Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 429: The Drunk Immortal Gourd is ineffective?

Despite this, the Yin Yang Sect disciple was still frightened. Looking at his destroyed defensive weapon and the wounds all over his body, he was horrified. He had seen Qingyang use the Three-Yuan Sword Formation before, but it was broken by Wei Yufeng's Yin-Yang Slash, so he didn't feel how powerful Qingyang's Three-Yuan Sword Formation was, and felt that he could barely cope with it.

Only now, when they are facing each other, do they realize the gap between themselves, Wei Yufeng and Qingyang. This sword formation knocked away his offensive magic weapon with one move, and also destroyed his defensive magic weapon. Now he is suffering from another attack. He was injured, how could he be this guy's opponent? If the other party comes here again, wouldn't it be possible to save his life?

This is nothing. Think about it, the two junior brothers who were killed and injured were both killed and injured by the living dead. The visibility in this blood river is extremely low. Who knows if there are living dead lurking in other places? Someone suddenly pops up again and again. Can I handle it?

Suddenly, a trace of fear struck the Yin Yang Sect disciple's heart. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was an extremely wrong thing for him to follow Wei Yufeng down and besiege Qingyang.

A monk like him is also an extremely outstanding figure in the Yin Yang Sect. He has always been praised in the sky and has almost never encountered setbacks. After the defensive magic weapon was destroyed by Qing Yang this time, he suddenly disappeared. Feeling safe, feeling that there is danger everywhere. Yes, I am still young and have a bright future. How can I lose my life here?

Thinking of this, the Yin Yang Sect disciple suddenly lost all fighting spirit. Even Wei Yufeng couldn't care about it. He put away his magic weapon and ran away.

Qingyang used the Three-Yuan Sword Technique in one move, and his energy and spiritual energy were completely exhausted. He was about to take a breath, but found that his opponent turned around and ran away. This psychological quality was so poor that Qingyang naturally couldn't Will miss this opportunity, he quickly mobilized the remaining true energy, and forcibly performed a dual-element sword technique, and the two flying swords pierced the back of the Yin Yang Sect disciple.

It wasn't that Qingyang didn't want to use the Three-Yuan Sword Technique, but it was because the previous fierce battle had consumed too much, and his true energy and divine will were exhausted, and he could no longer sustain it. However, the Dual-Yuan Sword Technique is somewhat similar to the Three-Yuan Sword Technique, but the power is slightly less powerful. If the Yin-Yang Sect disciples can turn around and try their best to resist, it is still possible to block it.

It's just that the Yin Yang Sect disciples were so frightened that they couldn't think of turning around to make a careful distinction. He just kept running for his life without taking any defensive measures at all. As a result, he was stabbed directly in the back by the dual-element sword array, and he immediately fell to the ground and died.

After killing the Yin Yang Sect disciple, Qingyang finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, at this time, he was already at the end of his strength. His true energy had been drained away, and his spiritual consciousness was also excessively consumed. Coupled with the injuries on his body, and gradually... As a result of the post-operative sequelae of Burning Blood, Qingyang's face turned pale, his head was dizzy, his physical strength was exhausted, and he couldn't lift his spirits at all.

At this point, two of the five Yin Yang Sect disciples who originally besieged Qingyang were dead and one was seriously injured. Only Wei Yufeng and the other one were left besieging the living dead. In Qingyang's current state, as long as the two men free their hands, Qingyang has almost no ability to resist.

Qingyang glanced back, then slowly swam towards the river. At the same time, he also took out a spiritual stone and held it in his hand to restore his true energy. He first restored some physical strength and true energy. It's not that he doesn't want to swim faster, it's that the continuous battle just now was too exhausting and he couldn't swim faster.

Wei Yufeng had been paying attention to the fighting situation here. He thought that even if the junior brother could not defeat Qingyang, he could at least hold him back temporarily. Who would have thought that this guy was so helpless that he died before they could defeat the living dead on the other side, causing Wei Yufeng's plan to fail.

Wei Yufeng spent so much effort and even lost three Yin Yang Sect disciples, how could he let Qing Yang escape? So he no longer cared about the living dead, kicked off his feet, and rushed towards Qingyang. The living dead man on the opposite side was seriously injured by the two men's joint efforts, and he was about to lose. As a result, he suddenly lost an opponent, and he suddenly got a chance to breathe again.

Qingyang's true energy, physical strength, and spiritual energy were all so overdrawn that he couldn't move any faster at all. However, Wei Yufeng's momentum was at its peak. Although he started later, his speed was several times faster than Qingyang's, at most a few times. He can catch up with Qingyang in just a few seconds.

Seeing that the distance between the two was getting closer and closer, Wei Yufeng was about to catch up with Qingyang. At this moment, his face suddenly changed drastically, he stopped himself abruptly, and then fled back at a faster speed. , as if there was some great beast standing next to Qingyang.

At this time, Qingyang also noticed something was wrong, because he also felt that an extremely powerful existence was approaching him quickly. Qingyang's dead souls are all at risk. With his current strength, any monk in the Qi Refining Stage can take down it, let alone an extremely powerful being.

At this time, Qingyang could no longer care whether he would reveal the secret of the Drunken Immortal Gourd. He would dodge into the Drunken Immortal Gourd at the first thought. As everyone knows, Qingyang is faster, and the person behind him is even faster. As soon as Qingyang moved his mind, a plier-like hand grabbed his neck, making him unable to move again.

The Drunk Immortal Gourd is so unbelievable that as long as Qingyang can hide in it with a single movement of his mind, all dangers can be eliminated. Therefore, Qingyang has always regarded this move as his last means to save his life and would not use it easily. But in the past, The all-conquering life-saving means failed at this moment.

In fact, the use of the Drunk Immortal Gourd is somewhat similar to that of the storage talisman and the storage bag. To put items into the storage talisman, you only need to control it with your spiritual mind. Your spiritual mind can move objects, and the size of the object does not exceed the storage talisman. Limit it and you can fit it in.

When pretending to be a living creature, there will be restrictions because the living creature will resist. If the opponent's strength is very weak and the resistance is not violent, then it can be easily installed. If the resistance is too violent and the divine will cannot suppress the opponent, or the opponent's strength is too strong, then it cannot be installed.

Of course, there is a difference between the talisman and the Drunken Immortal Gourd. The Drunken Immortal Gourd is a heaven-defying treasure that contains not only the laws of space, but also the laws of time, so it can contain living things, and elixirs can continue to grow inside. Life can go on inside.

The level of the holding charms and storage bags is very low, and they only contain a little bit of the law of space. There is no law of time, so they cannot contain living things. They will die the moment they are forced into them.

Under normal circumstances, Qingyang can hide in the Drunken Immortal Gourd at any time. Unfortunately, something unexpected happened this time, because the enemy appeared too suddenly, and the opponent was strong and fast. However, Qingyang had just experienced a fierce battle, and his true energy and physical strength were , spiritual energy were all exhausted, and the reaction was just a little slower. He grabbed the neck before he could hide in the Drunk Immortal Gourd.

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