Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1794 The Qi of Jinyang

Since the Baimei Ghost King also knows Jinyang Valley, it seems that what the Long-Eyebrow Ghost King said is somewhat credible. If you want to know the whereabouts of the One-horned Ghost King and Yu Mengmiao, you can only go to Jinyang Valley to inquire about it first, so Qingyang put away his momentum and said: "For the sake of your honesty in answering the questions, I will let you go this time. I hope you can take care of yourself."

Hearing Qingyang's words, the Long-Eyebrow Ghost King secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He finally got through the current disaster. There should be no fear of his life for the time being. However, this incident is a profound lesson, and the outcome is really... It's so miserable. I haven't gained any benefits, and I have used up the last three longevity eyebrows. I have less than a hundred years of life left. There is definitely no hope of breaking through to become a god. I have completely ended my path to immortality. As for Changmei Mountain The Long-Eyebrow Ghost King no longer cares about the fate of the other monks. As long as he can save his life, how can he think about other people?

Qingyang kept his word and did not embarrass the Long-Eyebrow Ghost King again. He waved at Baimei Ghost King. Baimei Ghost King put away the Vajra Demon-Conquering Bead and handed it back to Qingyang. Xiudu was released, but no one felt any joy, because after being trapped for such a short period of time, each of them had their strength damaged, and their cultivation base dropped by at least half. It would be difficult to get back to cultivation again. No matter what year or month, I'm afraid there will be no future in this life.

The ghost cultivators in Changmei Mountain secretly glanced at Qingyang, but they did not dare to show any expressions of dissatisfaction. Some were just deeply afraid. They had never thought that one day there would be cultivators at the fifth level of Nascent Soul who could do it alone. Just overwhelming Changmeishan, so many of them dare not look directly at him, this person is really too powerful, I am afraid he has no opponent in the form of a god, right? The key is that he is still too young. Anyway, I don't expect revenge in this life. I will stay away from him again when I see him in the future.

Regardless of what the ghost cultivators in Changmei Mountain were thinking, they taught the Changmei Ghost King a lesson and got useful information. Qingyang came to the Baimei Ghost King and said: "Baimei Ghost King, I am going to go to Jinyang Valley. Go find out the whereabouts of the One-Horned Ghost King, and let’s say goodbye.”

I heard from the Long-Eyebrow Ghost King that the Jinyang Valley is a very large place, and I am not sure whether the Thousand Buddha Sect is in it or not. Although Qingyang is not a match for the Thousand-Faced Buddha with his current strength, he can go in first to inquire about it in advance. Do some research to see if the One-Horned Ghost King and Yu Mengmiao have been captured. If there is a chance, find a way to rescue them. If there is no chance, find another way.

Baimei Ghost King said: "The Jinyang Qi in Jinyang Valley is extremely harmful to ghost cultivators. Even Nascent Soul ghost cultivators dare not go deep into it, so I will not accompany fellow Taoist Qingyang. I hope you will All goes well, find the location of the Thousand Buddha Sect as soon as possible and rescue the One-Horned Ghost King and others. "

Baimei Ghost King really wanted to help and rescue the One-horned Ghost King together. She had always admired the One-horned Ghost King. When she heard that something had happened to the One-horned City, she was so anxious that she went everywhere to find out the reason for the One-horned Ghost King's accident, even at the cost of offending the chief. The Eyebrow Ghost King almost brought death to himself. However, she also knew very well in her heart that Jinyang Valley was not a place where ghost cultivators could go. Not only would she not be able to help, but she might also drag down Qingyang. There was no need to take risks. She could just wait for the news.

After that, Baimei Ghost King told Qingyang the general location of Jinyang Valley, and then returned to Baimei City with his subordinates. Now the Changmei Ghost King has been frightened by Qingyang, and all the ghost cultivators in Changmei Mountain have also subdued demons because of King Kong. Zhuer's strength is greatly reduced, but there is no need to worry about their retaliation.

Watching Baimei Ghost King and others leave, Qingyang also jumped towards the direction of Jinyang Valley. Until this moment, the ghost cultivators in Changmei Mountain relaxed and fell to the ground regardless of their appearance. Only Changmei The Ghost King could still barely stand, but his legs were weak and he couldn't move for a long time.

At this time, other ghost cultivators finally rushed out from the cave of the Changmei Ghost King. They looked at Qingyang who had gone away, and said indignantly: "Ghost King, do you want me to lead someone to intercept them halfway? You dare to provoke us, Changmei Mountain, We must make them unable to eat and carry around..."

Before he could finish his words, he was slapped in the face by the Long-Eyebrow Ghost King, and he roared: "Who are you going to let go without food? Don't you think I've lost enough face today? Go back to the cave." Go, Changmei Mountain will close the gate from now on, and no longer care about the affairs of the Ten Kings Palace."

Although the Changmei Ghost King suffered a big loss this time, after all, he is a monk who is infinitely close to the perfection of the Nascent Soul, and he is also the master of Changmei Mountain. After years of accumulation of prestige, the ghost cultivators in Changmei Mountain did not dare to complain at all, and hurriedly helped him. Then the others returned to the cave, closed the mountain gate and went into retreat to practice hard.

Besides, Qingyang left Changmei Mountain and headed all the way towards Jinyang Valley. According to Baimei Ghost King, Jinyang Valley is more than one million miles away from Changmei Mountain and is almost the deepest part of the Netherworld. Qingyang The control of the wind gourd continued all the way. The further inside, the more dense the surrounding ghost aura became. It was even comparable to the Ghost King City of the Ten Kings Palace, which was specially built on the Yin Vein. However, this place was no longer the place of the Ten Kings. The scope of influence of the temple is limited, so there are only some wild ghost cultivators.

Although Qingyang is traveling alone, he has a high level of cultivation and can drive the wind-controlling gourd very quickly. The ordinary ghost cultivators do not dare to provoke him. Occasionally, Qingyang easily dismisses those who do not open their eyes. The journey was very smooth and it only took three months to reach the place.

The location of Jinyang Valley is easy to recognize. The dense Yinming ghost energy around it suddenly disappeared here, and was replaced by a violent energy. Qingyang felt as if he was repeatedly chopped by countless wind blades and was in great pain. At the same time, the dark energy in his body was constantly dissipating under the consumption of these energies, just like snow encountering the scorching sun.

Needless to say, this violent energy should be the golden sun energy, which can continuously damage the ghost body of the ghost cultivator and consume the ghost cultivator's dark energy, which has a great restraining effect on ghost cultivators.

This is only the outermost part. It is said that the deeper you go, the richer the golden sun energy is. No wonder even the ghost kings of the Ten Kings Hall dare not enter. Qingyang hurriedly operated the Yin-Yang Mysterious Art to convert his dark energy into true energy and restore the appearance of an immortal cultivator. After that, although the golden sun energy was still very violent, Qingyang's true energy was no longer consumed. There was still a faint tingling in his body, but the impact on him was already very small.

Qingyang flew high into the sky and looked forward. The golden sun energy in the distance was becoming increasingly dense. Even his vision and spiritual consciousness were greatly restricted. He could only vaguely see an endless valley in front of him. It was yellow and unclear. This should be the Golden Sun Valley mentioned by the Long-browed Ghost King and others.

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