Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 2209: Demon King Exorcist

Thinking of this, the Thousand Insects Demon Lord made a decisive decision, and sent out a few demon insects to interfere with Qingyang, and then leaped and fled in the direction of Qianji City. The combined cultivator fled with all his strength, and his speed was comparable to Qingyang's Shadow Void Shuttle. It was so fast that he disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

He escaped, the Thousand Insects Demon Lord actually escaped. He, a combined cultivator, was actually scared away by himself, a Divine Transformation cultivator. Although Qingyang hoped for this ending, when the Thousand Insects Demon Lord really escaped, he was still somewhat surprised. The danger was lifted, and he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, Qingyang did not dare to chase him. This was a matter of fearing both ends. The Thousand Insects Demon Lord was not sure to kill Qingyang, and Qingyang was not able to defeat the Thousand Insects Demon Lord. Now this ending is just right, otherwise it would force the other party to jump off the wall and fight Qingyang to a loss, which would be more than worth the loss.

After confirming that there was no more danger around, Qingyang checked his own situation first. He was attacked by the phantom of the demon insect of the Ten Thousand Insects Demon Lord before, and the other four people shared a lot of the damage for him. Therefore, although Qingyang was injured, his injury was not too serious. Later, he took the elixir, which did not affect his strength much.

The Iron Arm Spirit Monkey completely gained the upper hand in the battle with the Refining Void Demon Cultivator. Later, Qingyang forcibly took it back, but it was still unsatisfied, so it had no effect. However, the alcoholic queen bee suffered a lot of damage due to the overload of the pollen maze. Although she ended the formation in time, she was also seriously injured and needed to recuperate for a while. If she encounters a strong enemy again, she may not be able to use it in a short time.

This time, facing the combined cultivator, Qingyang used all his means, including the Great Five Elements Sword Formation, the Soul-Destroying Pearl, and the Immortal-Slaying Gourd. He even sent out the Iron Arm Spirit Monkey and the Alcoholic Bee Swarm, and the other four people helped, but they only barely forced the opponent away. If the Ten Thousand Insects Demon Lord was slightly less injured, or if he attacked more decisively, Qingyang might have suffered. Therefore, his current strength is comparable to that of a cultivator in the middle stage of the Refining Void Realm. If he encounters a cultivator in the late stage of the Refining Void Realm, he basically has no chance of winning.

In addition to Qingyang, there were some other losses in this battle. Three people including Xueyue almost died, and the situation of Huamian Po Po was not much better. The most serious thing was that they lost two members of the God Transformation Team. However, they were facing a combined cultivator, so the loss of only two people in the end was not a big loss.

Of course, the gains from this battle were not small. They killed two God Transformation Demon Cultivators and one Refining Void Demon Cultivator in succession, and even cut off an arm of the Ten Thousand Insects Demon Lord. The credit is not small. Moreover, the three demon cultivators all left their life magic weapons and storage rings, and the things inside must be no less.

What surprised Qingyang even more was that the arm of the Ten Thousand Insects Demon Lord that was cut down actually had a storage ring. The Ten Thousand Insects Demon Lord was a combined cultivator, and the treasures in his storage ring must be indispensable. As for what is inside, it is not clear yet, because the Ten Thousand Insects Demon Lord is still alive. With Qingyang's current strength, he cannot open it. He can only wait until he returns to ask others for help.

Qingyang packed up briefly and chased in the direction where the Flower-faced Granny and others fled. It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. If the Ten Thousand Insects Demon Lord finds helpers to retaliate, Qingyang is not sure that he can scare the enemy away a second time. Moreover, among Qingyang's four teammates, only the Flower-faced Granny is in a slightly better situation. If she encounters a slightly stronger enemy, she may be wiped out. Before, they were worried about being affected by the Ten Thousand Insects Demon Lord, so they were allowed to leave first. Now that the enemy has retreated and the danger is lifted, it is better to try to leave together.

Fortunately, Qingyang didn't delay for long. The four people of Huamian Po Po were injured and couldn't walk fast. It took only more than an hour to catch up with them. When everyone saw Qingyang returning safely, they were shocked. This time, they all thought that Qingyang might not be able to escape unscathed, because Wan Chong Mo Jun was a combined cultivator after all, and his cultivation was much higher than theirs, and there was almost no possibility of survival. As a result, they found that they still underestimated Qingyang. Not only did he come back, but he was not affected at all.

When everyone met, they were inevitably concerned. Everyone understood the situation, so Qingyang didn't hide it. He told them about how he removed the formation, cut off the enemy's arm with a knife, and frightened Wan Chong Mo Jun away. Everyone was amazed again. Unexpectedly, their captain could even hurt a combined cultivator.

At this time, Qingyang and others were tens of thousands of miles away from the previous battlefield, so they were not worried that the enemy would catch up. With Qingyang there, everyone was much more confident, so they found a hidden place nearby, set up a formation and began to repair and heal their wounds. The injuries of the other three people could not be delayed any longer.

It took half a day for the injuries of the three people to improve. Taking this opportunity, Qingyang sorted out the gains this time. Qingyang did not take the credits and storage rings of the two spirit cultivators, and gave them to the other four people. The credits and storage rings of the virtual cultivator and the Ten Thousand Insects Demon Lord all belonged to Qingyang. This was what Qingyang deserved, and no one else had any objections. As for the relics of the two dead spirit cultivators, they needed to be taken back and handed in. It was not appropriate to divide up the things of one's own people.

After sorting out the credits, Qingyang drove the Drunken Immortal Gourd and led everyone to reunite with the main force. They had been separated from the main force for too long and strayed too far. It took three days to find the main force led by Wumeng Saint Lord. Fortunately, they were safe along the way and did not encounter any enemies.

At this time, the previous battle had ended for a long time. Saint Lord Wumeng had already settled down with his men on the spot. The scattered spirit monks also returned one after another. Qingyang was the last group. The rest of the noon team had returned early. Because they were close to the main force, there were few casualties.

The Spirit Clan won a great victory in this battle, killing one combined demon cultivator, thirty-seven refining demon cultivators, and more than 2,200 incarnation demon cultivators, forcing the demon clan's vanguard general, the Flame Demon Lord, to self-destruct. There were countless seriously injured people, which severely damaged the vitality of the demon clan and it should be impossible to launch a war in a short period of time.

The Spirit Clan had less than a thousand casualties, most of whom were incarnation cultivators. Only five refining cultivators were unlucky and were killed by the counterattack of demon cultivators who were far stronger than them. Such casualties can be supplemented by the wounded battalion, and have no impact on the strength of the entire Spirit Clan.

Specifically, Qingyang's noon team killed two refining demon cultivators and nineteen incarnation demon cultivators in this battle, which was much higher than the others. Not to mention the injuries of the entire noon team, a total of four incarnation members died, which was basically the same as other teams. The main reason was that Qingyang encountered a combined cultivator.

Upon hearing that Qingyang had escaped from the hands of the Ten Thousand Insects Demon Lord, Saint Lord Wumeng was very surprised and took time out to meet with Qingyang and the others. He asked them in detail about every detail of their battle with the Ten Thousand Insects Demon Lord. These things could not be concealed, so Qingyang could only tell them the whole story. Of course, in order to make the whole thing seem normal, Qingyang could only exaggerate the injuries of the Ten Thousand Insects Demon Lord as much as possible.

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