Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 491 Going and Returning

Li Shengbo's spear is also a top-quality magical weapon. At the same time, when used in the hands of a Qi-Refining Perfection monk, its power can be imagined. If other monks pick it up with bare hands, the force of the shock alone can seriously injure the opponent. However, monster beasts are different from ordinary monks after all. Their attack power and defense power are much stronger than monks of the same level, even as much as some magic weapons. Because of this, the iron-armed monkey dares not to dodge the spear. He avoided it and took the initiative to greet him.

Of course, the Iron-armed Monkey did not dare to face the spear directly. If he was stabbed in the front by the spear, not to mention him, even the monster beast in the Foundation Establishment Stage would be seriously injured. When the spear was about to pass him by, the iron-armed monkey pounced upwards and hit the barrel of the spear directly.

The two collided, and the spear was thrown two or three feet away. The iron-armed monkey fell to the ground due to the force of the shock, and took several steps back before he could stop himself. Moreover, the weapon that had hit the barrel of the gun before was There was also a large amount of redness and swelling at the site, and it was almost open and bleeding.

The pain from the wound aroused the ferocity of the iron-armed monkey. As soon as he stood firm, he rushed towards Li Shengbo. At this time, Li Shengbo also knew very well that with this monster monkey blocking him in front, it would be impossible for him to kill Qingyang. Only by getting rid of the monster monkey in front of him could he have a chance to deal with Qingyang, so he quickly recalled the spear and fought with the iron-armed spirit. The monkeys are fighting together.

The battle situation on the field was indeed as Qingyang expected. Both Li Shengbo and the Iron-armed Monkey had perfect Qi refining skills. The Monkey's combat power was actually stronger. However, Li Shengbo was a monk after all, and not only had powerful attacks. He has a long spear, a defensive weapon, and even magical talismans and elixirs for assistance, so Li Shengbo's overall strength is better.

However, the iron-armed monkey was not much weaker. With its strong attack power and the monk's rare defensive power, the demon monkey did not lose at all in the battle with Li Shengbo. As long as they are not directly injured by the spear, other attacks will not be ignored by the demon monkey. Therefore, although the iron-armed monkey is temporarily at a disadvantage, it will not show its defeat in a short period of time.

Watching the battle on the field, Qingyang temporarily calmed down. Li Shengbo was dragged by the Iron-armed Monkey, and there was no danger for the time being. He could restore his true energy first, treat his internal injuries, and wait until the winner was decided on the field. When the time comes, decide what to do next.

However, Qingyang also saw that the monster monkey suffered because it had too few means. Although the monster's attack power and defense were powerful, it was only flesh and blood after all, and it was still incomparable to the monk's magic weapon and spiritual weapon. It is easy to suffer losses if you are careful.

Looking back, we must think of a way to get a magic weapon or spiritual weapon for the Iron-armed Monkey to use. If nothing else, we don’t expect him to use magic attacks. As long as he can have a magic weapon next time he faces a monk’s magic weapon attack. Things can resist for a while, and there is no need to rely on flesh and blood to fight.

The battle on the field was extremely fierce. Li Shengbo tried his best and used all his means. His fighting power was more than three points stronger than when he fought against the Mountain Shocking Rats, because he knew very well that this was a threat to him. It's a life and death battle that you can't afford to lose, and you can't lose. Once you lose this time, you will fall into a situation that is beyond redemption.

And the iron-armed monkey didn't show any signs of weakness. Suddenly, it raised its head to the sky and roared, its black hair stood on end, and there was an explosion all over its body. Its arms swelled several times as if they were inflated, like a ferocious beast. The giant beast smashed into Li Shengbo on the opposite side.

There is a warlike element in the blood of the monster beast. He has been trapped in the Drunken Immortal Gourd by Qingyang before, and rarely has the opportunity to express himself. Now he finally has the opportunity, and he is a well-matched opponent, which is just right. Arousing his warlike temperament, the Iron-armed Monkey became more and more courageous as he fought, and the fight was hearty, and there was even a faint feeling of excitement.

The power of the battle at the perfect level of Qi refining was astonishing. Just the aftermath of the battle caused the surrounding ground to shake, and blocks of dust and stone to fall down. There were also several mines that collapsed due to being directly affected by the battle. In order to avoid being affected, Qingyang could only keep retreating.

Looking at the fierce battle on the field, Qingyang couldn't help but be secretly frightened. He always thought that he had more trump cards, and with the four-element sword formation, he could face off against the monks who had perfected their Qi refining. But now he discovered that fighting across levels is not that difficult. It's easy. I still overestimate myself. The strength of Qi Refining Perfection is really beyond the reach of ordinary monks. If I want to defeat Li Shengbo with the Four Elements Sword Formation, I must at least improve my cultivation to the eighth level of Qi Refining Perfection.

Two quarters of an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and the battle on the field became more and more intense. However, Qingyang also saw that the iron-armed monkey was no match for Li Shengbo. As time went by, the iron-armed monkey suffered more and more injuries. There were more and more injuries. After all, the Iron Arm Monkey's strength was still inferior to Li Shengbo's. Defeat was inevitable sooner or later, and it was impossible to regain the situation.

The breakthrough that Qingyang expected to inspire the bloodline did not come. In fact, this is normal. If it were so easy to break through, Foundation Establishment Monks would not be so rare, and Foundation Establishment Pills would not be so popular. Although the Iron-armed Monkey used blood jade paste to improve his bloodline, he was old and frail after all, so it was not easy to break through. He still had to find a way to get the Foundation Establishment Pill later.

I don't know when, there were some gray-yellow shadows in the surrounding mines. Qingyang thought they were the Mountain Shocking Rats that he had driven away before. They were unwilling to leave their lair, so they secretly hid in the corners of the mines. But as the number increased, he finally realized something was wrong. The group of Mountain Shocking Rats that he had driven away was only a few dozen in total, but looking at the gray-yellow shadows in the corner now, there were so many densely packed ones that they must have just arrived.

The previous group of Mountain Shocking Rats were frightened by him, and they would never dare to come back unless they were confident enough. However, the appearance of this group of Mountain Shocking Rats nearby is likely to be the reinforcements brought in by the previously escaped Mountain Shocking Rats. This means that he is very likely to encounter a larger group of Jingshan Rats.

Just when Qingyang was thinking about how to face the returning group of Mountain Rats, those Mountain Shocking Rats also made further moves. He heard a scream from behind, and the Mountain Shocking Rats suddenly became commotion. Then they crawled out from various corners and surrounded Qingyang and others in the center of the battlefield.

The scream just now was somewhat familiar. It was the third-level Jingshan Rat King that Qingyang and others had encountered a few days ago. The number of the Jingshan Rats gathered around them was no less than seven or eight hundred, among which Some of them were still injured. It seemed that the group of Mountain Rats that had let them leave before were really enemies, and they were blocked again in this mine.

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