Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1490 Fusong Ghost King

Fuliu Ghost King is the third-ranked ghost king in the Ten Kings Palace. No one has dared to offend his majesty for many years, let alone fly directly over the city lord's palace with a flying spiritual weapon, so the one who just saw the bone ship flying in At that time, the people in the City Lord's Mansion were also frightened and hurriedly organized a group of people to come out to intercept them. They were also used to being arrogant. That is to say, there were many Nascent Soul cultivators among the One-horned Ghost King and his party, so they chose to expel them. Well, if there were just a group of low-level monks on the bone ship, they wouldn't talk nonsense at all and just start killing people.

The One-Horned Ghost King and others were here to take over Fuliu City. They were naturally not polite when facing this group of ignorant guys. The Life-Destroying Ghost Lord took a step forward and said, "Who are you? How dare you attack our bone ship? I’m really tired of trying to stop my ghost king’s great drive.”

The fourth-level Nascent Soul cultivator opposite had been following the Fuliu Ghost King for so many years. He had never seen anyone dare to be so arrogant in Fuliu City, and few people dared to talk to him like this. He was immediately angered by the life-threatening Ghost King. I was speechless. Someone next to me saw this and said loudly: "I won't scare you to death if I tell you. My master is the Fuliu Ghost King who ranks third among the ten ghost kings in the Ten Kings Palace. Even the Giant Ghost King and the Long-Eyebrow Ghost King have met. You have to give some face, and the person in the middle is Fusong Ghost King, the old man's direct henchman, the second manager of Fuliu City, he is really short-sighted. "

A person next to him added: "Although my Fuliu Ghost King ranks third in the Ten Kings Palace, he is definitely the first in terms of potential. He will take over the position of the Lord of the First Palace soon. Even other ghost kings who are the Lords of the Palace do not dare to come here and act recklessly." , How dare you, a little Yuan Ying first-level ghost cultivator, do this?"

What they said is true. Fuliu Ghost King's strength has improved rapidly in recent years. He has risen from the bottom to the third place. His momentum is very strong. What's more important is that he is still very young. Among the top palace master ghost kings, Being the youngest, it is almost certain that they will take over as the next Lord of the First Hall, and as the confidants of Fuliu Ghost King, they are naturally honored.

The introductions from the people on both sides finally gave the Fusong Ghost King in the middle some face. He puffed up his chest and was waiting for the monk opposite to bow his head. Unexpectedly, the life-seeking ghost king opposite seemed to have heard a big joke. General, laughed wildly and said: "You said that Fuliu Ghost King will soon take over as the master of the first hall? Sorry, it may have to wait until the next life."

Not only him, but the Soul Controlling Ming Zun, Soul Chasing Ghost Lord and others next to him also sneered. Even Qingyang and the One-horned Ghost King were smiling. They were all witnesses of Shenying Valley, so they naturally knew that Fuliu Ghost King Having been destroyed by the One-Horned Ghost King, he has no chance to become the master of the first palace.

But this laughter was extremely harsh in the ears of the people opposite. The Fusong Ghost King was immediately furious, but the more he did, the calmer he became. After the group announced the name of Fuliu Ghost King, He was still so arrogant after that. It was obvious that he came with bad intentions. Was there some conspiracy?

Although the cultivation level of the people in front of him was not high, he still felt that it was better to be cautious, so he sent an emergency signal to the city lord's palace below, and soon six or seven more monks rose into the air. This group of people Their strength is even higher, they are all in the Nascent Soul stage, and the leader is a monk at the peak of the fifth level of the Nascent Soul. He is only one step away from reaching the sixth level of the Nascent Soul. He is very powerful and has extraordinary momentum.

The leading monk came to Fusong Ghost King, glanced at the One-horned Ghost King and others, frowned and said: "Junior Brother Fusong, what's going on? Why can't you handle such a trivial matter?"

Fusong Ghost King said: "Things are a bit strange. These people are obviously here to cause trouble. Even if I reported the name of our city lord, it doesn't work. I still ask Senior Brother Fusang to make a decision."

After listening to Fusong Ghost King's words, Fusang Ghost King also calmed down. The opponent dared to be so arrogant when he was obviously lacking in strength. He must have something to rely on. He first understood the situation first, so he held his hands and said: "I'm Fusang Ghost King, this is it. The chief manager of Fuliu City, I don’t know why I, Fuliu City, have offended you all, but I’m so open to attacking you.”

The chief manager of Fuliu City should be the most trusted confidant of Fuliu Ghost King, right? If you want to take Fuliu City, you only need to deal with a few people in front of you. The One-horned Ghost King took two steps forward and said, "Fuliu City did not offend me, but your Fuliu Ghost King did."

Master Fusang nodded and said: "It turns out you are seeking revenge. No wonder you came here at this time. Seeing that you are only at the third level of Nascent Soul, I am afraid you will never have a chance for revenge in this life. You deliberately took advantage of the absence of my Ghost King." When you come to visit us, do you think we are easy to bully?"

The one-horned ghost king did not speak, and the life-seeking ghost king next to him intervened: "Bullying you? What a joke. They are just a group of guard dogs. I'm afraid you don't know yet. Your city lord has been killed by my ghost king. From now on, Can never come back."

The words of the Life-seeking Ghost Lord immediately attracted a lot of yelling and scolding. He said: "Hahahaha, what a joke. The highest level of your group is only at the third level of Nascent Soul. You can't even beat my Ghost King with one finger." How dare you brazenly say that you killed my ghost king?"

The one said: "Yes, our Fuliu Ghost King ranks third in the Ten Kings Palace. His strength is unfathomable. Even the Long-Eyebrow Ghost King and the Giant Ghost King dare not provoke him casually. Are you just a few scraps like you? Are you afraid? Even I can’t beat grandpa, it’s really weird.”

The master Guisong next to him said angrily: "You have offended our Fuliu City three times, and this time you even directly cursed the death of my ghost king. Do you really think that we can't be crushed by mud? Which one is intolerable, Senior Brother Fusang?" , let’s go together and let them see what I can do to support Liucheng.”

The monks from Fuliu City expressed their opinions one after another. Seeing how indignant they all were, they wished they could swarm up right now and cut the One-Horned Ghost King, Qingyang and others into pieces.

The One-Horned Ghost King, including Qingyang, only has seven monks. Except for the One-Horned Ghost King, who has the highest level of cultivation, the remaining five are only at the Nascent Soul level, and Qingyang is even at the Golden Core stage.

On the opposite side, there are seventeen or eight people in Fuliu City, including two who are in the middle stage of Yuanying alone, and nearly ten who are in the early stage of Yuanying. They are both stronger and more numerous than the One-Horned Ghost King. There are many more sides, not to mention that this is their home court, and they can find support from Fuliu City at any time. The situation is completely one-sided, and of course it is impossible to retreat.

Different from the indignant and completely unbelieving opinions of others, the Fuso Ghost King's face changed slightly after hearing the words of the life-seeking Ghost Lord. He pondered for a moment, and then asked: "You said that my Ghost King is dead, but is it true? evidence?"

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