Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1593 Soul Locking Technique

Young Master Lingxu said: "I only told you this secret because Taoist friend Qingyang is quite upright and obeys the rules in what he says and does. If it were anyone else, I would definitely not do this. And I am bloody The Demon Cult has a secret technique called Soul Locking Technique, which can lock my soul. If someone forcibly uses the Soul Searching Technique, not only will they not be able to get useful information, but they may even suffer backlash from the soul. Last time, because of the sudden incident, I was completely I was not mentally prepared and had no choice but to tell you about the Gu mother. I will naturally not make that stupid mistake again this time."

The world is vast, and the world of immortality is full of wonders. Since there is a soul-searching technique, there is also a corresponding soul-locking technique. The soul-locking technique can lock the soul of a monk, so that the person who uses the soul-searching technique cannot get useful information. If the soul-searching technique is forced to search Soul, the person being searched for the soul will definitely be confused, and the soul searcher will also suffer the backlash. It can be said that he will kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred to himself, unless the strength gap between the two sides is very large.

The soul-locking technique is only to prevent others from searching for souls, and does not benefit the monks themselves. Therefore, this type of spell is relatively useless and not widely spread. Very few monks know about it. I would like to ask a normal person, who would guard against others doing things to him every day? Use soul searching? Spend energy refining the soul-locking technique?

In the past few months, Master Lingxu has been thinking about how to fight Qingyang's wits and courage, and how to survive in a desperate situation. After thinking about it, he came up with the soul-locking technique. The soul-locking technique is not suitable for Yuanying monks. It's not too difficult. Although Master Lingxu is controlled by Qingyang's restriction and cannot move or circulate his true energy, he has achieved some success after a few months.

For Qingyang, Master Lingxu is not at the point where he must be killed. The reason why he wants to kill this guy is just to eliminate future troubles. However, if he can exchange this guy's life for huge benefits, he can still consider it. Consider, as Young Master Lingxu said before, Young Master Lingxu suffered every time the two of them dealt with each other. This time they destroyed his Blood Demon Sect and took away the Three Treasures of the Blood Demon Sect. Young Master Lingxu had a grudge against Qingyang. Qingyang and Master Lingxu don't have any deep hatred.

And there is a more important point. Qingyang's strength has far surpassed that of Young Master Lingxu. The distance between the two sides will only become farther and farther in the future. The possibility of Young Master Lingxu regaining his position is extremely slim, and Qingyang is not afraid of the other party coming again. Seeking revenge, so it is not impossible to spare his life. As for the final decision, it still depends on whether the exchange conditions proposed by Master Lingxu are worth it.

Thinking of this, Qingyang said: "It seems that Master Lingxu has been prepared for a long time, and he is confident enough in his secret. In this case, it doesn't hurt to make a deal with you. Of course, if you want me to spare your life, you must also It depends on whether the secret you provide is worth your life."

Seeing Qingyang relent, Master Lingxu relaxed slightly, and then said quite confidently: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist Qingyang, this secret can definitely save my life. But before telling this secret, there are some words I must say up front, although I believe you will do what you say, this is after all a matter of my life and safety, so it is best for both parties to make a soul oath."

This is what it should be. Qingyang nodded and said: "It's okay for me to make a divine soul oath, but you must also promise not to return to Jiuzhou Continent in the future and not to cause trouble to Qingfeng Palace again."

Qingyang was not afraid of Master Lingxu seeking revenge. He was afraid that this guy would use his cultivation in the Nascent Soul Stage to retaliate against Elder Wu Si and others, so he simply used the Divine Soul Oath to contain him. The Divine Soul Oath had a certain effect, but It's not absolute. Most monks still have a sense of awe.

The two parties quickly reached an agreement and made a soul oath in person. Qingyang promised to keep Master Lingxu's cultivation and let him go if his secret was useful. Master Lingxu also promised not to do anything again after being let go by Qingyang. Return to Jiuzhou Continent and don’t seek revenge from the monks of Jiuzhou Continent.

After making the soul oath, Master Lingxu did not sell out and said directly: "The ancient ruins I am talking about are located in a mountain range in Xiping Mansion, Liangzhou. This ruins were taught by my Blood Demon more than two thousand years ago. Found it, but the Blood Demon Sect has never been able to spare the energy to investigate, and the ruins have many restrictions on the monks, so this secret has been kept until now. "

Due to the lack of resources in Jiuzhou Continent, the cultivation level of monks is generally not high. The Nascent Soul stage is the ceiling for monks. Even the monks in places like Gufeng Continent dare not expect to advance to become gods, and the monks here even dare not think about it. Therefore, occasionally those in Jiuzhou Continent who break through to the Nascent Soul Stage will give up cultivation, claim their clan as ancestors and enjoy life. Anyway, they will not be able to go any further in this life.

The ancient ruins discovered by the Blood Demon Cult had many restrictions on the monks. Even if the Nascent Soul cultivator entered, it would be difficult for them to escape unscathed. The Blood Demon Cult tried several times without success, and then simply gave up. For them, , there is a great life to live, so why take risks?

Although the Blood Demon Sect gave up, this matter has been passed down among the successive heads of the Blood Demon Sect. Master Lingxu has always claimed to be extremely smart. He may not be able to do what others can't do, so Lingxu The young master once had a plan to go and see what kind of ancient ruins could stump the ancestors of the Blood Demon Sect after breaking through the Nascent Soul, and maybe he would gain something.

It's a pity that Master Lingxu was unlucky. He was captured by Qingyang just after he broke through. Seeing that his life was in danger, he had no choice but to reveal this news to Qingyang. On the one hand, he wanted to continue to live, and on the other hand, it was for Qingyang. Yang Yang dug a hole, a place that none of the founders of the Blood Demon Sect had ever figured out. How could Qingyang He De be an exception? If he died in the ancient ruins, wouldn't he be avenged? Anyway, I didn’t do anything, so I don’t have to worry about the backlash of the Divine Soul Oath.

Qingyang didn't know the little thoughts of Master Lingxu, but he had practiced for more than a hundred years and could more or less guess the hidden tricks. However, he didn't care. If he wanted to get benefits, he had to pay the corresponding price. Risks were certain. If this ancient relic could be entered and exited without taking risks, it would be impossible to stay there until it was trapped. Just be careful when entering.

When Master Lingxu mentioned Liangzhou Xiping Mansion, Qingyang's heart was moved. This was the place where he was born and raised. There was no one more familiar to him. Back then, Qingyang lived with his master, Taoist Songhe, in a small Taoist temple called Xiping Temple outside Xiping Mansion.

The reason why Qingyang embarked on the road of cultivating immortals was because that year, he and his master, Taoist Songhe, were forced to enter a secret place for adventure and activated the Drunken Immortal Gourd. After that, he was instructed by Xiying to go to Yuling City to participate in the Immortal Knocking Conference. Finally, by chance, he worshipped in Qingfeng Hall, one of the seven major immortal gates.

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