Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 155 No overnight feud

Because Liang Qingtian never thought Qingyang could defeat Li Shunfeng, let alone kill Li Shunfeng, he did not react immediately. No matter what, this Li Shunfeng is his concubine's brother, the person he brought with him, and the dog by his side.

Beating a dog depends on the owner. There are not many young people in the entire Yuling City who dare to beat Liang Qingtian's dogs. As a result, Qingyang not only beat his dogs in front of him, but also killed all his dogs neatly. , such a face-to-face provocation, one can imagine the anger in Liang Qingtian's heart.

Qingyang deliberately twisted the sword when he drew it. Li Shunfeng was already dead. At this time, it was too late to save him. Liang Qingtian glared at Qingyang: "You killed him, how dare you kill him?"

"Why don't I dare to kill him? Are you the only one who can kill me? I can't even fight back? How can there be such a reason in the world?" Qingyang said with a cold face.

Qingyang had already made this decision when he decided to challenge Li Shunfeng in the ring. He had also expected that Liang Qingtian would not give up. He even expected that the Li family behind Li Shunfeng would not let him go easily. But he ended up doing it anyway.

Qingyang's words made Liang Qingqian's face turn livid, and his words became even more rude. He pointed at Qingyang and said to Leader Cao next to him: "Brother Cao, he killed my people. He killed and injured people in Yuling City. His crime is No mercy, arrest him quickly.”

Different from Liang Qingtian's anger, the leader Cao shook his head expressionlessly, and then said: "We have said before that the challenge of life and death in the ring is to decide on destiny, not to mention there are so many people around watching, Brother Liang's request is forgiven I can not do anything."

Liang Qingtian was also confused by anger, so he asked Leader Cao like this, but looking at the other party's resolute refusal to accommodate, he knew that it was useless to struggle in this regard. It seemed that he would definitely lose face this time, but in front of So many people were slapped in the face, especially Li Shunfeng who was killed in front of him. He couldn't swallow this breath.

If this situation is not recovered, I am afraid that I will become the laughing stock of Yuling City. How can I face the children of other families in Yuling City? How will I explain to my beloved concubine after I return? How can I succeed as the head of the Liang family in the future?

Liang Qingqian said anxiously: "The challenge in the ring is life or death, so I can go up and challenge him, right? I am at the eighth level of the Pulse Opening Realm, but I can't beat him, who is at the fifth level of the Pulse Opening Realm?"

The middle stage of the pulse opening realm and the late stage of the pulse opening realm are two completely different realms, and the gap between them cannot be easily bridged. Qingyang had a hard time dealing with Li Shunfeng, who was at the sixth level of the Pulse Opening Realm. Facing Liang Qingtian, Qingyang probably could only parry but not fight back.

However, Leader Cao did not let Liang Qingtian get what he wanted, saying: "This challenge in the ring has just ended. In order to avoid wheel battles and malicious challenges, if you want to challenge, you can only wait until ten days later, and the other party must agree." ?”

Ten days later? The day lilies are already cold. In less than ten days, I'm afraid this matter will spread throughout Yuling City tomorrow morning, and everyone who needs to know will know. How can I go out by then? Liang Qingtian stared at Qingyang, the more he looked at him, the more disgusting he felt, and the more he looked at him, the more dazzling he felt. It seemed that as long as this kid was alive, he was a shame to him.

Liang Qingtian frowned and said, "Brother Cao, we have been friends for many years. Aren't you even willing to do this little favor?"

"It's not that I won't help you, but Yuling City has relevant regulations, and with so many people watching the scene, how can I bend the law for personal gain? If I helped you, I might not be able to sit in the position of leader of the city patrol team that I just got. Stable. Unlike you, I will still have the position of the head of the Liang family waiting for you to inherit. I may rely on this position to make a living for the rest of my life." It was rare for Leader Cao to say so many words at once.

Leader Cao's words moved Liang Qingtian's heart. He rolled his eyes and said, "With so many people watching, if I can make everyone there shut up, can you agree to help me?"

Leader Cao looked at the people present and was noncommittal. Although there were many people watching, they were all casual cultivators and ordinary people with nothing to do. With the power of the Liang family, it was still possible to silence them. What's the point of just doing this? Is it worth spending so much energy just to save face?

Seeing that Leader Cao was silent, Liang Qingtian said again: "Brother Cao, don't worry, I won't let you do this favor in vain. I will have someone give you fifty spiritual stones later as a thank you for Brother Cao's help this time. In addition, If I succeed as the head of the Liang family in the future, I will never forget your kindness, and I will never hesitate to ask for help. "

Fifty pieces of spirit stones, this price is already sky-high. Regardless of the fact that Leader Cao was born in the Cao family, a big family in Yuling City, these fifty pieces of spirit stones are worth most of his net worth. Even Liang Zhongtian wants to get it. It is not easy to get fifty spiritual stones. It will take at least a long time.

Getting so many spiritual stones at one time, and getting the promise of the future head of the Liang family at the same time, it was worth it no matter how you calculated it. It would be better for Liang Qingtian to be able to get through the work of these people. Even if he can't do it, it doesn't matter if the news is leaked. The worst he can do is lose his job as a patrol team. He is a direct descendant of the Cao family. How can the patrol team punish him? Can’t?

Leader Cao was a little moved for a moment and said: "Brother Liang, is it worth it for you to spend such a high price? It's just a small casual cultivator. There will be many opportunities to deal with it in the future."

Liang Qingtian snorted coldly and said: "In the future? In the heart of the eldest son of the Liang family, there has never been an overnight feud! This kid has repeatedly failed me and killed Li Shunfeng in front of me. He doesn't take me seriously at all. How can I do that?" I can't bear it! What's more, this guy is close to my second son, and his sister has Tianlinggen, and her future is limitless. Having them support the second son will also be an obstacle for me to succeed as the head of the family, so I must get rid of it as soon as possible. Lose."

Liang Qingtian said so, and Leader Cao nodded, acquiescing to Liang Qingtian's request. At this time, Qingyang had just killed Li Shunfeng. He didn't even glance at his body, and he walked towards the bottom of the ring without even picking up the sun and moon wheel that fell on the ground.

"Wait!" At this moment, Liang Qingtian suddenly stepped forward and stopped Qingyang.

Qingyang frowned and asked, "What else do you want to do?"

"I also want to challenge you in the ring!" Liang Qingtian said.

"Young Master Liang, I'm afraid you're confused, right? I just finished challenging someone in the ring here, and you come to challenge me. Yuling City doesn't seem to have this rule, right?" Qingyang said.

"Rules? In our Yuling City, wealth is the rule and power is the law! After you die, we will say that you took the initiative to challenge me. Without the master of suffering, who else will speak for you, a dead person?" Liang Qingtian sneered.

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