Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1920 The Taoist in the Painting

At this point, Qingyang has been in the Duckweed Fantasy Land for more than 20 days. Less than a quarter of the three months have passed, but he has already passed through four levels in a row without any delay. The progress is still good. One day later, Qingyang adjusted his condition and stepped into the fifth-layer barrier of Duckweed Illusion.

The fifth level of this duckweed fantasy is different. There is only a big mountain in front, and Qingyang is standing at the foot of the mountain. It is different from the mountains I have seen before. It is quiet and peaceful, surrounded by aura, with pines and ancient Berlin peaks standing on top. Turtles, cranes, and auspicious beasts are walking leisurely by the roadside, looking like a paradise in heaven.

At the top of the mountain, there seems to be a Taoist temple, hidden among the pines and cypresses. It cannot be seen clearly from a distance. Although there are no clear instructions, Qingyang can tell that this Taoist temple must be entered, maybe The opponent at this level is waiting for him in that Taoist temple.

Qingyang strode towards the mountain. After half an hour, he finally climbed to the top of the mountain and came to the entrance of the Taoist temple. Only then could he see the whole picture clearly. The entire Taoist temple only covers an area of ​​more than ten acres, and is divided into several courtyards. The buildings inside are simple and elegant. It's dilapidated and it's unknown how many years it has been there.

"Since the guests have arrived, why don't you come in and talk?" Just as Qingyang stood at the door and observed the surrounding environment, the Taoist temple door suddenly opened, and a voice said.

Qingyang took a look and saw that there was a patio inside the door. Behind the patio was the main hall. There was no one there. He didn't know where the speaker was hiding, but he had come to make peace with him. Regardless of whether he was a friend or an enemy, he had to go in first. After taking a look, Qingyang walked through the patio and entered the main hall.

The layout of the main hall is very simple. There is only a table in the middle. Outside the table is a chair facing Qingyang. Inside the table is a painting hanging on the wall. There is nothing else. , not even a single person could be seen, and the person who spoke did not know where he was.

As soon as Qingyang entered the room, the voice said again: "I'm sorry to welcome you from afar, please take a seat."

This time Qingyang finally saw it clearly. The voice came from the words on the other side of the table. The picture on the painting was an old Taoist sitting under a pine tree. He had a white beard and white hair, and he was quite immortal. The voice came from At this time, the old man's mouth opened and closed, which was obviously the sound he made.

It's really strange that a painting can actually speak. Fortunately, Qingyang is well-informed. In addition, he is in the duckweed fantasy world at this time. It is not too strange for any strange things to happen. Since the other party allows him to sit down, Then sit down. Qingyang pulled out the chair and sat down. Then he looked at the old Taoist in the painting opposite and said, "I wonder why my friend asked me to come in?"

The old Taoist in the painting smiled and said, "Of course it's for your assessment."

"Are you the assessor of this fifth level?" Qingyang said unexpectedly. While speaking, Qingyang also made preparations to avoid being unable to cope with the opponent's sudden attack. This duckweed fantasy world is assessing these contestants anytime and anywhere. Otherwise, anything can happen. Regardless of the fact that the old Taoist in the painting is kind and harmless to humans and animals, he will never show mercy if he turns against him. This is the fifth level of Duckweed Fantasy. Judging from the opponent's strength, he should be a god. At the third level, his strength is not much worse than Qingyang's now. If he doesn't prepare in advance, he won't be absolutely sure.

Seeing Qingyang's guarded look, the old Taoist in the painting smiled and said: "Friend Taoist, don't be so nervous, I won't attack you. There are nine levels in Duckweed Fantasy. If you rely on fighting to overcome all levels, Otherwise, how could anyone pass through the previous floors? So this floor is a literary test."

Literature test? Qingyang frowned. He was completely unprepared. He didn't know what kind of questions would be asked in this literary test. Compared with fighting, the literary test would be easier, but Qingyang didn't dare to completely let down his guard. He was really on the third level of Duckweed Fantasy. When he was there, he suffered too many sudden tests, which forced him to be extremely careful. Who knew if there was murderous intent hidden in the other person's smile.

The old Taoist in the painting seems to know what Qingyang is thinking, and does not point out, and continues: "Contestants can't just improve their cultivation, so the literary test will test your other skills, including weapon refining, formation formation, alchemy, Talisman making, etc., as long as you have a skill, you can participate. If you pass the test, you can successfully pass the fifth level. If you don't have any special skills, or your skill level is extremely low, and you fail to pass the test I set, then you can only I can say sorry."

This level of assessment actually tests other skills, which is a bit beyond Qingyang's expectation. However, monks cannot only improve their cultivation, otherwise the world of immortality will be too monotonous. Qingyang is not worried about such an assessment. After all, he is in I still have a lot of skills in alchemy. I just don’t know if I can choose the type of assessment by myself, and what are the assessment standards. If the other party appoints or selects randomly, I will suffer if I choose something that I am not good at, or the other party’s standards are very high, and I can’t meet it even if I try my best. If you don't meet the requirements, it's better to exit this duckweed fantasyland as soon as possible.

"I don't know how to assess, and what are the standards for assessment?" Qingyang couldn't help but ask.

The old Taoist in the painting said: "Cultivation of immortality is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Of course, it is impossible to encourage everyone to spend their energy on other aspects and just be good at it. Therefore, the assessment is very simple. The contestants can choose any one subject, as long as they reach the level of Just cultivate to the same level.”

The old Taoist in the painting makes it simple, but in fact it is not simple at all. Reaching the same level as the cultivation level is the peak of the Yuanying level. In terms of alchemy, it is reaching the senior Alchemy King level. This is not an ordinary difficulty. . Although monks will more or less practice some other skills, most of them just use it as a hobby to pass the time and do not spend too much thought on this aspect. There are very few monks who have truly achieved proficiency in a certain subject. few. Unless someone is specially trained by a big force or relies on it to make a living, it is possible to specialize in one field. However, because these people spend most of their energy in other places, they are not as good as in terms of cultivation, and there is no way at all. There are only a handful of people like Qingyang who have superb alchemy skills and can make it to the fifth level.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Qingyang. It doesn't matter whether others can pass this level. Qingyang is at least certain. Before entering the Secret Realm of Ten Thousand Spirits, his cultivation level was only at the early stage of Nascent Soul. By that time, his alchemy skills had reached the level of a senior alchemy king. With the improvement of his cultivation, his alchemy skills had improved to a great extent. In other words, his cultivation had improved faster in recent years and he spent less time on his alchemy skills. , otherwise he would have entered the Alchemy Sect realm long ago.

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