Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1674 Golden Snake

The thing happened too suddenly, the distance between the two parties was too close, and more importantly, the golden shadow was too fast. Although Zhenjun Zhumo made a certain reaction, he was still a step too late and was directly shot by the golden light. on his hand, and then a sharp pain shot through his body.

As a Nascent Soul monk, Zhenjun Zhumo has been cultivating immortals for hundreds of years and is very cautious in doing things. Before deciding to pick the Soul Soul Fruit, he had already observed the situation nearby. There were even celestial rats around the Soul Soul Fruit Tree. He scanned the beast's cave countless times with his spiritual thoughts, and decided to take action when he found nothing unusual. However, he did not expect that he would be hit in the end.

Only then did Zhumo Zhenjun see clearly that the golden shadow was a thin golden snake that was only half a foot long and as thick as a chopstick. It was biting the back of his hand. This thin snake was not only small in size, but also capable of shielding. The monk's spiritual thoughts are similar to the purple thin needles of the previous Purple Chan Demon King. More importantly, they do not need to be controlled and can actively attack. They were hidden behind the golden branches of the Lingying Fruit Tree and escaped the Bamboo Ink Master. After several spiritual searches, an attack was launched at the critical moment.

In just an instant, the back of Zhumo Zhenjun's bitten hand swelled up, and traces of black mist spread from the wound on the back of his hand to the whole body. Zhenjun Zhumo could clearly feel that everything on his body was covered by the black mist. The eroded areas gradually become numb and gradually lose control. After a while, I am afraid that the whole body will be unable to move. Just a small bite from the golden snake can make a Nascent Soul monk lose his fighting ability. It can be seen that the toxins in his body are strong.

The golden snake ran away after biting it, and hid in the Spirit Baby Fruit Tree. Zhumo Zhenjun had no time to find trouble with the golden snake, so he quickly found a healing elixir from his body and drank it.

After a while, the elixir took effect, and the black mist in Zhenjun Zhumo's body stopped spreading and gradually compressed towards the wound. Although the speed was very slow, the situation was getting better.

This elixir is a Nascent Soul-level healing elixir refined by Qingyang. It is very effective. Qingyang gave everyone two elixirs before. The elixir material is not very expensive, but it is just a requirement for elixir skills. It's relatively high. If it weren't for the superb Qingyang Dan skills, it would be impossible to carry so many at once.

Not many people in the entire Demon Spirit Realm can refine this kind of elixir. Anyway, Zhenjun Zhumo had no chance to get it before, so Qingyang gave it to him and kept it like a treasure. He didn't expect to use it so quickly. , this pill actually saved his life. Thinking of this, Zhenjun Zhumo couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Qingyang, giving him a grateful look.

Qingyang had been paying attention to the situation of Zhenjun Zhumo and Lingying Fruit Tree. When he noticed the sudden change here, he hurried over. Fortunately, nothing happened to Zhenjun Zhumo. Qingyang also breathed a sigh of relief and said: " Fellow Daoist Zhumo, what’s going on here? Do you need my help?”

Zhumo Zhenjun said in surprise: "I was careless. I didn't realize that there was a golden snake hidden in the Lingying fruit tree. When I went to pick the Lingying fruit, I was bitten by him on the back of my hand. If it hadn't been for Taoist Fellow Qingyang The detoxifying elixir, maybe something will happen to me by now."

"What is this thin golden snake? Is it so powerful?" Qingyang couldn't help but ask.

Zhumo Zhenjun said: "Although I only took a quick look, I have roughly judged that this thin golden snake should be a poisonous snake called the golden snake. The golden snake is as small as gold and can shield spiritual thoughts. It's very good at hiding its body, and it's extremely poisonous. I didn't expect that there was a poisonous snake like the Golden Snake hidden in this Spiritual Infant Fruit Tree."

While Zhenjun Zhumo explained to Qingyang, he searched inside the Lingying Fruit Tree. The whole Lingying Fruit Tree was only that big. Although the golden snake was good at hiding its figure, under Zhenjun Zhumo's special search, it quickly disappeared. He found his figure, but he wouldn't know it if he didn't look for it. When he looked for it, he was startled. Only then did he discover that there were more than one golden snake hidden in the Lingying fruit tree.

Zhumo Zhenjun casually counted and found that there were at least a dozen golden-threaded snakes. He couldn't help but feel frightened. Fortunately, only one golden-threaded snake attacked him just now. If he had been bitten by several golden-threaded snakes at the same time, he would have been bitten immediately. It was over, and there was no time to take the detoxifying elixir.

Youdao was extremely jealous when his enemies met each other. With a thought from Zhenjun Zhumo, a magic weapon like an inkstone appeared above his head. He spotted a golden snake and smashed it directly.

Zhumo Zhenjun took action very quickly, and the golden snake evaded even faster. Before the inkstone came to him, the golden snake hid behind the trunk of the Lingying fruit tree. Zhumo Zhenjun The inkstone magic weapon flew over the tree trunk and almost smashed the Lingying Fruit Tree.

Seeing that Zhumo Zhenjun was about to attack again, Qingyang quickly stopped him and said: "Zhumo Zhenjun, wait a moment. If you hurt the Spiritual Infant Fruit above, it will be more than you gain."

Zhenjun Zhumo struck with anger, but when Qingyang stopped him, he calmed down, knowing that he could not act recklessly, so he took back the magic inkstone and said angrily: "If we don't kill these golden dragons, we won't be able to pick the spiritual baby. Fruit, but these golden snakes are hiding on the Lingying fruit tree and they are afraid of hurting the Lingying fruit. So we are in a dilemma, what should we do?"

Qingyang smiled and said: "Zhenjun Zhumo, don't be impatient. This is a trivial matter. Leave it to me to force out the golden snake. You just need to be prepared and wait for the right opportunity to take action."

Seeing Qingyang's determination, Zhenjun Zhumo felt a lot more at ease, so he took a few steps back and started to prepare. Qingyang took out a pill from his arms, crushed it and sprinkled it on the Lingying fruit tree. As a Nascent Soul cultivator, this little thing was easy for him. After the whole pill was crushed, it turned into a ball of light green powder, which was stirred by the wind of Qingyang's palm and evenly sprinkled on the tree.

These green powders had no effect on the Lingying Fruit Tree, but those golden snakes seemed to have encountered natural enemies. They fell from the Lingying Fruit Tree one after another, and then desperately crawled around. Looking at them, it seemed that they could not stand for a moment. Don't want to stay here any longer.

Qingyang didn't know much about golden snakes, but he knew what snakes or poisonous insects were most afraid of. Qingyang prepared such things on his body and refined them into targeted elixirs. The test worked, and the golden snakes were attacked one after another, and even their movement speed slowed down.

Only then did Zhumo Zhenjun discover that there were not just a dozen golden-threaded snakes hidden on this Lingying fruit tree, but more than twenty. Some of them had escaped his second search before. If At that time, if he rashly stepped forward to take action, he might be attacked by the golden snake a second time.

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