Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 449 Blocking the enemy at the door

Qingyang ran all the way to the first floor of the Earth Core Tower, but the Earth Core Tower was complex, and each entrance and exit was protected by a hidden formation, so he couldn't run fast at all.

After all, Jiao Hong and Xi Qiu were much stronger than Qingyang. They didn't react at first and started a little later than Qingyang. Later, they started at their maximum speed and gradually closed the distance between them and Qingyang.

Seeing that Qingyang had already escaped to the first floor of the Earth Core Tower, only five or six feet away from the tower gate, he was about to escape, and Jiao Hong and Xi Qiu had just come down from the second floor. It was too late to stop him, so Jiao Hong quickly slashed at the portrait on the side wall.

The illusion on the first floor was to block people who trespassed into the Heart-Searching Tower. Under normal circumstances, it seemed that there was no restriction on leaving the tower, but Jiao Hong took the initiative to attack the portrait on the wall, and the illusion was naturally activated. After a trance, all three of them were trapped in the illusion.

Just like the last time, Qingyang appeared in a huge courtyard, surrounded by high walls, with neatly laid stone slabs on the ground, without a trace of debris and dust. The only difference is that in addition to Qingyang, there are Jiao Hong and Xi Qiu in the courtyard.

Seeing Qingyang's appearance, Jiao Hong was stunned at first, and then said: "It turns out to be Qingyang, I can't believe that it is you who robbed our Huangji Yanchen Sand?"

"You have been following us secretly? The small medicine garden that Lan Yan and I found before was taken by someone else. Could it be you?" Xi Qiu seemed to remember something and suddenly said.

She and Lan Yan had analyzed before that there might be only one or two people who entered the secret hall in advance. If they met Qingyang here, then he might be the one who got there first in the medicine garden.

Qingyang was a little embarrassed when his whereabouts were discovered. He didn't know what to say. Suddenly, three figures appeared in front of him. In the middle was a thin man with his arms folded, and on the left and right stood a strong man like an iron tower holding a weapon.

Seeing the three people in front of him, the man on the left held his sword horizontally and shouted: "Hey, who are you? How dare you trespass into the forbidden area of ​​the Earth Core Tower of the Blood Demon Sect?"

At the same time, the man on the right also raised his spear and pointed the tip of the spear at Qingyang and said: "Those who trespass into the forbidden area of ​​the Earth Core Tower will die. Come and accept your death!"

Then, without waiting for them to answer, the three men rushed towards Qingyang, Jiao Hong and the other two men. Perhaps because Jiao Hong and Xi Qiu had higher cultivation, this time the thin man in the middle did not wait for the others to be defeated, and directly confronted the two of them with the gun-wielding strong man.

Qingyang only had to face the knife-wielding strong man, which was much easier than before when he broke into this illusion alone. He didn't even have to use the Three Yuan Sword Formation. He quickly suppressed the knife-wielding strong man in terms of momentum. It was only a matter of time before he won. The situation on the other side was similar. Although the strength of the thin man was comparable to that of a Qi Refining Perfection cultivator, Jiao Hong and Xi Qiu were not easy to deal with. Before, the two of them joined forces to break the illusion of the fourth floor of the Earth Core Tower. The illusion of this floor was not difficult for them. The two of them joined hands and exerted amazing combat power.

In theory, Jiao Hong and Xi Qiu did not need to rush. They could slowly delay time. When Master Lingxu and others came down from the fifth floor, wouldn't it be easy for the ten of them to besiege Qingyang alone?

But the actual situation was not like this. Because of their mistakes, Qingyang took away the Huangji Smoke and Dust Sand. The two of them had to grab the things back before others came down, and they had to make up for their mistakes before Master Lingxu knew about it. If they waited for others to come before doing anything, wouldn't it make them look incompetent? They didn't want Master Lingxu to be disappointed in themselves, nor did they want to be punished for this matter.

So while Qingyang was dealing with the man with a knife, Jiao Hong and Xi Qiu were also fighting desperately against the other two. Two battle circles, one large and one small, were formed on the scene, and the battle was very fierce.

The first layer of the illusionary portrait is very old, and it has been consuming energy continuously in the past one or two days. It is already on the verge of collapse. Now three people are working at the same time, and the pressure they need to bear can be imagined. As time goes by, the portrait can't withstand the fierce battle, and the cracks on it become more and more, and deeper and deeper. In the end, it suddenly burst and turned into fragments on the ground.

The portrait was broken, and the three men in the illusion also disappeared. Suddenly, there was a trance in front of the eyes, and Qingyang, Jiao Hong, and Xi Qiu all escaped from the illusion.

Seeing that the illusion array was broken, Qingyang quickly dodged and rushed towards the tower gate, but Jiao Hong and Xi Qiu had already prevented this. How could Qingyang escape easily? Xi Qiu casually sacrificed his top-grade magic weapon, the swallowtail scissors, and blocked the tower gate one step ahead.

The swallowtail scissors are already blocking the front, wouldn't it be courting death if he continued to rush forward? Qingyang hurriedly stopped. At the same time, Jiao Hong had also rushed over and blocked the entire tower gate tightly. The two men were also desperate and would not stop until Qingyang was captured.

Qingyang did not expect that things would develop to this point and he would be blocked at the tower gate. He knew very well that the longer the time dragged on, the more disadvantageous it would be for him. He must defeat these two people in the shortest time, otherwise he would be in trouble when Lingxu and his men came down from the tower.

Qingyang slapped the spirit insect bag on his waist, and more than a hundred alcoholic bees rushed out, divided into two groups, surrounded Jiao Hong and Xi Qiu, and launched a crazy attack on the two, while Qingyang sacrificed three high-quality magic swords, secretly looking for an opportunity to kill with one blow.

Jiao Hong and Xiqiu never expected that Qingyang would suddenly sacrifice a group of spiritual insects, and several of them were equivalent to the middle stage of Qi refining. They had no corresponding means of restraint and could only rely on their own methods and magical weapons for defense. But in order to break out of the Earth Center Tower as soon as possible, Qingyang launched an attack regardless of the life and death of the alcoholic bees. Defense alone would always make some mistakes, and soon the situation was full of dangers.

Ever since entering the Chaos Demon Valley, the Alcoholic Bee has been restrained to death. Initially, it was the Spirit Sparrow Monster from Qiao Shan of the Yuling Sect, but later it was unable to function in the Blood River. Finally, it was able to fight against the third-level living dead. At that time, he appeared again, but because of the huge difference in strength, he was knocked unconscious. Now facing Jiao Hong and Xiqiu, this group of alcoholic bees finally played their due role.

Jiao Hong and Xiqiu were not weak, but they were tired of dealing with such a group of spirit insects that were equally powerful and desperate. In addition, Qingyang would make sneak attacks from time to time, and they suddenly displayed that kind of letting go. They trembled with fear when they thought about the sword formation. You can imagine the horror in Jiao Hong and Xiqiu's hearts.

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