Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 2178 Treasury

After leaving the main hall, the Eight-faced Venerable led them towards the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion. After walking for a full hour, they came to a huge courtyard. There was an eighth-level monk of Void Refining waiting at the door. When he saw them, he hurriedly came up to them and said, "Why are you here, Lord Eight-faced Master?"

The Eight-faced Venerable said: "According to the instructions of the city lord, I will bring them to receive the reward."

Hearing this, the eighth-level cultivator couldn't help but look at Qingyang and others, cupped his hands and said, "It turns out that you are Qingyang, Yangchi and others who have made great achievements this time, disrespectful, disrespectful."

The Eight-faced Venerable introduced to Qingyang and others: "This is the City Lord's Treasury Ambassador Siyang Venerable."

Has the reputation spread here? Qingyang and others hurriedly saluted: "I have met Senior Siyang Venerable."

Venerable Siyang said: "I have heard about your deeds a long time ago and you have made great contributions to our Wuyang City. I didn't expect to be able to see you today. It is a great honor. Since the city lord has ordered you, please come with me."

In the important place of the treasury, there are not only gatekeepers, but also very high-level formations. If there is no Venerable Siyang to lead the way, the monks who come in will be bombarded to pieces. Venerable Siyang takes out a token and inputs the real Yuan opened the formation and led Bamenzun, Qingyang and others into the treasury courtyard.

The entire yard covers an area of ​​several thousand acres. There are five warehouses distributed side by side from left to right. The doors of the warehouses are labeled with five signs: A, B, C, D, and W. The warehouse is a hundred feet long and more than thirty feet wide, with a single area of ​​more than forty acres. , I don’t know how many treasures can be stored. There are two monks in the early stage of Void Refining each guarding the door of the warehouse. Not counting the Four-Yang Master, there are ten people here, which shows its importance.

Everyone came to the door of warehouse No. C. Venerable Siyang and the two monks who kept the warehouse exchanged a few words, opened the door and took them in. If Qingyang and Yangchi took a fancy to the warehouse No. C, For the treasure, you can also give up the opportunity of name A and B and choose the treasure here, so the two of them are allowed to come in. The two of them will definitely not do this. Following up will be a long experience.

If you don’t enter it, you can’t feel how big the warehouse is. Standing in this warehouse with an area of ​​more than 40 acres, it feels like the entire warehouse has no boundaries, which is shocking. The entire warehouse is divided into many areas, and each area is full of piles. Various treasures were collected, roughly tens of thousands of them.

Venerable Siyang led everyone forward a few steps, then pointed to the left and said: "Everyone, please see, here are specially collected elixirs. There are about two hundred plants, each of which is no less than 10,000 years old." Years ago, and it is a rare elixir found in the outside market, and it is difficult to buy a spiritual stone. "

"For example, in the jade box, there is a ten-thousand-year soul-carrying grass. The soul and spirit are stored on it, which can be preserved for ten thousand years. There is also the jade bottle, which is filled with ten-thousand-flower fairy dew. It has been collected for thousands of years. Condensed from the dew of thousands of spiritual flowers, it has the effect of clearing the mind and resolving doubts. Practicing and taking it can increase the chance of enlightenment. "

As an alchemist, there are many things that Qingyang needs here. If he could pick them up casually, he would want every one of them. Unfortunately, this is only a C-size warehouse, and each person can only choose one. Qingyang just wants to see if there is any. Speaking, other people seemed to think that choosing the elixir was too bad, and no one expressed their opinion.

Seeing that no one was interested, Venerable Siyang pointed in several other directions and said: "In front are spiritual weapons and spiritual treasures, including offensive ones, defensive ones, and some with special functions; further ahead are There are many elixirs, spiritual wines, and spiritual teas at the level of refining the void. If you like it, you can check it out. On the right are various spiritual minerals, spiritual materials and other refining materials. Like the elixirs, they are all valuable. They are both expensive and difficult to buy. If you are an weapon refiner, you can go and choose them. The various talismans and talismans in the front right are extremely powerful. If you can prepare one, your strength will be greatly increased in battle; further forward, They are some rare secrets of martial arts and magical powers, many of which are extremely powerful; the innermost part is some miscellaneous treasures, all of which cannot be classified. Some things even the city lord cannot figure out the materials and properties of. The purpose is to put it here temporarily, hoping to find someone suitable."

After walking down, everyone's eyes were opened. Every treasure here is valuable, and every one of them is hard to put down. This is the case in the C-size warehouse, so how good are the treasures in the B-size and A-size warehouses? degree? Qingyang and Yangchi were filled with expectations for a moment.

Huamian Granny and Yuanbao Boy were all dazzled. They looked at this and touched that. They couldn't make up their minds for a long time. They felt that any one of them was good and they wanted all of them. Unfortunately, each of them could only choose one. It took a long time. , Granny Hua Mian made up her mind and took out a defensive spirit treasure to wear on her body. Wutong City was about to be in chaos, and fierce battles were inevitable. The defensive spirit treasure could increase the chance of survival.

Yuanbao Boy selected an extremely rare weapon refining material. If this material can be refined into a magic weapon, it can have a certain imprisoning effect on the enemy during battle and increase the chance of victory.

Later, Taoist Ju and Wan Yuan also selected their favorite items respectively. Seeing that Qingyang and Yangchi really planned to select the treasures in the C warehouse, Master Siyang had no choice but to take them away to the B warehouse. Granny Hua Mian and Yuan Bao Boy were not qualified to enter, so they could only stay outside, watching with envy as Venerable Siyang and Venerable Eight Faces led Qingyang and Yangchi into the warehouse number B.

The layout of the Yi-character warehouse is the same as that of the Bing-character warehouse, and the number of treasures stored is also similar, but the things here are of higher grade, greater value, and rarer. Even the Five Elements Calming Pills and the best blood jade crystals can be seen here. The Five Elements Calming Pills were sold at a high price of 4.5 million at the temporary auction organized by the Fubo Clan in Bibo City. Qingyang did not hesitate to offend the Yin-devouring Ancestor to successfully bid for it. At that time, the Fubo Clan said that there was no second one within a radius of billions of miles. Unexpectedly, there was one in the Yi-character warehouse of the Wuhu City Treasury. As for the best blood jade crystal, Qingyang and others from Bibo City are not too rare, but for cultivators from other places, this is a peerless treasure. One piece is worth 5 million spirit stones, which is higher than the price of the Five Elements Calming Pills.

With these things as a foundation, other treasures will naturally not be too bad. Yang Chi finally understood the feelings of the Flower-faced Granny and the Ingot Boy. He liked this and needed that. He really didn't know what to choose. After hesitating for a full hour, he chose a jade talisman called the Wuji Hualei Fu. This is a talisman of the Refining Void level. It imitates the cultivator's tribulation. When used, it can communicate with the energy of heaven and earth, forming a thunder tribulation that strikes instantly, and its power is comparable to a blow from a cultivator in the middle stage of the Refining Void.

Yang Chi has spent all his energy on supporting the younger generation in recent years and has never considered himself. This time, he was able to come back alive only with the help of Qingyang. After repeated consideration, he decided to use this opportunity on himself and use this talisman as his last means of survival.

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