Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1477 King Kong Demon Bead

Despite the fact that the One-horned Ghost King always acted confidently, his situation was actually not much better than the others. In order to deal with the Fuliu Ghost King, he used a lot of super-powerful methods. All his true energy was exhausted, and his spiritual thoughts also withstood it. There is huge pressure, but I have to maintain the image of a superior person and give others confidence at the same time, so I have been holding on. If I were slapped, my secret would definitely be exposed.

Therefore, no matter what, the One-Horned Ghost King could not let others see the flaw. Seeing the Buddha Vajra striking with his palm, the One-Horned Ghost King did not dare to neglect and quickly used his body skills to avoid it.

The one-horned ghost king's body skills were pretty good, and he easily dodged the Buddha Vajra's palm. However, he was forced to fly back by the other party. After that, the Buddha Vajra shot again and again, and the one-horned ghost king dodged again and again, and soon he was Returned to the position where he was standing before.

This was the case for the One-Horned Ghost King, not to mention the others. Among the many monks present, none of them could escape smoothly. The Long-Eyebrow Ghost King did not believe in evil and struck a palm with the Buddha King who stood in front of him. As a result, I suffered a direct loss.

The strength of the Buddha Vajra is not as high as that of the Long-Eyebrow Ghost King, but the opponent's Buddhist spiritual power is very powerful, and it is the nemesis of the ghostly energy in the ghost cultivator. After one move, the Buddha Vajra and the Long-Ebrowed Ghost King each Flying back, it seemed that the two sides were tied, but in fact, the ghostly energy in the Long-Eyebrow Ghost King's body was rushed by the opponent's Buddhist spiritual power, and was almost dispersed.

No one thought that a mere string of Buddhist beads could be so powerful that it could trap even a ninth-level Nascent Soul monk. This method was beyond the scope of a Nascent Soul monk and was horrifying.

Seeing that more than a dozen people were forced back, the Happy Ghost King smiled and said: "Hahahaha, you know how powerful I am, right? I have said it before, even if my master is not here, you still can't run away. This is A Buddhist treasure called the Vajra Demon-Suppressing Bead, which my master spent a lot of effort to refine for me, just to restrain you ghost cultivators."

The Thousand-faced Buddha valued Huanxi Ghost King's disciple quite highly. Considering that Huanxi Ghost King often had to deal with ghost cultivators, he entered the Buddhist cave in Xiaoling Mountain, collected eighteen relics of the seated Buddha, and refined them into I gave this string of vajra demon-conquering beads to the Ghost King Huanxi.

Under normal circumstances, the Thousand Buddha Cave is not allowed to disturb the remains of the Buddhas enthroned in Xiaoling Mountain, let alone collect the relics, but now the Thousand-Faced Buddha has become the only powerful god-transformation power of the sect for thousands of years. No one in Thousand Buddhas Cave dares to provoke him, so naturally no one dares to stop him.

In this case, the Thousand-faced Buddha is naturally only used for picking up good ones. The relics collected from the Thousand-Faced Buddha Cave are those of the Buddha who have cultivated to the ninth level of Yuanying or above but are unable to break through and become gods. Naturally, they are better than ordinary relics. Even more powerful, after being refined by the monks who transform themselves into spirits, the power of the Diamond Subduing Demon Beads is doubled.

The power of this Diamond Subduing Demon Bead is astonishing, especially when used to deal with ghost cultivators. However, the Happy Ghost King himself is a Nascent Soul cultivator and the master of the Ten Kings Palace. Few people dare to provoke him. He has been going smoothly these years. , this Vajra Demon-Suppressing Bead has almost never been used, so no one in the Ten Kings Palace knows that this is the most powerful means of suppressing the situation of the Happy Ghost King.

In less than a day, everyone in the Ten Kings Palace has experienced several ups and downs. Now that they are trapped once, they are all at a loss. The Long-Eyebrow Ghost King has lived for more than a thousand years, and he still has some experience. Seeing everyone look depressed , said: "Don't be afraid, everyone. No matter how powerful the magic weapon is, it still needs to be controlled by the Huanxi Ghost King, and it requires the consumption of spiritual thoughts and Ming Yuan. Regardless of how powerful this formation is, as long as we defeat the Huanxi Ghost King, we will definitely be able to escape."

The One-Horned Ghost King also said: "After all, the Vajra Demon-Suppressing Pearl is a dead object. The ability to transform into Buddha Vajra is all driven by the Happy Ghost King. Could it be that with so many of us, we can't even use one of him?"

The words of the two bosses gave everyone a lot of confidence, but the Happy Ghost King smiled coldly and said: "What the One-horned Ghost King said makes sense, but you still underestimated my master's methods. This Vajra Demon-Suppressing Bead is How could the nemesis of the ghost cultivator be destroyed so easily? Now I will show you the true power of this treasure."

After saying that, without waiting for anyone else to react, the Happy Ghost King took out a Buddhist cassock and put it on his body. Then he sat cross-legged on the spot, clasped his hands together, and kept chanting incantations.

As soon as the spell was uttered, the Vajra Demon-Conquering Bead rotated in the air, and suddenly burst out with thousands of golden lights. The eighteen relics on the Vajra Demon-Conquering Bead shook violently, and transformed into eighteen Buddha Vajras. , scattered in eighteen directions in the air, surrounding the people of the Ten Kings Palace in the middle.

The eighteen Buddha Vajras in the sky are old and young, tall and short, fat and thin, ugly and handsome. They have different looks and shapes, but they all have one thing in common. Each one of them looks like a Buddhist monk. Dressed up with an expression of compassion, it makes people unable to resist.

At this time, I don’t know what mantra the Happy Ghost King recited. The eighteen Buddha Vajras sat down in the air at the same time, then clasped their hands together, and countless Sanskrit mantras sounded in the air.

These Sanskrit sounds are high-pitched and low-pitched, rapid and slow, chanted and recited, constantly interweaving and reverberating in the air, and reaching everyone's ears one after another. The monks present are all well-informed people, and of course they know that these Sanskrit sounds are not simple. , there will definitely be problems if they continue to listen, but no matter what they think of, they can't stop the incoming of these Sanskrit mantras.

Sure enough, within a few words of the Sanskrit mantra reaching their ears, some people fell limp and fell to the ground. After struggling for several times, they could not get up again. Not only that, they also felt that the Ming Yuan in their bodies seemed to be going with them. It was like leaving the body with the Sanskrit mantra.

The giant ghost king and others understood that it was not because the Sanskrit mantras of the Buddha Vajra in the air were magical, but because the spiritual power of Buddhism naturally restrained ghost cultivators, coupled with the power of the magic weapon. They knew that this would not work, so they all He jumped up and wanted to rush over to stop the Happy Ghost King. Unfortunately, before they could get very far, they all fell down and fell to the ground. Their situation was slightly better than that of the injured ghost cultivators, but amidst the constant echoes of Sanskrit mantras, their bodies were sore and their limbs were weak, making it difficult to move even a step.

Not only these people, but even Qingyang also felt dizzy, his body gradually became uncontrollable, and the Ming Yuan in his body showed signs of instability, just like snow meeting the blazing sun, it seemed that it could happen at any time Melting and evaporating, this discovery shocked Qingyang. This was the first time he had seen such a magical formation. If this continued, wouldn't his cultivation level be regressed?

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