Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1654 Fair Competition

With Ziteng Zhenjun's arrogance, if someone dared to speak to him like this in the past, he would definitely just throw away his hands and leave, but not now, because he still has to win the pre-selection qualification for the All Souls Association from Qingyang. Thinking of this guy The pre-selection qualification will soon become his own. It seems that a little more accommodation with Qingyang is nothing. Thinking of this, Zhenjun Zhenjun said: "Since you think the Minotaur Demon King is not suitable, then who are you going to find to do this? Witness? The Golden Scale Demon King is about to leave, and he will leave in three days at most. It’s not possible if the person you are looking for is too far away.”

In the mind of True Lord Ziteng, it is impossible for Qingyang to return to Crouching Tiger City to find someone in three days. If he wants to find someone, he can only look for him in Ten Thousand Demons Valley, and the people in Ten Thousand Demons Valley must still be looking for True Lord Ziteng, so No matter who the witness Qingyang finally found, it was Zhenjun Ziteng who had the advantage.

Just when Master Ziteng felt that he was sure of victory, he heard Qingyang say: "There is no need to go outside to look for him. Master Qiansha next door is a good candidate."

Zhenjun Ziteng had obviously heard about Qiansha Zhenjun, and knew that this person had no good impression of the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons. If he asked this person to be a witness, he would be judged to have lost the game even if he won. He was so careless that he forgot about it. There is still this person in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons. Zhenjun Ziteng couldn't help but change his face and said: "No, this person is definitely not good. He has a rift with me in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons. How can he be this witness?"

"Why not? Zhenjun Qiansha has no direct relationship with you and me. This witness can definitely be fair and impartial, so I chose him." Qingyang said.

Seeing that Qingyang was determined to choose True Lord Qiansha, Lord Ziteng was afraid that if he continued to persist, Qingyang would give up the competition, so he had to say: "You can also choose True Lord Qiansha, but I have to add a witness, by Lei It would be more fair for the Feather Demon King and the True Lord Qiansha to testify together."

Qingyang has a good impression of the Thunder Feather Demon King. This person has a bright future. He will not ruin his reputation just to help Zhenjun Ziteng. With Zhenjun Qiansha supervising him, Qingyang can still ensure that the competition is fair. Yang nodded and said: "If it is the Thunder Feather Demon King, I agree."

The witnesses finally reached an agreement. Without further delay, the Purple Teng Zhenjun arranged for the Minotaur Demon King to invite the two witnesses, and he took Qingyang to the public alchemy room in the Ten Thousand Demons Valley.

As a super power, the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons also attaches great importance to elixirs. There are special public alchemy facilities inside. However, the alchemy skills in the Demon Spirit Realm are lagging behind and there are few alchemists. The Valley of Ten Thousand Demons is no exception, although there are public alchemy facilities. Room, but the facilities are average and rarely used.

As a true Alchemy Emperor, Ziteng Zhenjun has enough confidence in his alchemy skills and hopes to defeat Qingyang with his alchemy skills and win the pre-selection qualification for the All Souls Association in a fair and just way. He did not make any small moves. He led Qingyang all the way. When he came to the public alchemy room, he chose a relatively spacious hall, and then ordered the low-level monks here to prepare commonly used alchemy materials and supplies.

The efficiency of Ten Thousand Demons Valley is still very high. After half an hour, the preparations were completed. Two identical alchemy furnaces were placed on the left and right of the spacious hall, and the sides were filled with common materials and supplies. Lei Feather Demon King and Qian Sha Zhenjun also came here one after another.

Everything is ready, Zhenjun Zhenjun said: "For the sake of fairness, I have prepared two identical pill furnaces here. The pills that need to be refined this time are also the most common spiritual nourishing pills for Yuanying monks. Each person has ten ingredients. , whoever refines three spiritual nourishing pills first wins, how about that?"

After listening to Zhenjun Ziteng's arrangements, Thunder Feather Demon King nodded and said: "With the same pill furnace and the same materials, whoever refines three spirit-refining pills first will win. The rules of this competition are very fair, but there is something I need to remind you. You guys, the Golden Scale Demon King will leave seclusion and take us to the Preliminary Hall of the All Souls Association in three days. If you wait too long, you will miss this opportunity. "

Zhenjun Ziteng glanced at Qingyang provocatively and said: "If I can't refine three spirit-nourishing pills in three days, how can I have the dignity to worship the Pill Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons Valley? As for the guy next to me It’s hard to say whether fellow Taoist Qingyang can complete it within three days.”

Although True Lord Qiansha was unhappy with the Ten Thousand Demons Valley, there was really nothing wrong with this rule. He was not optimistic about Qingyang, but it was rare for someone to dare to challenge the dignity of the Ten Thousand Demons Valley. He would definitely support it, saying: "Don't be too happy, Mr. Ziteng. Who loses and wins will be known after the competition. I have no objection to this rule. You two should meet on the field."

None of them had objections, so Qingyang took out the token representing the pre-selection qualifications of the All Souls Association and handed it to the Thunder Feather Demon King. Zhenjun Ziteng handed his substitute talisman to Qiansha Zhenjun, and then the two of them They each chose an alchemy furnace, and after checking the materials, the competition officially began.

Although Master Ziteng had enough confidence in his alchemy skills, in order to win more beautifully, after announcing the start of the competition, he did not delay at all and directly took a piece of material and started refining it. Although Master Ziteng kept saying that the competition was fair. , In fact, this game is not very fair to Qingyang, because this is the home court of Zhenjun Ziteng. He has been to this public alchemy room countless times. Even the two alchemy furnaces in front of him, He has used it for a long time, which can be seen from his skillful operation, so he has a lot of advantages in this game.

However, Qingyang didn't care about this. His alchemy skills were not even a little bit higher than Zhenjun Ziteng's. If the opponent wanted to defeat him based on these external factors, it would be impossible for him, so Qingyang was not in a hurry to get started. I first got familiar with the alchemy furnace, tried out its feel, and then sorted through the supplies and materials nearby, and then sat down and got ready to start.

With just such a short delay, nearly half of the first material of Ziteng Pill Emperor has been refined. Therefore, Qingyang's performance became a broken pot in the mind of Zhenjun Ziteng. He felt that Qingyang knew this clearly. If you can't win, just give up on yourself.

Not only the Ziteng Pill Emperor, but also the Thunder Feather Demon King shook his head repeatedly. It seems that the pre-selection qualification for the All Souls Association is about to be changed. This Qingyang is so overestimating his abilities. He actually wants to compete with the Ziteng Pill Emperor in his alchemy skills instead of touching eggs. Stone? Fortunately, I had taken the initiative to show my kindness to him before, but it turned out that all my efforts were in vain. If I had known that this person was so unbearable, I should not have wasted my words at that time.

As for the True Lord Qiansha, he also frowned secretly. When he first learned about this matter, he was still very happy in his heart, thinking that a like-minded person had appeared, but it turned out that he was overthinking it. It seemed that everyone Becoming famous is not a fluke. There are not so many miracles in this world.

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