Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1596 Re-entering the Secret Land

Now that Qingyang, the Nascent Soul cultivator, has stepped forward, and with the help of the entire Immortal Sect, it is too easy to find some high-level spirit vine seeds. These high-level spirit vine seeds were specially obtained by Elder Wusi. According to Qingyang According to estimates, these vines can last for at least a month.

Seeing Qingyang's skillful operation, Master Lingxu was stunned. He didn't expect that the place regarded as a secret by the Blood Demon Sect could be found so easily, and he could cut through the formation outside with one sword, which was even better than his own. The entrance I found was much simpler and more convenient.

After opening the entrance, Qingyang did not enter immediately. Instead, he set up a ban next to the entrance. Although this cave entrance was very secret, no outsiders would normally come. Even if someone came, it would be difficult to destroy those high-level spirits. A hole formed by vines.

However, just in case, Qingyang still made some cover outside. With his Nascent Soul cultivator's methods, except for Master Lingxu, no one in Jiuzhou Continent should be able to break this restriction.

After setting the restriction, Qingyang stepped towards the entrance of the cave. As soon as he approached the entrance of the cave, there was a strong pressure, which was somewhat similar to the pressure of high-level monks. The pressure was so heavy that people could hardly breathe, but again The monks will not feel that they can't bear it. The true energy and spiritual thoughts are like being imprisoned by an invisible force. It is extremely difficult to use them. And the further you go, the stronger the imprisoning force becomes. After entering the cave entrance, the power of confinement reached its peak.

At this time, Qingyang felt like an ordinary person. He could no longer use his true energy and spiritual energy, and his vision, hearing, and perception were also significantly reduced. Sometimes he was even worse than ordinary people, because their body There is also an invisible pressure that I have to allocate energy to fight against.

I remember that when Qingyang came in, he didn't feel any pressure. It can be seen that this kind of pressure is only for monks. No wonder Xiying and others did not dare to come in casually. They just forced Songhe Lao Taoist, Master Kongji and others to Secular warriors helped in the treasure hunt, and even Xisong Immortal Master, who lost a Qi refining period in the beginning, was probably affected by this pressure.

Qingyang looked around, but found nothing unusual and couldn't find the source of the pressure. It seemed that the analysis of the Blood Demon Ancestor was correct. This should be a special formation designed by a very skilled formation master to suppress the monks. The methods of cultivation are not something people like them can see through.

In this way, it would be much more dangerous to enter this secret place. Even low-level spiritual insects or puppets could pose a threat to them. As a dignified Yuanying monk and the number one person in Jiuzhou Continent, if he died in the hands of a low-level spirit insect, The spirit insects or puppets would be suffocated to death. Fortunately, Qingyang was prepared and had released a swarm of alcoholic bees on his body in advance to protect his safety.

This formation actually has restrictions on spirit insects and monster beasts, but it is not as serious as that of monks. Only high-level spirit insects or monster beasts will be restricted. Low-level spirit insects have little effect. The alcoholic bees released by Qingyang are bigger. Some of them are yellow alcoholic bees that have not yet entered the rank, and there are only a dozen or so purple-backed alcoholic bees. The overall strength is indeed not strong, but they can help Qingyang share some of the burden when encountering danger.

Young Master Lingxu does not have this kind of treatment. He was caught by Qingyang before, and his body has been searched countless times. Not to mention the spiritual insect puppet's protective weapon, there is no storage bag or amulet. Fortunately, Qingyang Yang threw him a low-grade spiritual sword in advance, which he could barely use for self-defense.

Revisiting his old place, although more than a hundred years have passed, Qingyang is still very familiar with the situation inside. After all, this is the starting point of his cultivation of immortality, and everything that happened back then seems to be vivid in his mind.

A few hundred feet ahead, there were formations with patterns on the ground. Because he knew the situation here, Qingyang stopped in advance. Master Lingxu was still a little confused at first. When he saw the patterns on the ground, His expression suddenly changed, and he almost stepped on it just now.

At first, Qingyang thought these things were very mysterious. Now that Qingyang is a Nascent Soul monk, he finds that they are nothing more than that. These are just small engraved formations and are not very powerful. If the monk's strength is not limited, even Even the foundation-building monks can't be hurt. Now that the monks' strength has been greatly suppressed, they are only a threat to the golden elixir monks, but not a big threat to the Yuanying monks.

The reasons are: first, the body of a monk can be strengthened every time he improves his cultivation. The physical strength of the Yuanying monk's Yi Jin Jing is strong enough to a certain extent, and it can withstand some damage. Second, monks generally wear protective clothing. Although spiritual weapons cannot be stimulated with real energy, the passive defense of advanced defensive spiritual weapons can also withstand considerable attacks. So strictly speaking, Qingyang and the others have only had their attack capabilities weakened, but they still retain part of their defense.

Of course, even if their bodies have a certain degree of defense, they are not willing to use their bodies to resist the engraved formation. The more times they are attacked, their defense capabilities will also decline. There is no one who knows what is hidden in this secret place. How much danger is there? What if an accident occurs?

Qingyang flicked a stone with his fingers. As soon as the stone fell to the ground, it was split into two halves by a broadsword that appeared out of thin air. Then the broadsword flashed and disappeared into the air. Although Qingyang's abilities are limited in all aspects, his knowledge and experience as a Nascent Soul monk still exist. The power of the broadsword just now is roughly equivalent to a blow from a monk in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment. If his strength is not restricted, , Foundation-building monks can basically withstand it, but it is not necessarily the case if their strength is limited. Even Nascent Soul monks may be injured if they are allowed to be slashed wildly by mid-stage Foundation-building monks.

After testing, the two of them walked slowly forward along the undecorated stone slabs on the ground. They quickly passed through the engraved formations and came to a three-way intersection. Qingyang remembered that they took the left intersection at the beginning. But in the end, they went back from the intersection on the right, which was equivalent to a circle, and no other forks were found. However, they were just ordinary people at that time, and some clever things might not be able to find them, so Qingyang still headed towards the intersection on the left. Go.

After walking through an open area and rows of rooms, the two came to a majestic hall. At the door of the hall were two destroyed stone puppets. They were blown up by many experts when Qingyang and the others came in. Yes, more than a hundred years later, the damaged stone statues are still there.

Qingyang stood at the door of the main hall and looked around. Everything inside was the same as before. On the left were empty shelves for placing items, and on the right was a pile of garbage. Only the alchemy furnace in the middle looked very extraordinary. This alchemy furnace was more than two feet high. Below it was a The round belly, nearly ten feet in diameter, is engraved with flying phoenix patterns on the outside, and is supported on the ground by three animal legs. On top is a gourd-shaped lid engraved with coiled dragon patterns.

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