Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1882 Can only rely on luck

The ultra-long-distance teleportation array takes an extremely long time. This endless torture and suffering makes time pass particularly slowly, as if countless years have passed. What is even more unbearable is the loneliness. They are obviously ten They were transmitted together individually, but because the monk's spiritual thoughts, true energy, eyes, ears and perception were all restricted, Qingyang couldn't feel where other people were at all, and he didn't know if other people were with him. It seemed like I was the only one.

The long transmission, constant torture, endless loneliness, and unknown future. Even if Qingyang has a high level of cultivation, he can't bear the pressure and may collapse at any time. But if he has chosen this path, then there is no such thing. With the possibility of turning back, we can only grit our teeth and continue to persevere.

Perhaps the space tearing force he endured exceeded the limit, and even the defensive spirit armor became a little dim. At this time, there was no good spot on Qingyang's body. There were vertical and horizontal wounds everywhere, and a lot of skin and flesh had been cut off. The pale bone stubble inside was exposed, and it looked extremely terrifying.

He endured double torture both mentally and physically. It took Qingyang's strong perseverance to persist. I don't know how long it took, but just when Qingyang couldn't help but want to give up, a violent tearing force suddenly struck, and then The whole person was thrown out like a rotten kite.

The tearing force this time was so powerful, it was like enduring the torture of being quartered by five horses. If Qingyang didn't have a defensive spirit treasure on his body, Qingyang might have been torn into pieces directly. Fortunately, the tearing force was only one-time. , after enduring it, there was a sudden lightness around him, the tearing force disappeared instantly, his mind and perception were no longer restricted, and the functions of his eyes and ears gradually recovered.

It's okay, he finally got over it, especially the last throw of the broken formation. He held on and did not die in the formation. If possible, Qingyang would not want to try it again in the future, but he also knew that, Normal use of the teleportation array should not be like this. There must be a way to avoid these tearing forces, but the world here is too closed, so I don't know the specific method.

Qingyang opened his eyes, only to find that there was nothing in the dark surroundings. He even doubted whether he was still being teleported, but after feeling it carefully, he found that it was different from before. The raging tearing force was not dead. Both true energy and spiritual thoughts can be used. The reason for this is because the surroundings are so dark that the ears and eyes have become nothing more than decorations.

Exploring my hands and stretching my feet, I couldn't touch anything. My whole person seemed to be floating in the air. I couldn't distinguish between front, back, left, right, east, west, and north. I couldn't even judge the passage of time. It was so empty that it made people feel empty and empty. In fact, could this be the endless void that the predecessors said?

Qingyang was also in trouble. There was no light, no sound, no direction or reference, and no one to discuss. He didn't know where was up, where was down, where was in front, where was behind, he didn't know. How to go? Where to go?

Qingyang didn't know what to do next. If he walked in the right direction, he would get closer and closer to his goal. If he chose the wrong direction and went in the wrong direction, he would only get further and further away from his destination, and he would never reach another world. Moreover, when the spiritual energy in this endless void is thin, it is difficult to replenish the true energy after consumption, and the final result is likely to be consumed to death in this endless void.

No wonder others say that the endless void is a monk’s nightmare. You must not rush in without being prepared. In my current state, I am like a child who was suddenly abandoned in the endless desert. I don’t know what to do. The end result is only a dead end.

Originally, Qingyang and the One-Horned Ghost King had discussed it. After entering the teleportation array, the two of them would try to act together and consult with each other when in danger. However, they did not expect this result. The group of people were directly thrown to different places. It's impossible to get them back together.

With no clue at the moment, Qingyang had no choice but to duck into the Drunken Immortal Gourd. The last tearing force was extremely powerful. Although most of the power was blocked by the defensive Lingbao Qinglian Armor, it still caused huge damage to his body. It is difficult to heal an injury without ten days and a half. Since you don’t know what to do first, it is better to heal the injury first, and then slowly think of a solution after regaining your strength.

Qingyang took a healing elixir, and then lay quietly in the square inside the Drunken Immortal Gourd, waiting for the elixir to take effect to treat his injuries. Thinking of the other people who were teleported with him, he could only lie in the endless void at this time. He slowly recovered. He had the Drunken Immortal Gourd to rest and replenish his spiritual energy. Others did not have it, so they had to rely on spiritual stones to slowly replenish the consumed energy.

Another point is that although the space of the Drunken Immortal Gourd is not large, Qingyang can change his mood in it, while others can only face the endless void without even a chance to adjust their mood. If the xinxing is not enough, maybe He was already driven crazy before he died in the endless void.

However, these things have little to do with Qingyang, and it is useless to think about it so much. No one else knows where they were sent. Even if Qingyang has this intention, he has no chance to help others, not to mention this Drunken Immortal Gourd. How could he expose his biggest trump card and secret to others casually?

Time passed very quickly. After half a month, Qingyang's injuries were almost healed. Staying in the Drunken Immortal Gourd was not an option. After hesitating for a long time, Qingyang stepped out of the Drunken Immortal Gourd space.

The surroundings were still the same as before, pitch black, nothing could be seen, and silence without a trace of sound, as if time outside had not passed at all in the past half month.

Qingyang took out three ancient coins from his arms, threw them gently in the air, frowned and counted with his fingers, then found a direction and drove away with the Wind Gourd. As for whether this direction was correct or not, Qingyang couldn't care anymore. In this situation, what else could he rely on besides luck?

In the past half month, he has figured out that waiting will only lead to death. Only by taking the initiative can he find a way out. There is not only one other world in this endless void. Even if he cannot reach the other end of the teleportation array, there is still a chance to reach other places. In the world, it all depends on luck.

Qingyang drove the wind gourd all the way forward. Because there was no reference, Qingyang didn't know whether his speed was fast or slow, how long the time had passed, and how far he had flown. Anyway, no matter how long he flew, the surrounding situation would be different. It was exactly the same, without any change. Sometimes he even doubted that it was all just an illusion, and that he had always been in the same place and never moved at all.

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