Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1948 Qingyang is dead?

Since there is no other way, we can only take risks. Suddenly, Qingyang's aura changed, and a breathtaking aura enveloped the two fake Qingyangs on the opposite side. This was Qingyang using his magical power of time. Perhaps due to the effects of the Explosive God Pill and Blood Burning Technique, this aura was much stronger than when he used it on the seventh floor of Duckweed Illusion. Affected by this, the opponent's movements slowed down instantly.

However, the opponent quickly realized it, and his spiritual thoughts turned sharply, and he quickly used his magical power to fight against Qingyang. For the fake Qingyang who also has the magical power of time, it is not difficult to resist the influence of the magical power of time. Just look Whose mind is more powerful and who uses it more skillfully, so the two fake Qingyang quickly regained their freedom of movement, but they could no longer be distracted from dealing with Qingyang.

The two fake Qingyangs only used the Exploding God Pill, and Qingyang, with the double blessing of the Exploding God Pill and the Blood Burning Technique, must have stronger overall strength. He also actively used the time magic power to gain the upper hand, so he could Temporarily suppress the two opponents, otherwise even if he casts it first, when both parties have the magical power of time but are one-on-one, he will definitely lose.

As for the current situation, the two sides are in a stalemate. Qingyang has a slight advantage with one against two, but it is already difficult to deal with the two fake Qingyang, and the two fake Qingyang are suppressed by Qingyang. He can barely resist the effect of the magical power of time, but everyone can see that Qingyang's advantage is only temporary. As time goes by, Qingyang will become more and more difficult, and gradually change the situation. Once the blood-burning technique is exhausted, there will be sequelae Come up, the loser will definitely be Qingyang.

what to do? Is it certain that he will lose? Qingyang was at a loss for a while. Almost all of his methods had been used in Duckweed's illusion. At this time, using them would not help at all. For example, the alcoholic queen bee was still hiding in the Drunken Immortal Gourd. The other party must have Also, if you use it yourself, the other party will definitely use it, and then it will still be two against one, and it will have no effect at all.

After calculation, there are very few methods that have not been used so far. Qingyang is not sure whether they can be effective in this battle. If he had known, he would have been more cautious and left more life-saving measures for himself. The trump card will not be as difficult to play as it is now.

As time goes by, Qingyang becomes more and more unable to use his magical power of time, while the two fake Qingyangs on the opposite side do not seem to be greatly affected. The situation on both sides has begun to reverse, and the sequelae of the Burning Blood Technique and the Violent Blood Pill have also disappeared. The situation is approaching and the situation is urgent. What should I do? what to do?

Seeing that it was the most critical moment, Qingyang withdrew his magical power of time without any warning. At the same time, his mind controlled the magic weapon giant sword and used the five elements sword formation to attack the fake Qingyang on the right.

The two fake Qingyangs on the opposite side obviously did not expect that Qingyang would suddenly withdraw his magical power of time. However, as Nascent Soul Perfection monks who have experienced battles for a long time, they are still very capable of coping. The two immediately launched layers of defenses. At the same time, he used the Great Five Elements Sword Formation to fight Qingyang.

Of course, compared with Qingyang's long-planned plan, the preparations of the two fake Qingyang were a little hasty, but they were not worried because the strength of the two sides was about the same, and with the layered defenses they had prepared, they would In a one-on-one situation, it would be difficult for Qingyang to hurt them. In this case, the two sides would fall into a stalemate like before. Qingyang would lose in the end, so they didn't care about it. A professional Defend, use all their strength to deal with Qingyang's attack this time, focus on attack, and be prepared to immediately switch from defense to offense once Qingyang's attack fails.

In the blink of an eye, Qingyang's Great Five Elements Sword Formation was strangled with the fake Qingyang on the right. The sky was filled with light and shadow, and the sky was shattering. Sure enough, as they predicted before, the false Qingyang's Great Five Elements Sword Formation on the right was strangled. It was slightly inferior to Qingyang's, but the Qinglian Armor could easily block Qingyang's large five-element sword formation, which was already at the end of its powerful crossbow. At this time, the fake Qingyang's large Five Elements Sword Formation on the left is coming. If Qingyang wants to survive, he must turn around and deal with it immediately.

But this time Qingyang didn't. At some point, a string of Buddhist beads had risen to the top of the fake Qingyang's head on the right side, instantly releasing thousands of rays of light that stung people's eyes almost hard to open. Sanskrit sounds sounded, eighteen Buddha Vajras of various shapes appeared in the air, surrounding them in all directions. It turns out that while Qingyang was performing the Great Five Elements Sword Formation, he also sacrificed the treasured Diamond Conquering Demon Bead.

The Vajra Demon-Conquering Bead was obtained from the Happy Ghost King in the Ancient Feng Continent. It was refined by the Thousand-Faced Buddha by selecting eighteen relics of the Buddha whose cultivation level was above the ninth level of the Nascent Soul and had no chance of breaking through to the state of becoming a god. It is extremely powerful and specializes in defeating ghost cultivators. It was used against the Long-Eyebrow Ghost King with good results. It has remained on Qingyang's body ever since and was used by him today.

However, the Diamond Subduing Demon Bead is particularly powerful against ghost cultivators. For other monks, it is a relatively powerful treasure. Especially Qingyang's strength has surpassed that of the transformed god, and he has the Green Lotus Armor on his body, so it may be very difficult to hurt others. What's more, the attack from the fake Qingyang on the left was approaching. If Qingyang didn't turn around and save himself, he would be dead. He couldn't ignore his own life and also hurt the fake Qingyang on the right.

But he didn't expect that Qingyang would do just that this time, and he was completely desperate. He didn't care at all about the approaching Five Elements Sword Formation on the left, and shouted: "Explode."

Then I saw the eighteen Buddha Vajras in the air instantly move to the side of the fake Qingyang on the right. Amidst the bursts of Sanskrit sounds, the eighteen Buddha Vajras self-destructed at the same time. The scene was extremely tragic. The self-destruction of the magic weapon must be more powerful than the It is not as good as the self-destruction of the monk Yuanying, but the eighteen relics of the ninth level and above of the Yuanying self-destruct at the same time, and the power is not much worse than the self-destruction of the monk who transforms into gods. The violent explosion resounds throughout the world, and the space shakes sharply, which is larger than the Five Elements Sword Formation just now. The impact is even greater.

The fake Qingyang's Great Five Elements Sword Formation on the right had just been broken. Although he still had the layers of defense he had put up before, he could not withstand such a powerful self-destruction at close range. Even with the addition of Qinglian Armor, his The body was instantly blown to pieces, and not even Yuanshen and Yuanying could escape.

At the same time, the fake Qingyang's Big Five Elements Sword Formation on the left also fell on Qingyang. The Qinglian Armor released blossoming green lotuses above Qingyang's head, which could not withstand the powerful Five Elements Sword Formation, and instantly fell upon him. It exploded, and Qingyang was swallowed up by the sword formation and disappeared into endless light and shadow.

It sounds slow to say this, but in fact, from Qingyang's action to the self-destruction of the Vajra Demon-Conquering Pearl, and then to Qingyang's death, it all happened in the blink of an eye. When everything settled, the light and shadow dispersed, and the surroundings were empty, except for the fake one on the left. Qingyang, there is no other figure, could Qingyang just die like this?

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