Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 363 Returning Hometown

If we send someone back to Qingfeng Palace, it will take another two or three months, so how can we still have time to go home? Lu Dingshan hesitated and said: "Senior Brother Chen, Junior Brother Qingyang and I originally planned to go back to our hometown in Liangzhou after finishing our work here. I am afraid that the matter of delivering a letter to Qingfeng Palace is..."

Chen Biwang was a little embarrassed. There were three people from Qingfeng Palace. If Qingyang and Lu Dingshan were gone, he would not be able to do so many things.

Seeing Chen Biwang's hesitation, Qiu Mingxi who was standing next to him said directly: "What's so difficult about this? Fellow Taoist Qingyang saved several of our lives, and we haven't had time to repay you, so we should run errands for everyone. It's over now, Qingyang Taoist You and Daoyou Lu can go back. I will accompany Daoyou Lu and Chen to guard the Tao family. Can Guo Kaifeng and Mi Ling just go to Qingfeng Palace?"

After accepting Qingyang's life-saving grace, they never had a chance to repay. Now after hearing Qiu Mingxi's words, Guo Kaifeng and Mi Ling said quickly: "Yes, yes, leave this matter to us. We can run errands for the Immortal Sect disciples. It’s an honor for us all.”

Since several Yongzhou casual cultivators are willing to run errands, there is no need to worry about this matter. Remembering that they are still in the underground palace and don't know if there are any dangers around them, they all split into two groups. Qiu Mingxi accompanied Qingyang and Lu Dingshan Continuing to recuperate in the stone palace, Chen Biwang and Lu Feng took the other two people to explore the entire underground palace.

The Tao family was almost completely wiped out, and only a dozen blood bats escaped the net, so there shouldn't be any danger. The actual situation is as everyone expected. The entire underground palace is not big. Except for the places they have already walked, there are no secret passages. After some exploration, other than killing a few blood bats that slipped through the net, nothing was gained.

Everyone packed up all the corpses in the underground palace, and then returned to the ground along the original path. They sealed the entrance to the underground palace with stones. Everyone left the cemetery and came to the edge of the small mountain village outside.

The small mountain village outside was still dilapidated. Everyone searched the village but only found a few young people. After some questioning, they discovered that these young people were actually sent by the Tao family. In addition to guarding the underground palace, their characters were also responsible for finding fresh blood for the Tao family to water the blood lotus roots. Almost all the villagers in several nearby mountain villages died at their hands.

For such a villain, there was no need to stay, and he was immediately killed by everyone.

After a day of repairs in the village, Qingyang's injuries were less than half healed. Although the internal injuries were still very heavy, they no longer affected their journey, so everyone left Phoenix Mountain together to go to Tao's house.

The Tao family still didn't know what happened these days, and they didn't know why Chen Biwang and others came back, but Tao Zhengyou and Tao Yougong didn't come back, and they were not prepared at all. Everyone at home was imprisoned.

Of course, Qingyang also took the opportunity to wander around the place where he lived before leaving, pretending to be looking for the Blood Spirit Pearl, and rounding off what he said to avoid others' suspicion.

After some interrogation, it was discovered that most people did not know what the Tao family was doing secretly, and almost all those who knew about it went to Fenghuang Mountain to let Qingyang and the others catch them all. There are only a few people left here who have higher status and only know a little bit about it, but not very detailed.

Also, the fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better. There are hundreds of thousands of people in Taojiazhuang. If most people had heard about it, it would have caused an uproar in the entire Yongzhou.

These people were not guilty enough to die, so Chen Biwang did not deal with these people. He just restrained them from running around. He would decide how to deal with them when Qingfeng Palace sent someone over in the future.

Everyone searched Tao's house and found a copy of Blood Demon Kung Fu and some other related things. These were all evidence and no one turned them over. Chen Biwang sealed them in front of everyone. He also set a ban on it and waited for the master to come and deal with it.

In addition, some spiritual stones and other cultivation resources were found in the Tao family, but the number was not very large. Maybe the Tao family had really declined in the past hundred years, and each person was only allocated more than 20 spiritual stones.

After all the matters were dealt with, it was already two days later. Guo Kaifeng and Mi Ling were sent to Qingfeng Palace to report the news. Chen Biwang took Lu Feng and Qiu Mingxi to guard the entire Tao Village, while Lu Dingshan and Qingyang left together. After arriving at Taojiazhuang, we headed towards Liangzhou.

At this time, Qingyang's external injuries are almost completely healed, and his internal injuries have also recovered by 50% to 60%. It no longer affects his movements at all. His true energy has been restored and his physical strength is abundant. He can fight even if he encounters a monk of the same level, not to mention Lu. Dingshan walked with him, and the road was still very safe.

Yongzhou and Liangzhou are close to each other, but one is closer to the north and the other is closer to the south. The Tujiao City in Yongzhou is only a few thousand miles away from the border of Liangzhou. With the distance of Qingyang and Luding Mountain, it is the top. It will take more than ten days to arrive.

After crossing the border of Liangzhou, Qingyang and Lu Dingshan parted ways. Lu Dingshan went to his hometown of Qingyun Mansion, while Qingyang headed towards Xiping Mansion. Traveling all night and traveling through wind and rain, Qingyang entered Xiping Mansion in another ten days.

Feeling timid when approaching Xiping Mansion, Qingyang hesitated a little as he got closer to Xiping Mansion. He didn't know if Xiping Mansion was still the same as before after he had been away for so long. He didn't know if the master was still the same after ten years. Living in the world, he didn't know that Canghai Cangtian had changed tremendously, and he had grown from a boy to a young man, and whether Old Master Songhe could still recognize him.

My heart was full of emotions, but my feet were not satisfied at all. Unknowingly, I came to Xiping Fucheng, walked through the shabby streets and alleys, and rubbed shoulders with pedestrians who were rich or noble, poor or humble. But as time passed, Xiping Fucheng seemed to have remained unchanged at all.

After leaving Xiping Fucheng, we passed a fork, followed the path, and came to the top of a small hill. The small Taoist temple on the top of the hill became increasingly dilapidated, with broken bricks, rotten tiles, rotten beams, and broken doors. It had no popularity at all. No, it seems to fall down with just one push.

Behind the Taoist temple, there is a crooked-necked tree. I remember that Master used to lie under the tree and drink. However, at this time, the dead branches and leaves on the stone under the tree had accumulated thickly. It seemed that they had not been taken care of for many years. People went upstairs. Empty, nothing more than this.

Where are people? Could it be that something happened to the master not long after he left? That's not right. Master, a slick old man, could hide it from even the Immortal Master, so how could something happen so easily? Could it be that Old Taoist Songhe is old-hearted and wanders around the world again? That's not right. He is nearly ninety now. Seventy years are rare in life, let alone ninety? How can he still have so much energy?

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