Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1641 Half a Year of Alchemy

Then Qingyang began to practice alchemy in seclusion, and the other Yuanying monks settled in the city lord's mansion in Crouching Tiger City. For high-level monks like them, half a year is a short time, and it is only a moment in their lives. Things, just retreat and do something and it will be over.

But this time, everyone had something on their minds, so they couldn't calm down, so they didn't retreat. Finally, they met an alchemy king who was willing to help for free. The elixirs they chose were those that they urgently needed or were particularly important. If they failed, there would be no second option. It was a second chance. Although Qingyang had acted very confident before, the matter was too important for them not to worry.

Different from the anxious waiting outside, Qingyang in the alchemy room is calm and composed. As a senior alchemy emperor, these elixirs are not difficult for him. How can he use this opportunity to improve his alchemy skills and at the same time Maximizing profits is his goal at this time.

Qingyang divided the materials for the forty kinds of elixirs into categories. He first sorted out the twenty kinds of elixirs that he was familiar with, had refined before, and had a certain degree of confidence in. Then he sorted out the remaining twenty kinds of elixirs from They are arranged from simple to complex to more difficult.

After everything was ready, Qingyang started refining the elixirs. The first two he refined were the twenty familiar ones. Qingyang had already refined these elixirs before, so they were not difficult. For a senior elixir emperor like him, Of course, it was easy for him. Twenty kinds of elixirs and a total of more than one hundred materials were refined in just nearly two months. He got nearly eighty elixirs, each of which cost more than three. In other words, his success rate in refining these elixirs is about 40%.

After refining these elixirs, Qingyang devoted himself to refining other elixirs. The ones he first chose were those that had not been refined before, but were relatively simple. The refining of these elixirs was not that difficult. It's easy. Qingyang needs to be familiar with the elixir recipe first and master the refining steps of the elixir. He can only start refining it when he has a certain degree of confidence to avoid making too many mistakes and wasting materials.

Qingyang has good elixir skills, good talent, and enough patience. These elixirs are not a problem for him. It only takes a day or two to study, and he can basically master the refining tips, and then he can try to refine them. Just now The success rate may be a little low at first, but after two or three times, the success rate skyrockets, even reaching the success rate of the previous two months. Therefore, Qingyang also spent two months on the next thirteen materials, and the success rate was slightly more than 30%. Got more than forty pills.

At this time, Qingyang still has seven kinds of elixirs in his hand, which are also the seven most difficult to refine. Even though Qingyang is highly skilled in elixirs, he cannot help but be more cautious. Before refining each elixir, Qingyang must I spend a lot of time researching the elixir recipe and carefully considering the refining steps. Sometimes I need to use the Ziyun Tongxiao Cauldron to help simulate the refining. Only when I am confident can I actually start refining.

Qingyang's refining speed of elixirs is much slower. It takes eight days on average to complete one elixir. All seven elixirs have been refined, and the half-year deadline is coming. Especially the last elixir, which took a full In half a month, the success rate of these elixirs also dropped significantly, reaching only a little over 20%, and only a total of seventeen elixirs were refined from the materials.

This success rate is actually not low. Generally speaking, as long as a certain Nascent Soul-level elixir is refined to about 30%, it can be called an Alchemy Emperor. It does not mean that the Alchemy Emperor must achieve 30% success in refining all Nascent Soul-level elixirs. Rate, any kind of elixir has a familiar process. The more types of elixirs you master, the more experienced you are, and the higher the possibility of advancing to the next level.

A Nascent Soul-level elixir that has never been seen before and is extremely difficult. If other elixir kings encounter it, a 10% success rate is considered good. Qingyang can achieve 20%, which is already more than most. Alchemy Emperor already has the possibility to advance to the next step.

After all the materials were refined, Qingyang took a short rest. Seeing that the half-year appointment was almost here, Qingyang ended his retreat and walked out of his residence. The nine Nascent Soul monks in Crouching Tiger City were looking forward to Qingyang and saw him. When Qingyang came out, he immediately gathered around them. From the expectant expressions on their faces, Qingyang knew how anxious they had been waiting during this period.

Qingyang glanced around, and instead of whetting everyone's appetite, he smiled and said: "Fortunately, all the forty kinds of elixirs were successfully refined, and many of them produced more than one."

The reason why Qingyang said this was firstly out of modesty, and secondly because he planned to keep some for himself. Among the forty kinds of elixirs provided by these people, some of the materials were more precious or difficult to find, some were extremely effective, and some were Qingyang also needs it. The All Souls Meeting will start in more than ten years. Of course, they have to prepare more pills for themselves. Anyway, they don't know how many they have made.

Qingyang's words immediately relaxed everyone's mood. According to the standard of a normal elixir king in the Demon Spirit Realm, their expectations for Qingyang were not high, and they even had the idea of ​​​​possible failure. However, they entrusted several elixirs. It doesn't matter if other failures occur, as long as the most important elixirs to them are successful. Who would have thought that Zheng Ao, the Qingyang elixir master, could successfully refine all forty elixirs, and some even refine more than one. This makes Why aren't they overjoyed?

Xiaotian Demon King said in surprise: "Really? Show me quickly?"

Qingyang took out several jade bottles from the gourd of heaven and earth and handed them to Xiaotian Demon King. They contained a total of nine elixirs. Xiaotian Demon King gave Qingyang a total of five elixir materials and refined fourteen elixirs. , but the rest was left by Qingyang in the Qiankun Gourd, ready to be used by the Iron-armed Monkey.

Seeing that Qingyang actually took out nine pills at once, Xiaotian Demon King looked shocked and said continuously: "Not bad, really good. I didn't expect that Taoist friend Qingyang could actually refine nine pills from such a difficult pill." "This alchemy technique is probably one of the best in our entire demon spirit realm."

Looking at the expression of Xiaotian Demon King, Qingyang smiled faintly. He only took out nine and shocked him like this. If he took out all fourteen, wouldn't he scare them? Fortunately, I left five for the Iron-armed Monkey, otherwise it would have been too high-profile.

After some compliments, Xiaotian Demon King carefully collected the elixirs. He was quite trustworthy. He said before that he would only receive one elixir of each type, and the remaining four elixirs were all according to the rules of the Demon Spirit Realm. The price of the elixir was converted into spiritual stones and paid to Qingyang. While Qingyang gained the friendship of Xiaotian Demon King, he also earned five elixirs and more than 10,000 spiritual stones. It was supposed to be free. , and as a result, the income was greater than that of refining elixirs normally. It seems that this business can still be done.

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