Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1644 Nascent Soul Second Level

The Crouching Tiger Master said, "There are still eighteen years before the next All-Spirit Meeting. This token came from the Ten Thousand Demons Valley. You can just go to the Ten Thousand Demons Valley to join us in seventeen years. None of us have participated in the preliminary selection of the All-Spirit Meeting, so we really don't know what we need to prepare. However, I heard that the Ten Thousand Spirits Secret Realm is full of dangers, so it's always good to prepare more life-saving things." The Xiaotian Demon King said beside him, "The last time the All-Spirit Meeting started, the Golden Toad Demon King from Hengyun Mountain did participate, but he was eliminated in the preliminary selection. He regarded this as a great shame, so he has always been very secretive about it. Otherwise, he could have provided some experience." The Golden Toad Demon King is very powerful and is also the boss of hundreds of thousands of miles. However, his life span is running out. He has hardly asked about worldly affairs in recent years, and his temper has become more and more weird. Such a person is very difficult to deal with. Moreover, the Golden Toad Demon King did not pass the preliminary selection of the All-Spirit Meeting that year, and he doesn't know what the Ten Thousand Spirits Secret Realm is like. It is estimated that he can't get much useful information. "It's still early, so let's talk about this later." Qingyang said, and put the token away. Everyone was still waiting for him to trade, so there was no time to look at it carefully.

After that, the Yuanying cultivators took out their long-collected treasures and started trading. The exchange lasted for a whole day. On the second day, the four demon kings of Hengyun Mountain left Crouching Tiger City reluctantly. It was not that they didn't want to continue trading, but that they had no materials to trade. Instead of staying here and watching, it was better to go back to Hengyun Mountain and mobilize those low-level demon beasts to find materials for themselves. If they have accumulated more, they can come to Crouching Tiger City to find Qingyang.

After sending off the four demon kings of Hengyun Mountain, the five Yuanying cultivators of Crouching Tiger City also went back to their own caves. They had just obtained a large number of elixirs and couldn't wait to go back and use them to break through the bottleneck that had been stuck for many years, so they didn't want to bother Qingyang anymore.

Without being disturbed by outsiders, Qingyang's life became completely free. In the days that followed, he closed himself in the courtyard where he lived. The Wanling Conference would not start for another 18 years, and this time could not be wasted. If he could improve his cultivation to the second level of the Nascent Soul before the start of the Wanling Conference, he would be more confident in participating in the Wanling Conference. Although Qingyang's current strength was comparable to that of a mid-Nascent Soul cultivator, he was still certain to pass the pre-selection, but who would think that his cultivation was too low? Of course, Qingyang could not spend all his time practicing, and occasionally he would make some pills. The four demon kings of Hengyun Mountain visited Crouching Tiger City at the same time and exchanged for a lot of pills to improve their cultivation. Such news could not be concealed, so the news that there was a Dan Emperor in Crouching Tiger City inevitably spread. Other Nascent Soul cultivators in the surrounding area got the news and came to Crouching Tiger City from afar to find out. Many people brought valuable gifts to pray to Qingyang Dan Emperor to help refine pills. Crouching Tiger Zhenjun and others could not refuse, so they could only let Qingyang deal with it himself. For Qingyang, there is no need to refuse such a thing, because helping others to refine pills is a big money-making business, and it can also improve the alchemy skills and gain the favor of these people. Occasionally refining some pills is also a change after cultivation, which will not delay too much cultivation time.

The days passed quickly, and seventeen years passed in a blink of an eye. During these seventeen years, Qingyang practiced while helping others to refine pills. Not only did he not fall behind in cultivation, but he also made a lot of money.

In recent years, people have come to Qingyang to help refine various pills, about twenty kinds. The reason why the number is less than that of the Yuanying cultivators in Crouching Tiger City and several demon kings in Hengyun Mountain is that those people were helped to refine by Qingyang for free, and these latecomers need to pay Qingyang a lot of remuneration. In order to save spirit stones, most people only carefully select one or two kinds and ask Qingyang to refine them.

In this case, Qingyang can not only collect a lot of remuneration for helping people refine a pill, but also leave himself a lot of rare pills, which can be said to be a huge harvest.

Of course, Qingyang refines the most of the Yangshen Pills. There are too many people who need this kind of pill, and the price of the materials is not expensive, so when everyone comes to Qingyang, they bring a lot of Yangshen Pill materials. Qingyang will definitely accept everyone and exchange as many as he can. Therefore, in the past seventeen years, the Yangshen Pills on Qingyang have not only not decreased, but increased a lot, reaching five thousand, and this is not counting the more than nine hundred pills that Qingyang has taken and refined himself in the past seventeen years.

With so many pills, Qingyang will not lack pills for at least a hundred years, and by helping others refine pills, Qingyang has obtained a lot of rare and precious pills with various functions, many of which Qingyang can't even think of. This time, he will definitely have a better chance of winning in the Wanling Conference.

Through communication with these Nascent Soul cultivators, Qingyang also collected a large number of low-priced materials. In the future, he would bring them back to the Netherworld or the Fairyland, which would be another huge fortune. However, the potential of this area has been basically exhausted by Qingyang. The influence of Crouching Tiger City and Hengyun Mountain is limited. In more than ten years, the news can only be spread to a million miles around. Beyond this distance, the influence is weak. Even if some people get the news, they will not run such a long distance for some pills.

Qingyang's alchemy skills have improved a lot after refining the Yang Shen Pill in large quantities for a long time. He can refine 20 materials at a time, and the success rate can reach more than 30%. If he only refines one pill each time, the success rate is close to 50%, which is incredibly high. Qingyang is so confident that even if someone asks him to refine a Shenhua-level pill, he dares to try it.

Qingyang's biggest gain during this period is that his cultivation has improved by one level and he has become a second-level monk of Yuanying. It has been twenty-eight years since he broke through Yuanying in Fuliu City in the Nether Realm. Qingyang has gone from It only took a total of sixty years to break through the golden elixir and reach Yuanying. Twenty-eight years was enough for him to improve to four or five levels of cultivation. However, in the Yuanying stage, he only improved one level.

The reason why Qingyang's cultivation level is improving so slowly is not because he does not have enough elixirs or because he is not practicing diligently enough, but because the Nascent Soul monk's improvement speed is very slow. Under normal circumstances, if Without the aid of pills or other external objects, it is normal to improve one's cultivation level in two to three hundred years. It is relatively fast to improve one level of cultivation level in one hundred years. For example, Qinglu Zhenjun of Crouching Tiger City has nearly broken through to the Nascent Soul realm. It has been three hundred years, but he is only a third-level Nascent Soul cultivator. True Lord Baihe is almost nine hundred years old, and he still only has the cultivation level of the sixth level of Nascent Soul. It only took Qingyang 28 years to advance to the first level of cultivation. His talent is abnormal. If he told it, it would shock countless monks.

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