Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 2195: Camp Protection Formation

In fact, in this battle, Qingyang's performance was relatively conservative, and he only revealed part of his strength when he killed the Refining Void Bone Wing Demon. If a tree stands out in the forest, the wind will destroy it. If you perform too well on the battlefield, most monks should be somewhat reserved, and will fight desperately when you are really in danger. This situation still exists on the battlefield. After all, hundreds of people on the side of the spirit race died.

A few days later, the Black Hemp Saint brought the remaining monks to join the reunion, and the remaining monks of Huangya City also followed, preparing to merge with the monks of Wuhu City and be commanded by the Wumeng Saint. The scale of the war is getting bigger and bigger. The troops of Huangya City are not enough for the demons to counterattack. If they set up a separate camp, they may be defeated one by one at any time. The Qianya Saint even sent a message to Huangya City, suggesting that the city lord should add some more troops to put out the demon invasion as soon as possible.

After the three parties joined together, the total number of spiritual cultivators led by Wu Meng Saint Lord was nearly 12,000, including five combined cultivators and more than 300 refining cultivators. The camp stretched for dozens of miles, which could be described as strong and powerful. However, nearly 2,000 of them were injured, which had some impact on their strength.

This great victory swept away the low morale caused by the continuous defeats in the past few days. Wu Meng Saint Lord distributed a large amount of spiritual wine and spiritual fruits to celebrate the victory. The atmosphere in the entire camp was extremely warm and full of confidence. Many people even suggested that Wu Meng Saint Lord lead everyone to attack Huanglong and wipe out the invading demons in one fell swoop.

Wu Meng Saint Lord was not dazzled by the victory in front of him. He knew that the demons had won consecutive victories before and had a deep foundation. It was not a victory that could be quickly reversed. It was necessary to plan for the long term. At least all the pioneers sent by the demons had to be eliminated before going to besiege Qianji City.

Afterwards, Wumeng Saint spent several days to reorganize all the monks. The monks of Wuhu City were organized into twelve outposts, each with 640 people. Four combined monks each led three outposts. More than a thousand monks who were still recovering from injuries were listed separately as wounded soldiers. When there were casualties in any outpost, the wounded soldiers could be used to supplement. The several outposts of Huangya City were still led by Qianya Saint.

Qingyang's Wu Team was still assigned to Ren Outpost, and the outpost leader was still the original Five Dragons Venerable. Ren Outpost and Shengui Outpost were both under the command of Wumeng Saint, and the personnel lost in the last war were also supplemented. In addition, Wumeng Saint also selected hundreds of Lianxu monks to form his own direct assault team, with his confidants as captains. If there was a stalemate in the battle, they would take on the assault task, which might change the situation.

During this period, Wumeng Saint also sent people to contact Qingyuan City and Xuansha City, hoping to act in a unified manner when attacking the demon clan. As expected, the leaders of the two immortal cities refused on the grounds that they were too far apart and communication was inconvenient. In fact, this is normal. There must be a leader and a subordinate when acting together. Wuhu City has a large number of people, and the city lord is leading the team personally. The course of action must be obeyed by Wumeng Saint. Even if they have made contributions, Wuhu City will be the first. The other two immortal cities will definitely not be willing to cooperate.

Wumeng Saint had expected this, but did not say much. Wuhu City and Huangya City already have more than 10,000 people, and the other two immortal cities have a small number of people. Their participation is just icing on the cake. Without them, it will not affect the overall situation. Moreover, Qingyuan City and Xuansha City staying on the other side can more or less play a role in restraining the demons. Since they are unwilling, there is no need to force it.

After reorganizing the team, Wumeng Saint did not immediately take the next step, but took them to rest for three months. The last battle caused serious losses. Those who need to be supplemented, those who need to be healed, and those who need to be adjusted should be adjusted. Not to mention other things, at least the minor injuries need to be healed first.

During this period, the spirit race did not take any action, and the demon army was also very quiet, staying in the camp honestly, and not even sending people to inquire about the news. It seemed that they were afraid of provoking the spirit race and bringing disaster to themselves. I don’t know if they were scared or were brewing some big action.

At the end of the three-month period, Wu Meng Saint led the spirit army to the demon camp. The distance of 300,000 miles was reached in less than a day. Seeing that the demon camp was not far away, a virtual cultivator suddenly appeared in front of everyone. This was the cultivator sent by Wu Meng Saint to monitor the demons. Wu Meng Saint asked: "How is the situation in the demon camp? Is there anything unusual recently?"

The Lianxu monk said: "Report to the city lord, the demons set up camp here after being defeated and have not taken any action for a long time, but ten days ago they suddenly set up a large camp protection formation around the camp."

Wu Meng Saint said: "In addition to setting up this camp protection formation, did the demons take any other actions?"

The Lianxu monk said: "No other actions, because we are afraid of alarming the demon army, we dare not get too close to the demon camp, but we have deployed manpower around. The demon camp has been very quiet during this period. No one has left, and no demon army has come to support."

"The demons neither withdrew nor provided support, but only set up a large camp protection formation on the periphery. They can't rely on this mere formation to stop my spirit army, right? Defending is a dead end, don't the demons understand this truth?" Qianya Saint asked doubtfully.

The Black Horse Saint said: "It is also possible that the demon clan's reinforcement army is coming. They know that they can't stop the spirit clan army by themselves, so they set up this formation to delay time."

The Wumeng Saint nodded: "It makes sense. If this is true, we must act as soon as possible and try to break the formation before the demon clan army arrives and eliminate the remaining demon clan monks. If we delay until the demon clan reinforcements arrive and the two armies merge, it will be difficult to deal with them."

After the discussion, Wumeng Saint immediately led the spiritual monks to the outside of the demon camp and divided the monks into two parts. One part attacked the demon camp protection formation with all its strength, and the other part was responsible for vigilance to prevent the demons from setting up an ambush outside and suddenly attacking the people who attacked the formation.

There are generally three sources of energy for large-scale formations. One is the support of spiritual stones. The larger the formation, the more spiritual stones it consumes. Ordinary people cannot afford it, and few people use it in such a large-scale battle of thousands of people attacking and defending; one is to combine with the spiritual veins to take the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the spiritual energy in the spiritual veins. This formation is extremely powerful, but it has high requirements for site selection and is also very troublesome to arrange. It is generally used for mountain protection formations and is rarely used in positional battles; another is to use the power of monks. A large number of monks input true essence to provide energy for the formation and support the operation of the formation. Of course, the power is not as good as the mountain protection formation, but this formation is simple to arrange and easy to use. It is the most commonly used in positional battles.

The large protective formation temporarily set up by the demons here is most likely the third type of formation. They only need to keep attacking and wait until the cultivators in the formation can no longer hold on, and then it is time to break the formation.

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