Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 359 Reason and Greed

Seeing Qingyang becoming more and more courageous as he fought, the three corpses controlled by the blood demon Gu on the opposite side had more and more damaged parts and were about to lose their fighting power. However, he was held back by a swarm of damn bees and was about to fail. In the abyss, Tao Youcheng finally made up his mind and prepared to go all out.

He dodged to the side, jumped into the blood pool, picked up an immature snow lotus seed, threw it into his mouth and chewed it, then took out the small rattle, raised it in the air and shook it quickly. The sound of the drum was rapid and strange, echoing in the stone hall. It also made Qingyang's heart pound, and his blood boiled and he couldn't control himself.

With the rapid beating of drums, the three corpses controlled by the blood demon Gu opposite Qingyang suddenly stopped attacking, then abandoned Qingyang without hesitation and headed in the direction of Tao Youcheng. Even the three severely injured corpses on the ground managed to get up.

Qingyang suppressed the surging energy and blood in his body and watched them gradually gather around Tao Youcheng. His mind was filled with questions, what on earth is this guy going to do? Is there some secret technique that needs to be used?

Tao Youcheng smiled gloomily at Qingyang, ran the rattle in his hand into the air, controlled it with his true energy, and continued to shake it rapidly, while his two hands directly pressed against the back of one of the corpses. I don't know what Tao You did in Chengdu, but the body began to shrink sharply like snow meeting the sun.

Qingyang in the distance was horrified, because he clearly felt that the aura exuded by the corpse was slowly weakening, and the essence of the whole body was gathering in one place. In just a few breaths, the corpse It shrank into a skeleton.

Soon, a small transparent insect floated out from the skeleton. If it weren't for the smell of blood and a large amount of Qi on the small insect, Qingyang wouldn't have been able to detect it with his spiritual thoughts.

Seeing the small transparent insect, Tao Youcheng's face showed a hint of joy, and he swallowed the small transparent insect into his mouth. As the bugs entered his stomach, the aura on Tao Youcheng's body began to grow slowly. If his previous cultivation could only be regarded as an introduction to the seventh level of Qi refining, at this time it was at least equivalent to the completion of the seventh level of Qi refining, and he was only a short distance away from the eighth level of Qi refining. a step far.

Tao Youcheng did not give up. He threw the useless skeleton aside, grabbed another corpse next to him, put his hands on his back, and continued the previous actions. The corpses controlled by the blood demon Gu showed no resistance, as if Tao Youcheng took their cultivation as a matter of course.

Seeing the unpredictable changes in front of him, and watching Tao Youcheng improve his cultivation with his own eyes, Qingyang had already stirred up huge waves in his heart. Could it be that this was the reason why he had improved his cultivation from the third level of Qi Refining to Qi Refining in just half a year? The means used on the seventh floor? How could there be such a magical skill in this world?

Although the skills left by the Blood Demon Sect are relatively bloody, they still have many merits. If nothing else, the method of quickly improving one's cultivation is enviable. If I could master such a method, would the foundation building stage and golden elixir stage be far behind?

And in the blood pool next to it, there is a blood lotus root that is about to mature. There is no need to worry about it anymore. Do you want to take the risk? Do you want to grab all these things and practice secretly using the Blood Demon Technique incognito? If that's the case, it won't take long for his cultivation to advance by leaps and bounds, and he will stand at the pinnacle of the entire world of immortality in the Kyushu Continent.

But soon, Qingyang calmed down. How could anything be so easy in this world? There are advantages and disadvantages. Not to mention that after doing these things, I will break with the entire world of immortal cultivation. From then on, I will become a rat on the street and everyone will beat me up. Can I escape the pursuit of many immortal sects? Just the sequelae of rapidly improving my cultivation level. It's not something I can bear.

This is not to say that having blood lotus seeds is foolproof. Although blood lotus roots are magical, they are not a heaven-defying treasure. They can only play an auxiliary role in suppressing this situation. It is impossible to quickly improve your cultivation just because you take snow lotus seeds. The future troubles were completely solved.

Cultivation is like building a house. If the foundation is not solid, no matter how well the house is built, it will be like a castle in the air. Problems will occur sooner or later. Even though I have been taking elixirs for a long time and have improved to less than three levels in five years, I still feel that my cultivation needs to be slowed down and I have to go out and experience it. To improve to four or five levels in half a year is to make a joke about my future. .

No matter any shortcut, it is not that easy to take. If it is a last resort, you can use it occasionally. If you rely entirely on shortcuts to improve your cultivation, you will be self-destructed sooner or later. What's more, this method is too bloody and is despised by the monks. Qingyang also disdains to do such a thing.

After some careful consideration, Qingyang's reason defeated greed, and his envy for Tao Youcheng's blood demon skill that quickly improved his cultivation turned into disgust. Such harmful things should not exist in the world at all. If given the chance, it must be completely destroyed.

At this time, Qingyang finally understood that Tao Youcheng was going to sink the boat. Rather than being held back by Qingyang so stubbornly, it was better to improve his cultivation first and use the huge difference in cultivation between the two to quickly solve the problem. Drop the Qingyang, and then find a way to ripen the remaining Blood Lotus Roots.

Although the effect of immature snow lotus seeds is greatly reduced, it still has some effects. As long as the infuriating energy and soul that are rapidly surging in the body are temporarily suppressed, there will be plenty of time to slowly resolve these consequences in the future.

After just a short delay, Tao Youcheng over there has undergone tremendous changes. He has absorbed the blood demon Gu from five corpses in succession, turning their cultivation into his own. At this time, his cultivation has reached The ninth level of Qi refining has almost reached the peak of the Qi refining period.

As for Tao Youchen himself, he looked completely different. His whole body was swollen and puffy, like a balloon that had been blown up, inflating several times. Perhaps it was because he absorbed too much Blood Demon Gu at once and was not completely digested. The excess energy was scurrying around in his body, like countless rats wreaking havoc in his body.

A monk's normal breakthrough would cause unbearable pain, let alone this method of improving cultivation that broke the rules? The pain is simply not something that normal people can endure. If it weren't for the suppression of a half-ripe blood lotus seed, the immortal wouldn't be able to bear it.

Tao Youcheng stood there roaring and wailing, his whole face became ferocious and distorted because of the pain. He was worthy of being a person who could do such a thing to renounce the entire world of immortality. His endurance was indeed amazing, and he endured the pain. But without any hesitation, he grabbed the last corpse. It seemed that he wanted to break through to the foundation building stage in one go.

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