Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1894 True Lord Blackstone

Black Stone City does not have a large defensive formation, but the City Lord's Mansion has a small defensive formation, which is not low in level. It is said that it can block the attacks of ordinary Divine Transformation cultivators. Moreover, because the protective range of this formation is relatively small, the energy consumed will be much less, and it can support more time.

As time goes by, the distance between the group of void insects and beasts is getting closer and closer, and the information observed by the Black Stone City observation artifact is becoming more and more accurate. Now Qingyang already knows that this group of void insects and beasts is similar to the group he killed in the endless void. They are all green-winged bats, and their strength is also perfect in the Nascent Soul. It is very likely that he attracted them. Fortunately, there are not many green-winged bats, only about 100. If the thousands of green-winged bats that Qingyang encountered at the end all attacked, let alone him, I am afraid that all the cultivators in the entire Duckweed Continent may not be able to defeat them.

However, hundreds of green-winged bats with perfect Nascent Soul are also a very powerful force. Last time Qingyang encountered fifty or sixty, he could barely kill them. This time, hundreds of them may be difficult to defeat. Qingyang decided to stay and see the situation first. It is not too late to leave when he can't stand it anymore.

Faced with this situation, Qingyang was still calm, but the cultivators of Black Stone City were already desperate. The strongest in their entire city was only at the third level of the Nascent Soul. This green-winged bat could easily reach the Nascent Soul Perfection. If it had been all the time, it would have been fine. But now there were hundreds of them. How could they possibly defeat them?

The cultivators of the City Lord's Mansion had already panicked. If it hadn't been for the presence of Black Stone True Lord, the people below might have already scattered. It wasn't that they were afraid of death, but the strength of the void insect beasts was too strong, and they simply didn't have the courage to face them. Not to mention them, even Black Stone True Lord had already felt desperate. Such a powerful group of void insect beasts, let alone whether they could hold on until the Chongshi Patriarch came to rescue Black Stone City, even if the Chongshi Patriarch and his men came, they might not be able to defeat them.

There was even a possibility that the Chongshi Patriarch felt that he was no match for the void insect beasts, so he simply gave up on them, or felt that Black Stone City could not hold on for too long, and it would be in vain to come, so he returned to Chongshi City halfway, and then Black Stone City would have no chance of survival.

But no matter what, life is his own. If he gives up, then there is really no hope. True Lord Black Stone has practiced for so many years, it is impossible for him to give up easily. Black Stone City is his home. He must not give up unless it is absolutely necessary. What if a miracle happens?

Most of the day passed quickly. The atmosphere in the City Lord's Mansion became more and more tense, and the green-winged bat was getting closer and closer to this place. Even without the need for spiritual observation tools, the naked eye could see the phantom in the sky. At this time, anyone could judge that the green-winged bat would arrive in a short time.

Hundreds of Jindan cultivators gathered in the City Lord's Mansion, even though they appeared calm on the surface, were already panicking in their hearts. True Lord Black Stone clenched his sweaty hands, gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "All cultivators, prepare according to the previous arrangements, add spirit stones to activate the City Lord's Mansion's protective formation." True Lord Black Stone gave an order, and all the cultivators in the City Lord's Mansion prepared themselves. Although they were still panicking, they were much better than before. In less than a cup of tea, a slight humming sound suddenly came from the ground, and then a light curtain rose into the air, covering the entire City Lord's Mansion. Seeing the protective formation activated, everyone in the City Lord's Mansion breathed a sigh of relief. Although the threat outside was still great, this protective formation did give everyone a lot of security. True Lord Black Stone looked up at the formation, then said to Qingyang: "Because there is no space barrier in our Duckweed Continent, we are often attacked by void insects and beasts, and each time we suffer heavy losses. In order to avoid tragedies, the cultivators of Duckweed Continent have invested a lot of energy in the protective formation. So even though the highest cultivation level in Black Stone City is only the third level of the Nascent Soul, this formation in the City Lord's Mansion can withstand the attacks of the Divine Transformation cultivators. If there are enough spirit stones, it may be able to hold out until the Chongshi Patriarch arrives." Although Qingyang is not particularly familiar with the formation, he can judge that True Lord Black Stone's words should only be used to appease the people below. The formation that can resist the attacks of the Divine Transformation cultivators is indeed good, and it is okay to resist one or two green-winged bats. This time, there are hundreds of Nascent Soul Perfection Green-winged bats. Under their repeated attacks, this formation may not be able to hold out for too long. Sure enough, just as True Lord Black Stone finished speaking, countless black shadows were seen approaching in the air, and then a series of loud rumbling noises were heard, and the entire City Lord's Mansion was shaken. The protective formation that True Lord Black Stone had placed high hopes on was like a small grass in the wind, tumbling and extremely fragile.

The Green-winged Bats just hit it with a simple round, and almost broke the protective formation of the City Lord's Mansion. True Lord Black Stone's face was dark red and uncertain, and he looked outside for a long time without saying a word. Fortunately, the formation was not broken, but he also knew in his heart that the formation might not be able to protect them.

After the collision, the Green-winged Bats did not suffer any damage. They spread their wings and flew into the air, surrounded the City Lord's Mansion, stared at the cultivators in the City Lord's Mansion, and disdained the low-level cultivators and ordinary people in Black Stone City outside. Indeed, to the Green-Winged Bat with a perfect Nascent Soul, these low-level cultivators and ordinary people are just like ants. They are not even enough to fill their teeth and are not worth paying too much attention to. These Golden Core cultivators in the transparent cover are the best food.

No matter how low their IQ is, Green Winged Bats still know that if they want to eat the food inside, they need to break the transparent cover on the outside first. They don’t know what the transparent cover is and don’t know how to break it, so they can only use the stupidest method. The method was to use brute force to destroy it. No one needed to direct it at all. The green-winged bats rushed towards the protective formation of the city lord's mansion.

True Lord Blackstone did not lie. The power of the protective formation of his city lord's palace was quite good. The first collective collision of the green-winged bats was so powerful that they almost failed to hold on. The situation was much better after that, with the impact of a single green-winged bat. , the damage to the protective formation was not very great, but the impact point trembled slightly and was slightly dented, and other places did not change much, and it quickly recovered.

Seeing this situation, True Lord Blackstone breathed a sigh of relief. The strength gap between the two sides was too big. If they went out, they would die. The only way was to rely on the protection of the formation to support Patriarch Chongshi and others. Looking at the previous Due to the current situation, I thought that the formation would be broken soon, but now it seems that it can still hold on for a while.

Before Lord Blackstone could be happy for too long, just half an hour later, someone came to report: "Sir City Lord, it's not good. Most of the spiritual stones in stock have been consumed. I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for much longer."

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