Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1848 Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Wine

In the world of cultivating immortals, the jungle prevails. High-level monks ask low-level monks to do things. The low-level monks dare not refuse, and they cannot refuse, even if they are asked to die. This is especially true for women with Xuanyin bodies. Once they are discovered by other monks, they will almost have a miserable life waiting for them. Now that they can be valued by a god-transforming monk like the One-horned Ghost King, it is a blessing for them. A relief.

Qingyang naturally understood this, nodded and said: "Senior Ghost King, you have taken the trouble."

The One-Horned Ghost King said: "You're welcome, this is just a piece of cake for me. Our most important task now is to discuss what to do about this matter? How to use the woman with the body of Xuanyin to bring down the person behind the altar?" How to rescue Yu Mengmiao from the opponent's hands? It's probably very difficult for the two of us to do this with our current strength."

Qingyang also knew how difficult the matter was. They didn't even know who the person behind the altar was? Let’s not talk about whether they can lure the other party out. Even if they can be lured out, the two of them can’t defeat them. Even if they can defeat them, I’m afraid it will be difficult for the other party to spend energy to send Yu Mengmiao back. These problems have been solved by Qingyang in recent years. I have thought about it many times but have no clue.

Qingyang sighed and said: "In this matter, we can only do our best and obey fate. If it doesn't work, there is nothing we can do. Senior Ghost King, I have a jar of good wine here. Let's drink and talk."

The One-Horned Ghost King had lived in Qingyang's Drunken Immortal Gourd, and he knew some of the conditions inside. He also knew that Qingyang had a lot of good wine. However, they were separated a few years ago, but after they reunited, they were reunited because the One-Horned Ghost King had just recovered. As a god, his realm is not very stable, and he spent a lot of experience integrating the Ten Kings Palace. The One-Horned Ghost King spends most of his time in seclusion and practicing hard and dealing with the affairs of the Ten Kings Palace. He has no time to have a good drink with Qingyang. Qingyang took the initiative to invite him for wine, so he naturally wanted it.

The One-Horned Ghost King smiled and said: "I have long heard that you have good wine. I remember that when you first arrived in Jiuxian City, you were still a late-stage foundation-building monk. You attracted Zhenjun Yaoyue with a jar of good wine, and you got "Wind and Fire Order, what I brought out today must be better than that then, I'll try it too."

Qingyang said: "Senior Ghost King must also know that my Drunken Immortal Gourd has a great bonus to the vintage of spiritual wine. I relied on the vintage of spiritual wine to win in Jiuxian City. The jar I took out today, It has been stored in the Drunken Immortal Gourd for more than a hundred years. Even the Wannian Spiritual Wine outside is not as good as it. Normally I would be reluctant to take it out to drink, but you are in for a treat today."

Qingyang's spiritual wine produces a lot, but it also consumes a lot. The spiritual wine in the Drunken Immortal Gourd was brewed by the group of iron-armed monkeys. They must not be treated badly, and the alcoholic bees are even more addicted to alcohol. It would definitely not work without spiritual wine, and the higher the level, the better the spiritual wine required. If Qingyang had not been supported by a large amount of spiritual wine in the Drunken Immortal Gourd, how could it have been possible to support such a large group of alcoholic bees?

Therefore, there are not many old spirit wines left in Qingyang's Drunken Immortal Gourd. The total number of those over a hundred years old does not exceed twenty jars, and the ones that are over one hundred and fifty years old are only four or five jars, and they have to be given to the alcoholic queen bee. Save some with the Iron-armed Monkey for breakthrough at critical moments, and Qingyang would not be willing to drink it at ordinary times.

Qingyang's Drunken Immortal Gourd also has a unique effect, which can increase the number of years of the spirit wine stored in the cellar a hundred times. The spirit wine can be stored for hundreds of years and can be stored for tens of thousands of years. After being concentrated in the cellar, the function of the spirit wine is greatly increased, and the level is also improved. will be greatly improved. Moreover, Qingyang’s spirit wine now is not the low-grade monkey wine brewed in the past. Instead, it uses the innate spirit grapes unique to the Zuixian Gourd, adds a large number of other spirit fruits, and uses them in the underground wine cellar of Jiuxian City. It is brewed with high-grade brewing yeast obtained from the ninth level. It is a rare good thing in itself. After tens of thousands of years of storage, the effect of the spirit wine is indescribable. I am afraid it has already exceeded the level of gods.

Just listening to Qingyang's simple words, the One-horned Ghost King knew the preciousness of this spiritual wine. The ten thousand-year spiritual wine was a good thing that had a great effect on the cultivators of the gods. He couldn't help but said: "Then what I will do today is Even if you have a few more drinks, don’t feel bad when the time comes.”

"I'm not afraid that you'll drink, but I'm afraid that you won't be able to hold on." Qingyang said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, Qingyang took out a jar of spiritual wine and placed it on the table. The jar was about one foot and three inches in diameter, with a simple shape and several spiritual talismans attached to the outside. It won't work without affixing the spirit talisman, because at this age of spirit wine, the wine jar can no longer block the aroma of the wine. As time goes by, the aroma of the wine will spread, and the effect of the spirit wine will be compromised. If it spreads, those low-level alcoholic bees will get into trouble. .

Just by looking at the package, the One-Horned Ghost King knew that this was a really good wine. He was also a good drinker, but good wine was hard to find, and he usually didn’t have time to waste energy on it. Now that the wine was good, he couldn’t bear it anymore. After stopping, he tapped the wine jar lightly and opened the mud seal on it.

The wine jar was opened, and a strong aroma of wine instantly spread all around. A slight sniff gave off a feeling of ecstasy. A deep sniff made the One-Horned Ghost King feel like he was getting drunk. No wonder Qingyang said before I'm not afraid of drinking, but I'm afraid that I won't be able to hold on. Most people really don't dare to drink too much of this good wine.

The One-Horned Ghost King couldn't help but closed his eyes and said intoxicatedly: "I didn't expect you to have such good wine on your body. This wine is no longer a treasure that should be in this world. The immortal wine is nothing more than that. Even if you get the transformation I can also take the lead among the divine monks, so I am really lucky today."

It would be too long-winded to say anything else at this time. Qingyang directly took out two cups and placed them on the table. He filled each cup with wine and said, "A thousand cups are too little when you meet a close friend. Let me toast you first."

The One-Horned Ghost King picked up the cup in front of him, put it to his nose and smelled it. He was about to drink it all in one gulp when someone suddenly said, "Little friend Qingyang, why don't you hurry up and greet an old friend?"

The two of them were alone together. The One-horned Ghost King had already sent the other people outside. In order to avoid disturbing the wine, the One-horned Ghost King even specifically told them not to disturb them no matter what happened. The One-horned Ghost King was in the Hall of Ten Kings. Yan Jiuding, no one dares to discount any of his words. As a result, while the wine was flowing, someone interrupted me before I had a chance to drink it. This was like taking off my clothes and getting ready to have sex on a bridal night, but was interrupted by others. It was really unreasonable.

The One-Horned Ghost King was about to get angry, but he suddenly realized that no, these words were not something ordinary people could say. No one in the entire Ten Kings Palace dared to talk to the two of them like this, and no one dared to barge in without saying hello. No one would come to such a close distance without the two of them noticing. Unfortunately, an expert broke into their secret room.

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