Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 2086 Trading life for life

As he spoke, the God-Transformation Fire Giant had already united the remaining Fire Giants. He first let out a roar, and then waved his hand, and the dozens of Fire Giants rushed towards Qingyang and others. The earth shook, and smoke and dust Rolling, the posture was like thousands of troops charging towards them.

Now that the tasks have been assigned, Yangchi and Qingyang did not hesitate. With a sharp shout, they flew towards the God-Performing Fire Giant. Yun Kunzi's two guards hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and rushed forward. In the blink of an eye, the four of them were fighting with the fire giant who had transformed into a god. The other six people could not avoid it, and each used their magical powers to fight with the low-level fire giants.

For a moment, the battlefield was filled with sword shadows and flames. The battle became more intense than before. On one side were Qingyang, Yangchi, two guards, and the God-Transformation Perfection Fire Giant. Four against one, the monks clearly had the upper hand, but they The advantage is not very big. Firstly, because the fire giant's attack power is too powerful, no one dares to attack directly. Secondly, the four monks come from the three forces. Each has its own little idea, and the cooperation is not particularly tacit, and it is not fully utilized. There was an advantage of having more people, but after all, there were more people on the monk side, and there were two masters, Yangchi and Qingyang, so victory would be a matter of time.

Before, Yangchi felt that Qingyang had stronger attack power and his overall strength was much inferior to his. But as the battle progressed, the more he learned about Qingyang's strength, the more shocked he became. This young man He has almost no shortcomings, and his overall strength is actually stronger than himself.

The key is that this kid is still very humble. Although he has such strong strength, he acts in a low-key manner. He can withstand the Fire Giant of Divine Perfection by himself, but he is unwilling to show his strength. He is powerful but modest and cautious, and behind the scenes, he is low-key and steady. , such outstanding young people are really rare in the world.

The situation on the other side was just the opposite. Five fire giants of the eighth and ninth levels of god transformation and a large number of sixth-level god transformation fire giants surrounded the remaining six monks, and they were unable to fight back except to parry. With such power, Yun Kunzi, Qingdie, and Yangchuan were in danger frequently. Granny Hua Mian and Boy Yuanbao were too busy taking care of themselves, how could they have time to take care of others?

Fortunately, Yun Kunzi, Qingdie, and Yangchuan are not easy-going people. As the young patriarch of the Bilin clan, Yun Kunzi is only at the sixth level of spiritual transformation, but with the treasures given by his family, he can still perform extremely well. The strength of the eighth-level monk who is inferior to the Transformation God is incomparable to the monster Qingyang, but he is still outstanding among young people; Qingdie is the direct daughter of the leader of the Floating Clan, and the former leader of the clan who came to participate in the True Spirit Tomb meeting He also gave a lot of good things, not much worse than Yun Kunzi; Yangchuan was a little worse, but after all, his grandfather was a veteran cultivator of Perfection of God, and his background was quite profound. So they can barely maintain the situation in front of them, but everyone can see that they probably won't be able to hold on for long.

Soon half an hour passed. After the efforts of Qingyang, Yangchi and others, the Fire Giant of Divine Transformation was beaten so that most of the flames were extinguished. He roared again and again but to no avail. Qingyang cut off his left arm and cut off his chest. He was also penetrated repeatedly by Yang Chi's magic weapon, and his momentum was far less than before. Qingyang, Yangchi and the others became more and more courageous as they fought, and they should be able to kill the enemy within a matter of seconds.

The God-Performing Fire Giant seemed to want to make a comeback. He roared upwards and summoned countless fireballs to hit the sky. The range of this attack was much smaller, but the size of the fireballs was several times larger. The power of each one was comparable to Compared with the attacks by monks in the later stage of the Transformation, if they were hit by just one or two, even Yangchi who had completed the Transformation would not be able to escape completely, so everyone quickly turned around to defend themselves.

There was only one exception, one of Yun Kunzi's guards. He didn't care about his own safety at all. He didn't take any defensive measures. Instead, he stimulated the true energy and potential of his body, taking advantage of the opportunity of the God-Transformation Perfection Fire Giant's attack. , stabbed the vital part of the fire giant's chest with all his strength.

It turned out that this guard knew that Yun Kunzi was determined to win the Divine Transformation Perfection Fire Spirit Crystal, but in this battle the two of them did not contribute much due to their strength, and they would definitely not have an advantage in future allocations. In order to gain the right to speak for the young master , coupled with the fact that the situation on the young master's side is getting more and more critical, and his life is already in danger, they are urgently needed to support, and the battle must end as soon as possible, so this guard adopted a life-for-life strategy, hoping to Kill the fire giant in the shortest time.

The Divine Perfection Fire Giant had just launched a big move, but he didn't expect that someone would attack regardless of his life at this time. He was unprepared for a moment, and was directly pierced through the vital part of the chest by the opponent's magic weapon. The fire giant was already seriously injured, and now he was hit hard again. His body staggered and almost fell to the ground.

It's just that the guard only had the ninth level of spiritual transformation. Although he attacked with all his strength without risking his life, his strength was not as good as it was after all. He only seriously injured the fire giant but failed to kill it directly. As for the guard, he was hit by several fireballs in a row and was even more injured than the fire giant. He fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time. He suffered such heavy injuries that even if he didn't die, he would have no fighting power.

The fire giant was furious and wanted to step forward and trample the guard to death, but by this time Yangchi and Qingyang had also slowed down. They used their methods to attack the fire giant at the same time. The fire giant had no choice but to turn around. Resistance, just in the current situation, how could he withstand the simultaneous attacks of two masters as his strength was not as good as before? After several desperate struggles, his body collapsed to the ground.

Finally, the Divine Transformation Fire Giant was killed, and the rest was easy to handle. Yangchi didn't care about rest, and immediately stepped in front of his grandson Yangchuan, who was the weakest among the other six. Yes, the situation is critical at this time, with numerous injuries on his body, and it will be too late if he doesn't save him.

Yun Kunzi's remaining guard first ducked to the fire giant's body and found the fire spirit crystal buried in the ashes. Then he checked the guard who fell on the ground to confirm that the other guard was still breathing. He fed him a healing elixir, and then flew forward to support the young master Yun Kunzi.

Qingyang glanced at the opponent and did not step forward to fight for it. He had already made a plan before and it would not be too late to distribute it after the matter was over. It was right to kill as many low-level fire giants as possible and get more low-level fire spirit crystals. thing. The Fire Crystal itself is dropped by the Fire Giant, so the Fire Giant has a strong immunity to the Fire Crystal. It has little effect on them, but it has miraculous effects on other enemies. It can enhance their own strength during battle, which is quite a lot. A bit of a life-saving measure.

This time, Qingyang directly approached a nine-level fire giant who transformed into gods, and used the five-element sword formation to attack. After several consecutive fierce battles, the fire giant's strength had declined drastically. How could it be Qingyang's opponent? In less than a quarter of an hour, it was defeated. He was killed by Qingyang's sword and contributed a nine-level fire spirit crystal that transformed into a god.

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