Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 340 A desperate move

Tao Zhengyou said: "When my father went in, there was a disciple of the Tao family keeping watch outside. After waiting for a long time, no one came out. Instead, he heard a few screams from inside. He didn't dare to go in alone, so he had to report back to Taojiazhuang. After that, we found a group of monks to go in and rescue people. I was worried that my father was going to go in, but he was stopped by everyone. We had to let that disciple lead the way. As a result, no one came out again." Tao Yougong next to him also sighed and said: "Yes, not only that disciple, but also my eldest son Tao Zhengyi, followed the second group of monks and went down. It is still unknown whether he is dead or alive." "That means no one who went down came out alive?" Qingyang frowned. "No." Tao Zhengyou shook his head. The unknown is the most terrifying. If someone knows what dangers are inside, everyone will be prepared in advance, and everything will be easier to handle. Now we don't know the situation inside at all. What if the danger inside exceeds everyone's ability, won't we lose our lives in it? But think about it again, it is because the difficulty is too high that Tao Zhengyou will travel thousands of miles to Qingfeng Palace to find helpers. If the difficulty is not high, the problem would have been solved long ago, so why would they take the risk? If there is no danger, how can the Tao family be willing to take out the blood spirit beads?

Moreover, Yongzhou is a desolate and remote place with few cultivators, and those with high strength are rare. Even if there is danger, it will not leave so many disciples of the immortal sect helpless.

Since you have received the benefits from others, you can't not go there. Lu Feng turned his head and looked at the Tao family and said, "Fellow Daoist Tao, no one knows what dangers are in this underground palace. We can go in, but you two uncles and nephews must follow, otherwise we are worried."

Tao Zhengyou was stunned and said, "Do we have to go down too?"

"What? You don't want to?" Qiu Mingxi said with a cold face.

Seeing Qiu Mingxi's bad face, Tao Zhengyou hurriedly said: "It's not that I don't want to, but several people from our Tao family have been trapped in there one after another. If something happens to my second uncle and me again, the Tao family will be completely finished. Can only one of them go down?"

Tao Zhengyou's hesitation was also for a reason. There were not many masters in the Tao family. First, Tao Youcheng, who was at the third level of Qi Refining, got into trouble, and then Tao Yougong's son Tao Zhengyi also went in. If Tao Zhengyou and Tao Yougong were also trapped, the top leaders of the Tao family would be caught in one fell swoop.

At this time, Chen Biwang said, "We have tried to rescue your father several times but failed. This is the last time. You, the Tao family, should make a desperate effort to help us find out the truth. If you fail, you will die. Even if we let some of you stay outside, if so many of our disciples from the immortal sect get into trouble inside, do you think the Tao family still needs to exist?"

Chen Biwang's words were not a threat, but the truth. The immortal sects value their disciples very much. Whether it is Lu Feng, Qingyang, or Lu Dingshan, they are all well-known outer courtyard disciples of each sect. Even though the sects usually ignore them, once they get into trouble outside, Qingfeng Hall and Zhenmo Hall will not let it go and may vent their anger on the Tao family.

If the Tao family is strong, it will be fine. Now the Tao family only has two or three kittens. The two major immortal sects will not have any scruples and can easily solve the problem. What difference does it make whether someone stays outside?

Therefore, the most important thing for the Tao family to do now is to go all out and go down with everyone. One more person means more strength. If they can rescue the people, everyone will be happy. If they fail to rescue the people or encounter any danger, then everyone will be doomed.

Chen Biwang's words seemed to have worked. Tao Zhengyou said solemnly: "In this case, then my Tao family will go down with everyone. If my father cannot be rescued, I will stay inside with him."

After Tao Zhengyou finished speaking, he was the first to go into the cave below. Tao Yougong did not hesitate and followed him into the cave. After that, others also went in one after another.

There were a total of four people from the Tao family. In addition to Tao Zhengyou and Tao Yougong, there were two other young people, Tao Zhengzhi and Tao Zhengxin, who were only in the middle stage of Kaimai Realm. They originally planned to stay outside to take a look, but now they followed everyone down.

So many Qi Refining cultivators in the previous batch did not come out. The cultivation of Kaimai Realm could not help at all down there. Everyone knew that these two people were cannon fodder, but no one minded having two more cannon fodder.

This cave, which is the exit, is relatively narrow. The further you go in, the wider it becomes. After walking for more than ten feet, the front suddenly becomes wide. Even if four or five people walk side by side, it does not seem crowded. This passage seems to be artificially dug and looks very neat.

Because it is all underground, the passage is pitch black, but everyone is a cultivator, so they don’t need eyes. They only need to send out their divine thoughts to basically observe everything around them clearly.

This wide passage is neatly built and leads to the distance. I don’t know what it is used for. Perhaps because it is deep underground, or because no one has entered or exited for a long time, the passage seems damp and stuffy, making people feel a little breathless.

Occasionally, a gust of cold wind blows, making people feel cold behind their necks, as if someone is lying behind them and blowing air conditioning. And there is also some rotten and sour smell mixed in it, and there is also a faint smell of fishy smell, as if a coffin that has been buried for a long time has been dug up.

Since we are here, we are all on the same boat. No matter what conflicts we had before, we should work together now. After a brief discussion, everyone arranged their positions. Chen Biwang and Lu Feng walked in front, the three casual cultivators walked in the back, Qingyang and Lu Dingshan accompanied the Tao family in the middle, taking care of each other, and having enough time to react in case of danger.

Knowing that there is danger here, everyone dared not walk too fast, and followed closely. Every step must be explored with divine consciousness to make sure there is no danger before daring to move forward. Unknowingly, a quarter of an hour passed, and everyone only walked a distance of dozens of feet.

However, at this time, the passage also came to the end. In front was a huge stone hall, tall and empty, cold and damp, estimated to be at least dozens of feet in radius. Anyway, with Qingyang's current divine consciousness strength, it can only cover one corner at a time.

In the middle of the stone hall, there are more than a dozen coffins. Everyone carefully came to the side of the coffin and looked at it. There was no breath of life here, and there were no ghosts or ghost cultivators.

There were a few corpses in the coffins, but they had all decayed to the point where only skeletons and some pieces of clothing were left. No one knew how long they had been there. The smell they had just smelled in the passage was probably coming from here.

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