Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 304 Intimidation

Let's not talk about Qingyang. When the rolling rat saw Qingyang disappear in front of him, he couldn't help but be stunned. There was no space fluctuation around him. Obviously, it was not a low-level space treasure like the escape talisman. The rolling rat was stunned for a while, and then suddenly realized, saying: "You, you actually have a space treasure that can hide living people? We really misjudged you. It turns out that you are the real big fish." This kid is so cunning. He must have planned this trap long ago, luring the demon monkeys, hiding in the space treasure, and then throwing the enemy to himself. It's really a pitfall. Thinking of this, the rolling rat Zhu Ru was so angry that his heart hurt, and he cursed: "Boy, dare to pit your rolling rat grandfather, you will not die well." However, it was too late to say anything at this time. The demon monkeys didn't know how Qingyang disappeared, and they were not interested in finding the reason. Their only idea now was to kill those who trespassed into the demon monkey forbidden area and repeatedly provoked them. At the command of the Monkey King, the monkeys attacked together. Zhu Ru, the rolling rat, had no choice but to wield a pair of iron hammers to resist. It is said that two fists cannot defeat four strong men, but they cannot defeat more people. More than a dozen demon monkeys attacked at the same time. Not to mention the rolling rats, even the one-eyed dragon Leng Yu could not resist, not to mention that there was a monkey king next to him. After all, Zhu Ru, the rolling rat, was a cultivator in the middle stage of Qi Refining, and he still had a certain strength. There was only one second-level demon monkey left, and the third-level monkey king was also seriously injured. The power he exerted was less than 50% of the original. It was not so easy for the demon monkeys to kill Zhu Ru, the rolling rat. After nearly a quarter of an hour, Zhu Ru, the rolling rat, finally had his neck twisted by the monkey king. However, the demon monkeys also suffered heavy casualties from the rolling rat's dying counterattack. One first-level demon monkey died, several were injured, and even the monkey king was hit in the chest by the iron hammer, adding to the injury. After killing the rolling rat Zhu Ru, the Monkey King did not even look at his body and returned to the cave with the monkeys. He was too seriously injured and had to go back to heal his wounds.

After this battle, the demon monkey group suffered heavy losses, the Monkey King was seriously injured, three of the four second-level demon monkeys died, and more than half of the first-level demon monkeys were injured and killed. It would be difficult to recover in a short time.

After a while, a figure suddenly appeared at the original place, and then came to the body of the rolling rat, carefully looked through it several times, and then collected the body.

This figure was naturally Qingyang. Since the rolling rat was dead, his body could not be wasted. Qingfeng Hall also issued a bounty task, and taking it back would get a lot of spiritual stones. As for how to explain the matter, you can make up several reasons at will, such as the rolling rat encountered the demon monkey when chasing him, and both sides were injured and he took advantage of it.

After collecting the body of the rolling rat, Qingyang walked towards the demon monkey cave. The demon monkeys also got the news of Qingyang's sudden appearance. Before Qingyang reached the entrance of the cave, the monkey king led the demon monkeys to surround him.

The demon monkeys also have memories. The monkey king recognized Qingyang at a glance. He was already fed up with this guy. Although his cultivation was not high, he repeatedly provoked him and interrupted his healing. The first time was him, the second time was him, and the third time was him again.

This guy was not very strong, but he was like a piece of gummy candy, and he couldn't get rid of it. This time, no matter what, he had to teach him a profound lesson and let him know that Grandpa Monkey was not easy to mess with.

The monkeys surrounded Qingyang, but did not take action immediately. Instead, they released their auras that were not inferior to those of the Qi Refining cultivators and pressed towards Qingyang. The demon monkeys wanted to torture this annoying guy and let him die slowly in fear.

Qingyang was not afraid at all. Not only did he not retreat, but he smiled and sent a trace of his mind into the monkey king's mind, expressing his intention to subdue him.

The monkey king was immediately furious. Subdue me? You, a human who is not even as good as my first-level child, actually want to subdue me? Under our heavy siege, life and death are all in my mind, and you actually want to subdue me? Where do you get this confidence? Is there something wrong with your brain?

The monkey king's psychological activities are certainly not so specific, but the general meaning is similar. Qingyang's request is really outrageous, and more importantly, it is an offense to the dignity of the king. Monkey King Deng Chang's eyes were red, and he took two steps forward to Qingyang, then roared to the sky, swung his strong arms, and was about to smash Qingyang's head.

At this moment, the atmosphere around suddenly changed, and a yellow and blue shadow flew over Qingyang's head, and then released boundless momentum. Compared with those released by the monkeys before, it was simply the difference between the bright moon and the light of fireflies.

The monkey king was the first to be hit. He was forced to take several steps back by the momentum before he managed to stabilize his body. As for the first and second level demon monkeys around him, they were even more unbearable. They were terrified. Some of the timid ones were even scared to the ground, trembling all over.

The monkey king stared at the small yellow-blue shadow above Qingyang's head. The shadow was not big, but it was extremely powerful. Even if he was in his prime, it would be impossible to defeat it, let alone when he was seriously injured and his strength was less than 40% or 50% of the original?

Just from the momentum, it can be judged that these are two completely different realms. It is not enough to rely on numbers alone. Even if all the demon monkeys under his command come together, they are not opponents. The monkey group has just suffered a heavy blow, and now they have encountered such a powerful opponent. Is God going to destroy them?

The yellow and blue shadow is naturally the blue-backed alcoholic queen bee of Qingyang's spiritual insect. The strength of the spiritual insect is inferior to that of the monster beast, but the alcoholic queen bee is one level higher after all, and has reached the foundation building stage. Isn't that right? Can the third level monkey king compare? That's why it has such a big deterrent effect.

Qingyang seemed to be relying on the coercion of the alcoholic queen bee to take back the monkey king in front of him. Seeing that the monkey king was already timid, Qingyang once again expressed his intention with his spiritual thoughts, surrender or die!

Faced with the coercion of Qingyang and the blue-backed alcoholic bee, the monster monkeys gradually gathered together. The monkey king roared at the alcoholic queen bee. Although he was a bit stern but his eyes were stubborn and he obviously had no plans. Just give in.

Yes, both humans and monsters like freedom and live a carefree life. Who wants to be a slave to others? Once you surrender, you may never have freedom again.

Qingyang knew that coercion alone was not enough, so he once again expressed his intention with his spiritual thoughts. If he did not surrender, he would be dead. Not only would the life of the monkey king be at risk, but the entire monkey group would suffer. If he surrendered, he could let the monkey group live. , and with his promising future, he might be able to step into a broader sky.

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