Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1984 Ice Fire Blue Flame Pill

The energy in the strange fire is helpful to monks who practice fire-attributed skills. It can improve the progress of the skills and the power of the skills they practice. It can also increase the strength of the monks. The deeper you go into the strange fire cave, the more powerful the different fires are. The bigger the flame, the higher the temperature, the more special energy it contains, and the greater the effect of the monk's practice. However, the conditions deep in the Strange Fire Cave are harsh, and it is not possible to enter if you want to.

Qingyang's divine will has long been restored. After exploring his divine will, he found strange fires in several caves along the way. Some strange fires seemed to have not been discovered yet, and some strange fires had been used in formations. At the same time, the cave has been transformed into a place suitable for cultivation. The person with the highest strength in the entire Strange Fire Cave is only at the Nascent Soul stage, but no one found Qingyang using his spiritual sense to spy.

Along the way, Gu Mufeng and others would occasionally encounter some casual cultivators who came in and out of the Strange Fire Cave. They were basically fire-attribute cultivators. They were either poor casual cultivators nearby with no money to squeeze, or they were from Cangmu City and had some differences with each other. They looked familiar and their attitude was very respectful, so they didn't have any trouble.

The four of them traveled so fast that they had traveled for several hours in the blink of an eye. At this time, they were hundreds of miles underground, and the surrounding temperature had reached a level that even Nascent Soul cultivators could not bear. This was still the strange fire that occurred once every thirty years. With the power weakened and the temperature suddenly lowered, under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for the cultivators to reach this depth, and no one else could be seen around them except the five of them.

The extreme high temperature scorched the monks in the cave, as if they were placed in a furnace for sacrifice. The true energy shield no longer worked. Gu Mufeng took out five light blue pills in time and gave them to everyone.

This elixir is called Ice Fire Blue Flame elixir. It is a special elixir. After taking it, it will slowly release a cool light blue light, forming a thin protective shield around the body, which can offset part of the abnormal fire cave. Due to the influence of temperature, the effect of the Ice Fire Blue Flame Pill is also limited. When taking the pill, the Golden Pill monk can only go one or two hundred miles further.

After walking forward for half an hour, Gu Mufeng stopped and said: "The quality of the strange fire luminous sand produced outside is of low quality, so it is left to the casual cultivators. Let's start looking from here. It is connected in all directions and has many caves. You can’t go far in a month, so you need to hurry up.”

The old man who had been following Gu Mufeng took a few steps forward and suggested: "Young Master, should we act separately? The effect of searching for the strange fire night sand may be higher."

Gu Mufeng looked at the people around him. Except for himself who was in the Nascent Soul stage, the rest were all in the Golden Core realm. So he shook his head and said: "It's not necessary. There are often strange fire bats in this strange fire cave. Strange fire bats often appear in this strange fire cave." Fire bats have an innate advantage in the Alien Fire Cave, and they often move in groups. They can't deal with them without a small number of people. What's more, in addition to us human monks, there are also people from the Boreal Clan, Yingwing Clan, etc. If someone is left alone, it is difficult to protect them. What happened to fellow Taoist Qingyang will not happen.”

The strange fire luminous sand is actually the excrement of the different fire bats of Warcraft. However, the luminous sand produced by the low-level strange fire bats is not effective enough and can only be used to refine low-level elixirs. Generally, only the luminous sand produced by the different fire bats in the golden elixir realm is available. The sand is the real different fire luminous sand. The luminous sand produced by the different fire bats in the Nascent Soul realm is called the different fire bright king sand. The different fire bats often move in groups. These people encountered a small group of the golden elixir realm. The alien fire bats can still put up a fight, but if there are too many, they can only temporarily avoid the sharp edge, let alone encounter the alien fire bats in the Nascent Soul realm. If they act separately again, it will be even more dangerous.

It’s not that the old man doesn’t know this. He understands the situation in the Strange Fire Cave. There are basically Golden Core Realm Strange Fire Bats within a hundred miles nearby. It’s rare to encounter Nascent Soul Strange Fire Bats. Just be careful and collect them this year. The mission of Yihuo Ye Mingsha is very heavy, so the rewards will be greater if they are separated.

However, Gu Mufeng's words are more reasonable. They are not the only ones collecting strange fire night sand, but also other races. From what happened to Qingyang today, we can see that the other party will definitely do something dirty if they are left alone.

Since they decided to act together, everyone no longer hesitated and chose a branch hole to walk towards the depths. The old man on the eighth level of the Golden Core walked at the front to explore the way, and the couple on the sixth level of the Golden Core walked at the back. To protect everyone's retreat, Qingyang was still a wounded person in their eyes, so he walked in the middle with Gu Mufeng. The Yuanying monk's spiritual sense was stronger, and Gu Mufeng was also responsible for looking for nearby strange fires, because there were strange fires. There are alien fire bats, which only like to build caves where there are alien fires.

As a result, their movement slowed down, and it only lasted twenty or thirty miles in an hour. The five of them cooperated with each other and walked a full three to four hundred miles without stopping, and they only discovered three strange fires. However, these three strange fires are not very big, and there are no strange fire bat caves around them, so there is no harvest. More than a day has passed like this, but not even a grain of strange fire night-light sand has been obtained. It can be said that it is a bad start. , which made Gu Mufeng and the four of them feel very depressed all the time.

In fact, this is normal. The monks of Cangmu City collect the strange fire luminous sand from the strange fire cave every thirty years. Each time they start from the original position. The human monks may not have been to the branch cave they entered, but it does not mean that other The monks of the ethnic group have not walked through it, and they may have been looked for several times. If their luck is extremely bad, they may even take the same road as other races this time. Following others, of course, there is no way to gain anything. . But it would be better if the time is longer. It won’t take long for everyone to stagger. There will always be something to gain if you look slowly.

Sure enough, after walking for dozens of miles, they finally found a cluster of black and purple strange fires. This strange fire was larger than the ones they had discovered before, covering an area of ​​several feet, and above the strange fire, there were More than a dozen strange fire bats hung upside down on the ceiling of the cave. Qingyang used his spiritual sense to sense it. Among the dozen strange fire bats, two-thirds were in the foundation building stage, and there were five in the golden elixir stage, but among them The strength of one has reached the eighth level of the Golden Core. It may not be easy to deal with in a place like this.

Gu Mufeng introduced before that the Warcraft Alien Fire Bat is extremely talented and is not restricted by the special environment of the Alien Fire Cave. Low-level Alien Fire Bats can reach the depths that even Nascent Soul monks cannot reach, so the foundation building stage is found here. Strange fire bats are not unusual. Of course, high-level alien fire bats no longer like too many low-level alien fire bats taking up training resources, so the deeper you go, the more high-level alien fire bats there are.

Alien Fire Bats are fire-attributed monsters. They also like the special energy in Alien Fire. Therefore, Alien Fire Bats hang upside down above the Alien Fire. They are sleeping and practicing. They are slowly absorbing doubts and releasing them while sleeping. The special energy produced can enhance one's own strength. If one can collect the Alien Fire Luminous Sand without alerting the Alien Fire Bat, a lot of things can be saved.

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