Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1600 Round Platform

After all, puppets are dead objects, and all battles and reactions are artificially set, so they lack a certain degree of adaptability and can easily be found. Therefore, under normal circumstances, human monks use puppets as assistants to accompany themselves. Combat, this can make up for each other's weaknesses. If a puppet fights against a human monk alone, it is easy for others to take advantage of it, and its overall strength will be greatly reduced.

It was precisely because they were facing a Jindan puppet with no intelligence and insufficient adaptability that the two of them were able to compete with him. If the opponent was a real Jindan monk, the two of them would have been defeated long ago. By this time, the two of them could see that the golden elixir puppet was in a similar situation to him, and its strength had dropped a lot from the beginning. It was up to them to see who could persevere to the end.

At this time, Qingyang has no choice. There is a golden elixir puppet here. If he doesn't defeat him, it will be impossible to enter behind the stone wall, and it will be impossible to find the biggest secret of this secret place. Qingyang can't give up even if he wants to. Well, with their speed it was impossible to escape the pursuit of the Golden Core Puppet, not to mention wasting so much time and energy, Qingyang was not willing to just retreat.

So Qingyang endured the physical discomfort and faced the golden elixir puppet again. Master Lingxu also gritted his teeth and rushed forward waving his spiritual sword. His life was still in Qingyang's hands, not to mention the one before Qingyang. I have saved him many times before and after, so I can't back down now.

Master Lingxu's defense was too poor and he was injured. His participation had little impact on the battle. He could only barely cooperate with Qingyang from the side. Sometimes when he encountered danger, Qingyang needed to rescue him, but not too much. It can still have some restraint effect on the golden elixir puppet.

The battle lasted for nearly an hour. In the end, the two finally defeated the golden elixir puppet with difficulty. At this time, Master Lingxu was seriously injured and lost most of his life. If it were not for the strong recovery ability of the Yuanying monk, He didn't know how many times he died.

Qingyang's condition is slightly better. He also has injuries on his body, but the injuries are not serious. However, his protective spirit armor has been scrapped in the continuous fierce confrontation. In other words, if Qingyang encounters any danger again, Qingyang will He could only rely on his Yuanying cultivator's body to resist.

Not only that, the alcoholic bees that Qingyang released to protect him before were also lost, and there were not many left. Facing the golden elixir puppet, there were only the purple-backed alcoholic bees and the ones with the strength of Qi training and pulse-opening monks. Ordinary alcoholic bees have almost no effect, but Qingyang's strength is limited and there are not many methods at his disposal. Sometimes he has to use alcoholic bees to fight against him, and many people die as a result.

Fortunately, the battle was finally won. Looking at the damaged golden elixir puppet on the ground, Qingyang and Master Lingxu breathed a sigh of relief, and then collapsed on the ground. The previous fierce battle had almost consumed all their energy. I have lost my physical strength and can no longer lift my spirits.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to regain his strength, Qingyang looked at the damaged Jindan puppet on the ground. This puppet was made of extremely strong spiritual wood, so it could withstand the repeated attacks of Qingyang and others. Inside the puppet's body In the key position, there is an inner elixir of a golden elixir monster embedded in it. Now this inner elixir has become dim, and the energy inside is obviously running low.

For a high-level puppet like the Golden Core Puppet, the spirit stone can no longer provide the energy he needs. He can only use the inner elixir of the demon beast. However, after such a fierce battle, the energy of the demon elixir has also been exhausted. That's almost it. It seems that the two of them won by luck.

The previous battle was so brutal that Qingyang rested for half an hour before recovering some of his strength. He took out two healing pills from his arms, drank one himself, and threw the other to Master Lingxu. After taking the elixir, they rested for half an hour. After their injuries recovered a little, the two of them stood up and walked towards the stone door on the stone wall.

The stone gate is so hidden and guarded by golden elixir puppets. It is definitely a more important place. Whether this trip to the secret place can be fruitful depends on this time.

Behind the stone gate is a long passage, about tens of feet long. Passing through the passage, you come to a large hall. This hall is square, with a length and width of dozens of feet and a height of more than ten feet. Although only Qingyang came in. It's an entrance, but it's brightly lit inside and the view is not affected at all.

In the middle of the hall is a circular high platform with a diameter of five or six feet and a height of two or three feet. From a distance, it looks like an altar. The high platform is surrounded by densely carved various patterns and lines. Qingyang deliberately stepped forward. After carefully identifying it, I couldn't tell what it was.

On the side of the high platform, there was a circle of steps spiraling up. Qingyang and Master Lingxu observed that there was no danger, then climbed to the top along the steps, and then they saw the entire high platform.

The top of the high platform is also round, with the outer circle being the aisle and the inner circle seeming to be a formation with a diameter of more than three feet. However, this formation is different from other formations. Instead, the ground of the high platform is deeply engraved with various patterns. Various lines and stripes are decorated, and spiritual stones are inlaid at some key node locations.

Qingyang counted a total of eighty-one, and each spirit stone was different from what Qingyang had seen before. The spiritual power contained in the spirit stones was surging and extremely vast. Qingyang estimated, Any single spiritual stone here is worth hundreds of thousands of upper and lower grade spiritual stones.

The most common spiritual stones in the world of cultivating immortals are low-grade spiritual stones. The better ones are medium-grade spiritual stones. One medium-grade spiritual stone can be exchanged for hundreds of low-grade spiritual stones. This does not mean that the spiritual power contained in the middle-grade spiritual stones is a hundred times that of the low-grade spiritual stones. , mainly because the spiritual power of the middle-grade spiritual stone is purer and more convenient to use, but even if it is not a hundred times, it is still dozens of times, so the value is a hundred times that of the low-grade spiritual power.

At the top is the high-grade spiritual stone, which is similar to the situation between the middle-grade spiritual stone and the low-grade spiritual stone. The comparison is also an exchange ratio of one to one hundred. The spiritual power contained is purer, dozens of times that of the middle-grade spiritual stone. Times, thousands of times that of low-grade spiritual stones, but high-grade spiritual stones are too rare, and many monks may not be able to encounter them in their lifetime. The first time Qingyang saw a high-grade spirit stone was in the Jingshan Rat King's lair in Jingfeng Mountain. Just that one high-grade spirit stone raised Qingyang's cultivation from the eighth level of Qi Refining to the ninth level of Qi Refining. layer, it can be seen how huge the energy contained in it is.

Later, as Qingyang's cultivation improved, the opportunities to see high-grade spiritual stones gradually increased. Especially after the Lingfu Sect and Blood Demon Sect were destroyed, some of the spiritual stones Qingyang received were high-grade spiritual stones. Stones, of course, are incomparable to the number of low-grade and medium-grade spiritual stones. Among the nine million spiritual stones Qingyang has accumulated, the number of high-grade spiritual stones is only a dozen.

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