Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 195 Team up to break the formation

After figuring out the principle of the formation, the next step is to discuss how to break the formation. Suihan and his three friends sorted through the monks present. The largest number of monks present were from the eighth level of the KaiMai Realm. There were nearly 200 of them. There are more than a hundred monks on the ninth level, and most of the rest are on the seventh level of the Pulse Opening Realm. As for Qingyang, who came out to take risks in the middle stage of the Pulse Opening Realm, there are only seven or eight in total, and during the chaos just now, Nearly half of them died, which is almost negligible.

As for the monks in the Qi refining stage, including Suihan Sanyou, Jia Ting, and Master Miao, there are more than twenty monks in total. Most of them are in the early stage of Qi refining like them, but there are also four or five monks in the middle stage of Qi refining. Because they are all at the fourth or fifth level of Qi refining stage, maybe because they have relatively low-key personalities, they have no resistance to Suihan's three friends and let them organize and break the formation.

There are currently nearly 400 monks on the scene, more than 20 in the Qi refining stage, and more than 300 in the late stage of opening the pulse. They all add up to a huge force. If used well, it should be very easy to break the formation outside. relaxing.

When a disaster is approaching, everyone should naturally work together and put aside their previous grudges temporarily, so the three friends of Suihan divided the monks present into five groups. Each group was composed of five Qi-training monks and about 70 late-stage Kaimai realm monks, and began to take turns. Launch an attack on the formation outside.

The first group will attack first, the second group will prepare at the back, and the remaining three groups will temporarily recover their energy at the back. After two breaths, the first group was ready. The team leader gave an order, and more than seventy attacks were launched at the same time, hitting the blood-colored light curtain on the opposite side.

The means of attack were very messy. Some used talismans, some used spells directly, and some used magic weapons to attack directly. It looked like a ragtag group, but the combined power of the attacks of more than seventy people was still very powerful. The momentum is so huge that even the Foundation Establishment monk here would not dare to allow so many people to attack him at the same time.

There was a loud rumble, and a large number of attacks hit the blood-colored light curtain. The ground shook, and there was an incessant buzzing sound from the surrounding mines, as if they were about to collapse. As for the blood-colored light curtain, it shook sharply for a few times. The light curtain in the light and shadow cave where it was attacked suddenly dimmed a lot. Then the wave of light flashed, and the blood color gradually returned to the area where it was attacked.

Master Miao, who is proficient in formations, could see it at a glance. The blood color of the entire light curtain outside seemed to be lighter than before. It was obvious that the energy from other places was used to replenish the attacked area. Although the loopholes were repaired, the entire array was still dark. The power of the law has also declined.

The degree of this reduction is very small. Except for those with relatively high cultivation and strong spiritual consciousness, and Master Miao and others who are more knowledgeable in battle formations, others cannot detect it yet. However, the formation has weakened, which proves that everyone's method is correct. As long as they continue to attack, the formation can always be broken.

After the first group attacked, they retreated a little, and the other two groups temporarily recovered the infuriating energy they had just consumed. At this time, the second group was ready. Then the group leader gave an order, and more than seventy attacks were launched at the same time. Head towards the part that was attacked just now.

Although there were differences in personnel, the strength composition of the two groups of monks was almost the same, and the power of the attacks was almost the same. There was a loud rumble, the ground shook, and the blood-colored light curtain outside shook violently as if it had been severely damaged. Gradually fade.

After the attack force was removed, the light curtain gradually returned to calm, and the loopholes were replenished by the formation. At this time, the third group was also ready. So the previous procedure continued, the second group retreated and went to the back to recover and prepare, and the third group launched another attack.

The five groups took turns to attack, and one round was carried out in the blink of an eye. At this time, not only Master Miao and the Qi Refining monks, but also those with lower cultivation levels, including Qingyang, could see that the formation was The intensity has weakened by at least 20%, and the blood color has also become much darker. At this rate, at most four more rounds would be enough to completely break the formation.

However, the situation at the scene is not optimistic. After one round of attacks, the high-level monks who are in the Qi refining stage and using talismans are better off. The impact of one round of attacks on them is not great, but the situation of those low-level monks is a bit bad. Wonderful.

For those who are not strong enough and use spells forcefully, one spell consumes nearly 30% of the infuriating energy in their bodies. Two more spells will probably deplete all the infuriating energy in their bodies. Those with lower cultivation levels have to start taking qi-boosting pills to replenish it. So angry.

For those who directly attack with magic weapons, because they need to use a lot of true energy to protect the magic weapons, a lot of true energy in the body is consumed. However, what is even worse is that their magic weapons are more or less stained, and their power is not good. It has dropped a bit, and it is not obvious after one or two times. If it happens a few more times, I am afraid that there will be problems with my magic weapon, and it will be difficult to exert its previous power in the future.

Whether they are using talismans, using spells, or directly attacking with magic weapons, they all feel extremely distressed. However, they know their current situation better and know that being lazy means waiting to die. There is no point in feeling distressed. Everyone has to go out. A little effort.

Even Qingyang was no exception. He was organized into a group with Duan Rusong and others, and attacked the formation with everyone, although his attacks were almost negligible compared to others.

In fact, there is another very pressing issue. Although everyone has not said it out loud, many people are very aware of it. The person behind the arrangement of this formation has not yet appeared, which gave them time to break the formation calmly. If it continues to be delayed and waits for the person behind the formation to arrive, but everyone is trapped in the formation, I am afraid that by then He is about to be slaughtered.

The unknown is the scariest thing. The character of a person who can arrange such a vicious formation must not be much better. How could he be so merciful and let everyone leave? And the person who can arrange such a powerful formation must be very strong. Everyone present is probably no match, so breaking the formation as soon as possible and escaping from this damn place is the most urgent thing at the moment.

After a round of attacks, there was no need for the three friends of Suihan to rearrange their arrangements. The first group that was resting at the back had already stood up again. Although the energy consumed last time had not been replenished, and although there were still people who were worried about their magic weapons and talismans, they The movement of his hands was not slow, everything was ready, and under the command of the team leader, he once again attacked the blood-colored light curtain in front.

Although it is the second round, the attack power this time seems to be stronger than the first time. Perhaps it is because the talismans on the body have been exhausted, or perhaps because the use of spells consumes too much energy. This time, more than 90% of the monks are The magic weapon used to attack is not as messy as the first attack, and the power is increased a lot.

~~~~~~ Thanks to book friend 20180522032445700 and book friend 20180915201203106 for their recent rewards!

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