Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1679 The third level of Nascent Soul

Qingyang had taken the God of Pregnancy Fruit and knew the pain when a large amount of energy hit the meridians at the same time, so when he was refining the elixir, he slowed down the release of spiritual power as much as possible. This elixir took seven days to refine. , and then all the energy contained in it was absorbed.

Although the Thunder Feather Demon King was not the first one to take the elixir, he was the first to refine the elixir. It had not been very long since he broke through to the current state, so there was no change in his cultivation on the surface, but the Thunder Feather Demon King could feel it. , the realm has been completely stabilized, and the cultivation level has increased by at least sixty years.

Then Demon King Fushan also finished refining the elixir. He and Demon King Leiyu had the same cultivation level, and it took about the same amount of time to refine the elixir. However, in the previous battle, he faced the attack of the Sky Rat Beast and was seriously injured, so It takes slightly more time than the Thunder Feather Demon King.

The third one to get up was Fengling Demon King. Her cultivation level was equivalent to the fourth level of the experienced Yuanying, but she was still far away from the fifth level of Yuanying. This pill was not enough to support her to break through the current realm, so she refined it. After taking the elixir, Fengling Demon King has become more refined, but has not yet made a breakthrough.

Zhenjun Zhumo has not broken through the current realm. He only entered the fourth level of Nascent Soul before, which is lower than Fengling Demon King. This pill has only consolidated the current realm, and is still far from breaking through. , but seven days later, his injuries were almost completely healed and no longer affected his movements.

The Purple Cicada Demon King was the first to take the elixir, but he needed to use the power of the elixir to break through to his current state, so it took more time. The fifth one refined the elixir, and the Purple Cicada Demon King's breakthrough went smoothly. , by the time he stood up from the ground, he was already a transformation demon cultivator equivalent to the fifth level of Nascent Soul, almost equivalent to the Fushan Demon King and Leiyu Demon King before taking the elixir.

The other five people have refined the elixir, but Qingyang has not stood up from the ground. In addition to being the last one to take the elixir, it is also because he wants to take this opportunity to break through the third level of Nascent Soul. Everyone knows that, In this secret realm of ten thousand spirits, the higher the level of cultivation, the safer it is. The last time he took the God of Pregnancy Fruit, Qingyang's level of cultivation directly improved from entering the second level of Yuanying to almost the peak of the second level of Yuanying. Now this pill The medicine can increase one's cultivation level by sixty years at once, and maybe it can really lead to a breakthrough.

However, Qingyang still underestimated the gap between the two levels of cultivation of Yuanying monks. After the elixir was completely refined, he was still a short step away from the third level of Yuanying. In desperation, he could only grit his teeth and take it out. I bought spiritual wine, grapes and other items and prepared to break through the current bottleneck in one go.

For the sake of the Qingyang elixir, everyone didn't mind waiting a little longer. They had just taken the elixir to improve their cultivation, and their state was not yet too stable. They could take this opportunity to practice for a few more days. Three more days passed. With time, Qingyang finally broke through to the third level of Nascent Soul.

Regarding Qingyang's breakthrough, others didn't care, but the Thunder Feather Demon King was very emotional. He had seen Qingyang when he went to the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons. At that time, he had just entered the second level of Nascent Soul. It only took more than a year to break through to the third level of Nascent Soul. This speed was incredibly fast. Although this was done with the help of foreign objects, being able to use foreign objects was also a skill.

Cultivation is a matter of fighting against the sky. One step is faster and the other is faster. Thunder Feather Demon King always thought that his cultivation speed was fast enough. Now when he compared it with Qingyang, he found that he was nothing. He was already a Yuan Yuan before he was two hundred years old. At the third level of infants, it is probably a certainty that he will become a god in the future.

After some pleasantries, everyone discussed what to do next. Without exception, they were all ready to try their luck at the center of the Secret Realm of Ten Thousand Spirits. It is said that the closer to the Secret Realm of Ten Thousand Spirits, the more dangerous it is, and the chance of encountering other monks is also higher. , but the same harvest will be greater. They have just got the Spirit Infant Fruit, which can be regarded as a taste of the sweetness. Everyone's strength has also improved to a certain extent, so everyone's expectations are higher and they are more courageous. , want better harvest.

After discussing it, everyone packed up. Qingyang lifted the restrictions set around him and prepared to head towards the center of the Myriad Spirits Secret Realm. At this moment, he saw two figures suddenly appeared and walked quickly towards them. Come, seeing this situation, the faces of Thunder Feather Demon King and others were not very good, because the place where these two people appeared was not very far away from them, which meant that these two people obviously knew their location and had been nearby. Wait until they lift the ban to show up.

There are many dangers in this Secret Realm of Ten Thousand Spirits. Anyone you encounter may be an enemy. If the opponent suddenly appears in such a close place, he is obviously well prepared. It is difficult to say what happened behind the scenes.

In the blink of an eye, the two figures were in front of them. When looking from a distance, they didn't see anything unusual. When they got closer, they realized that the appearance of these two people seemed to be somewhat special.

In fact, their overall appearance is not much different from the human monks Qingyang has seen, but they are a bit too small, dark and thin, and they are somewhat similar to the Purple Cicada Demon King, but the Purple Cicada Demon King is a demon cultivator. , because the body is too small, so when it transforms into a human form, it is a little smaller. The two people in front of it are obviously human monks, but they have grown such a small body. It is surprising. It is not that these two people are in special circumstances, but they still survive. This is true for all ethnic groups.

Although the two of them are small in size, their strength is not at all low. Their small bodies contain huge energy. Both of them are at the fifth level of the senior Nascent Soul. If you pull them out, no one is lower than Lei Yu. Demon King and Fushan Demon King, if it weren't for Thunder Feather Demon King and the others who had just taken the elixir made from the Spirit Infant Fruit to improve their cultivation, they might have been outclassed by these two.

Fortunately, there are only two people on the other side, so there is no need to worry even if the other side has any ill intentions. Thunder Feather Demon King looked at the two people and said, "Who are you? What do you want to do here?"

The two people looked at each other, and the thin, dark man on the left said in an extremely unpleasant and sharp voice: "Fellow Taoists, don't mind, we are here because we have something to discuss with you."

When I think about breaking through the bottleneck, there are two monks who don't know the details so close to me. If they interrupt me at the critical moment of breaking through, wouldn't I go crazy? The Purple Chan Demon King said: "You two must have been cultivating for hundreds of years, right? Don't you understand the taboos between monks? We know that there are monks here who have set restrictions, but they are still so close, so how can we not mind?"

The dark and thin man on the right seemed to have a bad temper. Hearing the words of the Purple Chan Demon King, he laughed twice and said: "Hahahaha, what a joke. If we had any ill intentions towards you, we would have done it when you improved your cultivation before. After taking action, are you still waiting for you? Don’t you naively think that the small restriction outside can’t contain the two of us? "

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