Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1886 The bat group retreats

Not long after, Qingyang was shot several times by the poisonous tail of the green-winged bat. Although he took the antidote pill in time every time, the quantity of the pill was limited and the effect would gradually fade away. The toxins repeatedly impacted the body, producing a qualitative change. The soreness and numbness in the area where it was shot became stronger and stronger, which greatly affected Qingyang's performance in subsequent battles.

Green-winged bats also have another skill, that is, while attacking, they will send out some sound wave attacks without warning. The sound wave attacks are so powerful that they even affect the souls of the monks. If they are accidentally shocked by the sound wave attacks, it will be extremely serious. It greatly affects Qingyang's reaction speed.

In this kind of high-intensity battle, any negligence will have serious consequences, so these sonic attacks caused great interference to Qingyang. In one of them, he was hit by dozens of wind blades at the same time because his reaction was a breath slow. Fortunately, Qinglian A blocked most of the attacks, Qingyang's injuries were not too serious, and he took the healing elixir in time, otherwise Qingyang's life would have been killed in one blow.

The elusive poisonous tail shot, the sonic attack without warning, and the tacit cooperation of the green-winged bats. This kind of battle cannot be handled by just one person, and there is no luck. Qingyang must fight with twelve points. Spirit, because if you are not careful, you will die.

Of course, Qingyang was not given in vain. His Five Elements Sword Formation was so powerful that it could even hurt the cultivators of the gods, let alone these green-winged bats that only had the Nascent Soul Perfection? The Green Lotus Armor on Qingyang's body is an extremely rare defensive treasure. If Qingyang's own strength was not slightly inferior, he would not be able to fully exert the defensive effect of the Green Lotus Armor, let alone these Nascent Soul-level green-winged bats. He is not afraid of the God Transformation level. Today's Qingyang can be said to be both offensive and defensive. That is to say, the green-winged bats have the advantage in numbers and have many tacit cooperation methods. Otherwise, it will not be easy for the green-winged bats to hurt him.

One side is strong in both offense and defense, and the other side has numerical superiority and many means. Taken together, the combat effectiveness of both sides can be said to be evenly matched. Because of this, this battle was extremely brutal. Each side used the most advantageous means to suppress the situation. To defeat the opponent to obtain the final victory.

More than an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and no one had the absolute upper hand. However, by this time, the battle had reached the final moment, and both sides were at the end of their rope.

For Qingyang, this is the most intense battle in his history. Since breaking through the Nascent Soul, Qingyang has become one of the top people in the world. It is difficult to encounter such a powerful group of opponents. When Qingyang's cultivation was not high, there were some life-and-death battles, but those battles were incomparable to the current situation because of his low cultivation.

Because of the continuous fighting, Qingyang's true energy and spiritual energy were extremely depleted. If he hadn't prepared a lot of good recovery pills in advance, his true energy and spiritual energy would have been exhausted long ago, but at this point By that time, the replenishment of the elixir could no longer keep up with the rate of consumption, and it would not take long for him to completely lose his combat effectiveness. What was even more serious was Qingyang's injuries. Qinglian Armor was not omnipotent. He had been hit too many times. The defensive spirit armor didn't work either. Now Qingyang was covered with wounds and could not exert 100% to 60% to 70% of his strength. He relied entirely on perseverance to support him. If it weren't for the Drunk Immortal Gourd, the biggest back-up, he would have been unable to perform at this time. I have long considered escaping.

The loss of the green-winged bats was even more heavy. There were originally fifty or sixty green-winged bats in this group. Now more than an hour has passed. The number of green-winged bats killed by Qingyang has exceeded twenty. They were too injured and lost their fighting ability. There are only a dozen of them, and there are less than twenty that can persist in fighting Qingyang. Moreover, these green-winged bats are all injured, and the poisonous tails behind them are almost exhausted.

The void insect beasts are cruel and murderous, but they are not stupid. They will be afraid of such a fierce battle. Seeing that less than half of the original group of companions can still fight, they also have fear in their hearts. They did not expect this person in front of them. They looked unremarkable, and their cultivation was about the same as theirs, but their combat power was so strong that if they continued to fight, they would probably be wiped out.

what to do? Do you really want to risk your life to fight to the death with the person in front of you? Or should we retreat first and then talk? Youdao is that if a good man does not suffer the immediate consequences, it is better to go back and find more companions before coming back.

Not all the green-winged bats are determined to fight Qingyang to the end. There are also those who are quick-thinking and want to retreat when they see that they cannot win. This is the case for the group of green-winged bats. When they are really afraid of Qingyang, At that time, they finally began to retreat, but they did not flee in despair, but retreated in an orderly manner. The seriously injured ones retreated first, and the slightly injured ones retreated with the corpses of other green-winged bats in their mouths. It is not that they could not bear to take away the corpses of their companions. It is left to Qingyang to destroy, but these corpses can be eaten.

Qingyang was at the end of his strength. The group of green-winged bats wanted to escape intentionally. He couldn't leave them all behind. The only thing he could do was to stop the last one or two. After some entanglement, the green-winged bats left behind two corpses. , and the rest disappeared into the void. Although Qingyang won, he didn't feel much joy in his heart. This was only the first wave of void insect beasts he encountered, and they were the ones with the lowest strength. The fight was so brutal. If there were a few more animals, it was really not certain who would win. Because there is a lack of spiritual energy and food in the endless void, the void insect beasts are at least at the Nascent Soul level, and it is even more difficult for other creatures to survive in the endless void. This is why Qingyang did not release the iron-armed monkey and the alcoholic queen bee to help. Even if their strength comes out, they won't be able to help much. If you encounter a void insect beast again in the future, it may not be so easy to win.

After resting in the void for a while and recovering some real energy and physical strength, Qingyang came to the corpse of the green-winged bat. He had killed so many, but in the end only two corpses were left. Qingyang carefully After inspection, the green-winged bat's corpse was extremely smelly, and no blood essence could be extracted. Only two black beast pills were found in the abdomen. The price of Yuanying-level beast pills is not high, for Qingyang To me, this battle was not worth it. The various detoxification, healing, and recovery elixirs consumed were more than this price, not to mention the injuries on this body.

However, mosquitoes are still flesh no matter how small they are. Qingyang put away the two demon pills, then set off a fire, burning the corpses of the two green-winged bats into a ball of ashes. The battle was too fierce, Qingyang It will take at least five or six days for Yang to fully recover from his injuries. He must not be able to travel recently, and he will probably have to rest in the Drunken Immortal Gourd for a while.

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