Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1761: Immortal Cave

The stone door at the entrance of Guanxian Cave has not been opened. I don’t know whether it is because the time has not reached the beginning, or because I am waiting for other monks who have not yet climbed to Jietian Peak. The day passed quickly, and more than 20 people came up behind. As for those who had climbed up to Jietian Peak before, there were about sixty monks outside Guanxian Cave at this time. Some people went to the edge of the platform to take a look. Except for a few monks behind them, almost all of them had given up. It seemed that In the end, these are the people.

Among the sixty monks, there are only about twenty people who have the inner elixir of Warcraft. There are more people who don't have the inner elixir but just come to watch the fun. There are more than thirty, and Yu Yangzi is among them. At this time, he keeps Observing the more than 20 people waiting in line, I felt that everyone was suspicious.

Among the more than 20 people who possess the inner elixir, the most respected are the three minor monks at the ninth level of the Nascent Soul, followed by a dozen or so peak monks at the eighth level of the Nascent Soul, and finally six or seven great monks at the eighth level of the Nascent Soul. Because Qingyang came up a little later, he was ranked among the six or seven Nascent Soul eighth-level Dacheng monks. There were only two or three people left behind him. It seemed that climbing Jietian Peak had a lot to do with strength.

The remaining thirty or so people looked at the more than twenty monks who had the inner elixir of Warcraft with complicated expressions, and they didn't know what they were thinking. Among them were many monks at the top of the eighth level of Nascent Soul.

At this time, there was finally movement in the Guanxian Cave in front. Just a soft buzzing sound was heard, and the stone door of the Guanxian Cave suddenly bloomed with colorful rays of light, covering several feet in front. Bian Jizi, who was at the front of the queue, took out an inner elixir of Warcraft, quickly came to the stone gate, and put the inner elixir of Warcraft into a groove on the stone gate. The energy in the inner elixir slowly flowed into the stone gate, and the light was released. After the tea time, the inner elixir disappeared and the stone door opened. Bian Jizi entered the cave, and then the stone door closed again.

Yuyangzi had been paying attention to Bian Jizi, and also saw that the key to the door in the opponent's hand was not his own Youfeng Beast inner elixir. Although he was a little disappointed, he was more thankful that Bian Jizi was not someone he could provoke. , if the other party really took away his Ghost Wind Beast inner elixir, he might not dare to ask for it back in person, and he wouldn't even have the courage to expose the opponent's face.

Then Yuan Shengzi, who was second in line, took a few steps forward, took out a Warcraft inner elixir and put it into the groove of the stone door. After a while, the inner elixir was consumed and the stone door opened, and Yuan Shengzi also entered the cave. , the stone door was closed again, followed by Qing Mingzi and several Nascent Soul eighth-level peak monks. Everyone followed one by one, and soon seven or eight monks successfully entered the Guanxian Cave.

The faces of the monks who were watching outside were full of envy, jealousy and hatred. This Immortal Cave was still very tempting to them. They thought that after others entered it, they could understand the magical power and have a bright future. However, after spending a lot of energy, they finally climbed up. After going to Tianfeng, you can only stand outside and watch the excitement. How unfair is God to you? Many people are also extremely unbalanced in their hearts.

At this time, someone finally couldn't help it anymore. When the previous monk entered the cave and the stone door was not completely closed, a figure quickly sprang out and rushed towards the stone door, preparing to take this opportunity to enter the Guanxian Cave. As a result, he was quick, and then The stone door was faster. Just when the man was about to rush into the Guanxian Cave, there was a loud bang. The stone door closed quickly, pinching the man in the crack of the door. Then the man's whole body seemed to be punctured. Like a balloon, the energy was quickly absorbed by Shimen, and the whole person directly turned into a skeleton, and not even the Nascent Soul could escape.

The dignified monk at the top of the eighth level of Nascent Soul originally had a bright future. However, due to greed, he tried to force his way into the Guanxian Cave. As a result, he died directly at the door, which made the people behind him sigh and shocked those who had just been there. The monk watching the fun got a little cautious.

Having learned from the past, it seemed very calm for a while. No one of the monks watching the excitement dared to rush into the Guanxian Cave. Even those monks who had the inner elixir of Warcraft, they all came forward in order, waiting for the stone door to be fully opened. He cautiously entered the cave, not daring to touch the stone door at all, for fear of being accidentally caught by the stone door and being absorbed into a skeleton.

There was even a monk who was originally waiting in line to enter the Guanxian Cave, but he gave up after hesitating for a long time. It turned out that what he prepared was just an eighth-level Nascent Soul inner elixir of magic beast, and he planned to try it to see if he could get through. As a result, after seeing the fate of the man before, he was completely frightened. Without the magical power, he was still a proud man, and his future was limitless. If he had lost his life here for the uncertain magical power, he would have lost his life here. The gain outweighs the loss.

In the blink of an eye, nearly twenty people had entered the Guanxian Cave. Only Qingyang and the six or seven Nascent Soul eighth-level Dacheng monks were left in line outside. The monks who were watching the excitement suddenly became restless. If they had waited for these people to Entering the Guanxian Cave, they all became spectators. It was a pity to give up such a good opportunity. Could it be that they just watched the opportunity slip away?

Yuyangzi had a completely different mentality. Originally, he might have been one of these people, but now he could only be a spectator. He had been waiting for the Youfeng Beast inner elixir to appear, but nearly twenty people came in. Well, no one took the Youfeng Beast inner elixir. Could it be that I was looking in the wrong direction? The Ghost Wind Beast ran away to another place and was not taken away by others?

Yuyangzi didn't say what he was thinking. He saw an eighth-level Nascent Soul monk taking out a magic beast inner elixir and preparing to step forward to open the stone door. A figure suddenly appeared in front of him. It turned out to be a man who was standing next to him. The cultivator at the top of the eighth level of Nascent Soul who was watching the excitement, the Dacheng cultivator quickly protected the magic beast inner elixir in his hand, and said with a wary face, "What do you want to do?"

The top monk said: "Can't you see? Of course I'm asking you to borrow something. Hand over the magic beast inner elixir in your hand and I'll let you live. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

The Dacheng cultivator spent countless energy and price on this Nascent Soul Perfection Magical Beast Inner Elixir. He was about to succeed, so how could he give up the opportunity to others in vain? He immediately said angrily: "You want my magic beast inner elixir? Unless you step on my corpse."

"It's true that if you don't eat the toast and eat the fine wine, then you can die." After saying that, the top monk directly sacrificed the magic weapon and killed the Dacheng monk. He knew that the other party would not give in easily, so he had done it a long time ago After being prepared for the attack, he took action without hesitation.

Although the opponent's cultivation level was slightly higher, the Dacheng monk on the opposite side was not afraid at all. He offered a magic weapon to resist the opponent's attack, and at the same time held a jade talisman in his hand, waiting for the right moment.

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