and waved his hand at the same time. A black flag appeared in the air, and the flag rose in the wind. It quickly covered the surrounding sky.

This flag is the soul-gathering flag that Qingyang gave to the One-horned Ghost King. However, it has not been seen for decades. This flag was re-sacrificially refined by the One-horned Ghost King and a lot of rare materials were added. The level of the flag has already been improved. After being promoted to the level of a magic weapon, under the urging of the One-horned Ghost King, a large cloud of black mist was instantly released, covering an area of ​​tens of feet around the One-horned Ghost King.

At the same time, several roars were heard, and five fierce ghosts appeared in the air, surrounding the Fuliu Ghost King. Each of these ghosts had green faces and fangs, and looked extremely terrifying. They made bursts of ghost crying and wolf howling sounds, and kept moving towards Fuliu. The ghost king issued a threat.

After decades of not seeing each other, these five fierce ghosts have also grown to the realm of Yuanying. They are only at the first level of Yuanying, but they have not opened their spiritual intelligence. It should be the result of the deliberate control of the One-horned Ghost King.

In fact, there is nothing that can be done about it. In order to deal with the Fuliu Ghost King, the One-Horned Ghost King must prepare enough means. The previous magic weapon was the Phoenix Tail Fan, and the Soul Gathering Flag and the fierce ghost inside are also the same. In order to improve the strength of these evil spirits as quickly as possible, we can only sacrifice their spiritual intelligence. Over the years, the One-horned Ghost King has tried every means to make them swallow countless evil spirits and evil ghosts, and then their strength has been improved to this point. The One-horned Ghost King has The reason why his strength improved so quickly is because he used to be a monk who transformed gods. Although there was only a trace of his soul left, some things were still preserved, but this was not the case with these fierce ghosts. They were piled up by the One-horned Ghost King. There are many side effects.

Facing the greatly increased strength of Fuliu Ghost King, the One-Horned Ghost King did not dare to neglect, so he could only use this killer move. Seeing that five fierce ghosts had appeared, the One-Horned Ghost King waved the Soul Gathering Flag and shouted loudly at the same time: "Five Ghost Prison Dragon Formation, rise!"

The One-Horned Ghost King gave an order, and the five fierce ghosts each occupied a side. At the same time, they kept moving their hands, throwing out countless black chains and wrapping them around the sweeping Futianliu.

The wicker branches of Futianliu soon became entangled with the black chain. Under the interference of the black chain, the willow branches gave up attacking Qingyang and began to fight with the black chain.

Futianliu is very strong and breaks the black chains from time to time, but the black chains on the five ghosts seem to be endless. If one is broken, more will be added. It doesn't take long for them to form. A large net covered the entire Futian Willow tree in the middle, and Fuliu Ghost King was not spared. He was tightly tied to the Futian Willow behind him by a black chain.

Once the attack was successful, the five ghosts were overjoyed. At the same time, they pulled the black chains in their hands and began to shrink the black net in the middle. They saw that the black net was getting tighter and tighter, and the dense black chains were wrapped around the Futian Liu, pulling the whisk away. Tianliu also compressed little by little.

After only a short time, Futianliu has returned to the size it was before Fuliu Ghost King used the Soul Burning Technique, and it is still shrinking. According to this trend, it won't be long before Futianliu will be compressed and completely collapse. Willow Ghost King will also lose the ability to resist.

Of course Fuliu Ghost King would not be captured without hesitation, but the One-horned Ghost King's method just now was too sudden, and he was caught unprepared for a moment. Now that he had realized what he was doing, he naturally had to use other means to resist. I saw Fuliu Ghost King silently reciting a few words, and then the surrounding momentum changed. Futianliu suddenly turned into a green giant. The green giant stamped his feet on the ground, looked up to the sky and roared a few times, and the black chain wrapped around him was Several strands were broken, and the entire giant network was likely to be torn apart.

Seeing this situation, the five fierce ghosts did not dare to neglect, and quickly stopped closing the net. They kept moving their hands and threw countless black chains, frantically strengthening the giant net on Futian Liu. With their movements, not only the giant net The loopholes were closed and it became more solid than before.

However, Fuliu Ghost King didn't care about this. He sneered, and the green giant behind Futianliu roared again, and his body turned red, as if he had also used Burning Blood. His skills are average, and his whole body's aura has also increased a lot.

Then the red giant kicked his feet on the ground and raised his arms upwards. At the same time, his body continued to expand and began to stretch out to the surroundings. At the same time, the black chain that formed a giant network wrapped around his body, a The root broke, and the five ghosts frantically added black chains, constantly replenishing the black giant net, but their speed was simply incomparable to the speed at which the red giant broke the chain. In the blink of an eye, the black chain It's much sparser.

Anyone can see that facing this giant black net, Futianliu seems to have some remaining strength, and it won't take long to break free completely. By then, the five ghosts will lose their ability to resist due to the backlash, and Fuliu, which is gaining momentum, will The Ghost King can definitely take this opportunity to defeat the One-Horned Ghost King in one fell swoop.

Fuliu Ghost King knew this very well. Although his body was still entangled, it did not affect his good mood at all. He said to the One-horned Ghost King: "One-horned Ghost King, do you know how long I have been planning for this day? You can Do you know how much I paid for this? I was about to succeed, but you blocked me from it, causing half of my life's hard work to be wasted. Today I will definitely make you pay a corresponding price, although my future consequences will not be much better. , but I am satisfied if I can kill a former god-forming monk before that."

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