Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 343 Fake Corpse

But the corpses in front of me have not changed much, and I can even recognize their appearance clearly. Could it be that these people were not killed by blood bats? Is there another reason for their death? Are there other dangers hidden here? Or maybe the blood bats killed these people but didn't eat them? Why is this? Do blood bats also have the habit of leaving dry food?

But no matter what, this matter is full of evil, so it's better to be careful.

At this time, Tao Yougong walked to one of the corpses, looked at it carefully, and said: "This person is a casual cultivator from our Yongliang Mansion. His name is Cui Dabei. His cultivation level at the first level of Qi Refining is much higher than that of our Tao family." After the family leader’s accident, our Tao family asked him to help, so we followed the first group of monks into the underground palace, but we didn’t expect to die here. "

The cultivation level of Qi Refining is almost the top among the casual cultivators in Yongliang Mansion. Even in Tujiao City in Yongzhou, he has a certain status and belongs to the middle and upper class among the monks. I didn't expect that he would be able to eliminate all the cultivators. It is really a pity that Sheng Xi died here.

Qiu Mingxi pointed to another corpse and said: "I know this monk. His name is Long Xiaotao. He has the third level of Qi refining. He is a famous casual cultivator in Tujiao City. As long as he gives the spirit stone, he will do anything. Qian, he must have been hired by your Tao family for help, right?"

"Yes, the second batch of monks who came in was headed by Long Xiaotao, and the remaining five were all monks on the first and second levels of Qi Refining. I originally thought that I could rescue my elder brother, but I didn't expect that the final result would be the entire army. Destroyed." Tao Yougong said.

Qiu Mingxi said: "You can't blame them for not having the ability. The group of blood bats just now are scary enough. The dangers in this underground palace must be more than that. If it weren't for the masters from Qingfeng Palace and Demon Suppressing Palace, I myself would They are all a little scared. It’s just that as a monk at the third level of Qi Refining, Long Xiaotao was in danger not long after he came in, which is a bit puzzling.”

With Long Xiaotao's cultivation level at the third level of Qi refining, he should be considered a master among the monks in the same group. It is unreasonable that he was already in danger just after entering the underground palace. But it's hard to say. Sometimes, it's not that you are safer if your cultivation level is higher than that of lower cultivation level, but something happens because of bad luck. Maybe you didn't react when you suddenly encountered some danger.

Everyone looked at the other corpses. They were all monks who had come down to look for the head of the Tao family. The corpses were all in similar condition, and it was hard to tell what happened to them. I don’t know if they died here or were carried here by others.

If those who were carried here are better, it means that the danger is not very concentrated, but if they all died here, it would be too terrifying. Being able to kill so many Qi Refining Stage monks at once means that there are still hidden dangers here. A greater danger, because that swarm of blood bats alone couldn't do it.

Just when everyone was carefully observing the surroundings to confirm whether there was any greater danger, a bloody smell wafted from somewhere and gradually spread around. The blood is slightly sour, and there is a fishy smell among the sourness, just like the smell of blood that has been left for a long time but has never solidified, making people sick to smell it.

Suddenly, a corpse on the ground opened its eyes, and at the same time, with a strong effort on its legs, it stood up straight from the ground, and then rushed towards the nearest Sanxiu Miling.

When everyone saw these corpses, it was confirmed many times that these corpses had been dead for a long time. Not only did they show no signs of life, but they also had no possibility of transforming into ghost cultivators. They were safe enough. That's why they came to these corpses to study the cause of their death, but they never thought that such a corpse that had been dead for a long time would suddenly become a corpse.

The distance was so close and the incident happened so suddenly that no one had time to react. The corpse pounced directly in front of Mi Ling and grabbed his chest with one hand.

Fortunately, everyone had just experienced danger and had been paying attention to the surroundings. Moreover, Mi Ling was not the kind of low-level monk who was new to Qi refining, so she moved aside based on instinct. Although the corpse struck quickly, breaking through Mi Ling's energy defense and even breaking a few of her ribs, the injuries were not too serious.

Just when Mi Ling was in danger, several other corpses on the ground also opened their eyes, stood up from the ground, and attacked everyone nearby. The situation was similar to Mi Ling's. Although the incident happened suddenly, the monks present were not ordinary people and their responses were quite timely. Only Tao Yougong and Lu Dingshan were slightly injured.

Seeing the danger coming, everyone involuntarily retreated together, forming a circle to keep out the moving corpses. Those corpses did not give up, but kept wandering outside the circle, attacking the monks with coldness.

Even when those corpses were alive, their strength was not as good as the monks present. Now that they are dead, their performance will be affected to some extent, and their actual combat power is even worse than before. However, they are not afraid of death, they don't know what fear is at all, and they don't know pain when they are injured, which makes up for their lack of strength in some aspects.

Fortunately, the number of these corpses was not very large, only five or six at full count. The monks were not only stronger, but also had an advantage in numbers, so it was not very difficult to deal with these corpses.

Tao Yougong looked at the wounds on his body and then at the corpses outside that were desperately attacking. He frowned and said: "These corpses have obviously been dead for a long time, but why are they suddenly pretending to be corpses? Could it be that this underground palace belongs to an extremely yin place, and these corpses have mutated Became a zombie?"

Chen Biwang shook his head and said: "It's unlikely. If they are zombies, their bodies will undergo corpse transformation instead of remaining the same as before. Moreover, the zombies have the breath of ghost monks, but these corpses only smell of blood. I It feels like they are puppets.”

"Yes, zombies can pretend to be dead, but they can't hide the aura of ghosts on their bodies. Even the corpses sacrificed by ghost monks are no exception. It's impossible not to detect them with our ability. Maybe this is the secret of some evil monks. It’s not necessarily a technique.” Lu Feng nodded.

Back in the Thousand Cave Cave in Yuling Mountain, Qingyang had seen the corpse puppets that Master Netherworld had sacrificed, and even seen him using the soul that he had sacrificed to transform the corpses into humanoid monsters, but they were all different from what he saw before him. This is obviously not the method used by ghost monks.

After listening to Lu Feng's analysis, Qingyang couldn't help but say: "If these are secret techniques used by evil monks, doesn't it mean that there are people behind these corpses? There is something more powerful hidden in a dark corner of this underground palace. enemy?"

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