Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 641 The world outside

At this time, saving life is the most important thing, and everything else can't be taken care of. As for why there is a sixth-level forest-piercing animal skin on his body, he probably doesn't care too much. Nowadays, when the seven great immortal sects are experiencing changes and people are in panic, who will pay attention to these details?

Qingyang reacted in time. As soon as the animal skin was thrown, the sharp claws of the red flame bird were already there. There was only a stabbing sound. The Chuanlin animal skin was cut in half by the red flame bird, and Qingyang also took advantage of the opportunity to get out. Three feet. By the time the Red Flame Bird was about to attack Qingyang again, the people around him had already reacted, and without any need to say hello, they each raised their spiritual weapons and launched the attack.

The Red Flame Bird had no intention of confronting these foundation-building monks head-on. Seeing that this attack could not succeed, he laughed twice, then quickly circled in the air, dodged the attacks of these disciples, and began to look for the next attack target.

Qingyang escaped the disaster, and his heart was pounding so hard that he couldn't calm down for a long time. Fortunately, he was the second target of the Red Flame Bird's attack, so he had some buffer. If the Red Flame Bird had been the first The one who attacked was himself, and he would probably be dead long ago, and even wearing the skin of a forest animal would be useless.

Qingyang secretly breathed a sigh of relief and finally managed to escape. There were hundreds of monks present, but he was the second one to be targeted by the Red Flame Bird. He was extremely unlucky. However, he has been attacked once. According to the probability, it is unlikely that he will be found again, and he is safe for the time being.

Things have developed to this point, which is completely beyond Qingyang's expectations. Hui Xuzi and General Chuan Lin have escaped from Yinfeng Gorge. They originally thought that the war was about to end and the seven immortal sects would return victorious soon, but they did not expect the situation. It took a sharp turn and became what it is now.

What was even more unexpected was that the seven great immortal sects, which seemed to be extremely prosperous, were actually so vulnerable. They collapsed just because of a trivial matter. Only Master Qiyun and Master Jade are left among the seven sects, struggling to support themselves. It is hard to say who will win in the end, and this is just the beginning. Even if they can escape safely this time, they will still have to face the remnants of the Blood Demon Sect. Attack and pursuit, from now on, the world of immortal cultivation in Jiuzhou Continent will probably never have peace.

It is said that the more chaotic the world of immortality is, the more opportunities there will be. If you can seize the opportunity and follow the right person, you may have the possibility of soaring into the sky. However, Qingyang also knows very well that opportunities and dangers are directly proportional. The more chaotic the world of immortality is, the more dangers there are. The safety of most monks cannot be guaranteed, and it is impossible to practice with peace of mind.

At this time, Qingyang suddenly remembered what the Netherworld Sanren said twenty years ago. In his eyes, the so-called Jiuzhou Continent was just a small island. Compared to the entire world, it was just a drop in the ocean, but the real world was huge. It is simply not something that ordinary people can imagine.

And the one-eyed dragon Leng Yu also lived in the outer sea for twenty years. But he couldn't survive anymore, so he and the seducer Sang Fan fled back to the Kyushu continent.

In other words, the world out there is vast, and there may be more opportunities. Of course, the outside is definitely more dangerous than the Jiuzhou continent. If Qingyang's cultivation is still in the Qi refining stage, he will definitely not go out and take risks casually. If his cultivation is too low, going out will simply lead to death.

Now that Qingyang is a foundation-building monk and has a certain ability to protect himself, if the Netherworld Sanju dares to come, shouldn't he dare to go out? Qingyang also has pursuits. He also wants to see what the ultimate level of immortality is. With the Drunk Immortal Gourd in hand, he doesn't feel that he is inferior to others. Jiuzhou Continent is still too small to pursue. Qingyang will go out to see it sooner or later.

Unknowingly, Qingyang's thoughts ran further and further away. In short, he secretly made up his mind that if the Blood Demon Sect did not succeed in the end, he would continue to stay in the Jiuzhou Continent. When his cultivation level is higher in the future, he will be more confident. Say it again. If the Blood Demon Sect becomes powerful and the seven immortal sects are breached by the Blood Demon Sect, and the righteous path withers away from then on, then you should go out in advance and go outside to take a look.

Regardless of what Qingyang was thinking, the situation on the field was getting more and more tense. Judging from the previous round, the Red Flame Bird clearly had the advantage and killed a Foundation Establishment cultivator, but he was not injured at all. However, a monk in the early stage of foundation building was not a burden to the hundreds of disciples present, nor did the Red Flame Bird take too much advantage.

According to the strength of the monsters, the Red Flame Bird is considered a seventh-level spirit beast, which is roughly equivalent to a second-level golden elixir monk. It is not much stronger than the monks. However, she made full use of her own advantages. With just one A single spiritual beast restrained hundreds of foundation-building monks.

Of course, the monks don’t give it in vain. First, there are many of them, and secondly, among these disciples there are many backbones in the late stage of foundation building. Their strength is not much worse than that of the Red Flame Bird. Many people cooperate with each other. , the attack power is no less than that of a Golden Core cultivator. The red flame bird can only cause sporadic damage to the foundation-building monks, but it can cause large-scale damage. It has little impact on the overall strength of the foundation-building monks. Instead, it may fall into a tight siege due to a moment of carelessness.

But in general, the Seven Immortal Sects are still at a disadvantage. After hundreds of foundation-building monks were restrained, the strength of Master Jade Hoe is not much higher than that of Master Huang Ming. There is almost no possibility of defeating the opponent in a short time. On the contrary, there is Maybe they were held back by Master Huang Ming to create conditions for Master Lingxue, and then the losers would be the Seven Immortal Sects.

Thinking that due to his momentary greed, he and Master Gu Hong secretly promoted the decisive battle with Yinfeng Gorge, which resulted in the death and injury of several leaders. Seeing that the Blood Demon Sect's evil plan succeeded, and it was even possible to unify the world of immortal cultivation in the Kyushu Continent, Master Jade Ho regretted it. If the Blood Demon Sect really destroyed the seven immortal sects in the end, he would completely become a sinner of the righteous monks through the ages.

Although Zhenren Gu Hong is the main messenger, he is already dead and has paid the price with his life for his mistakes. What should I do? Are you just watching the Blood Demon Sect wipe out the seven immortal sects? No, never, I must stop this from happening and atone for the mistakes I have made.

Seeing the stalemate on the field, Master Jade Hoe suddenly had a hint of determination in his eyes. He gritted his teeth, took out a fiery red pill from his arms and threw it directly into his mouth. When the elixir enters the mouth, it quickly turns into a hot liquid that is absorbed by the body and gradually disperses into the limbs and bones.

Boundless heat spread out, and Master Jade Hoe felt that his body was uncomfortably hot, as if he was being roasted on a large fire. In the blink of an eye, Master Jade Hoe's body swelled, his skin became frighteningly red, and his momentum almost doubled. Originally, the strength of Master Jade Hoe was at the seventh level of Golden Core, which was similar to that of Master Huang Ming opposite him. Now, he was suddenly promoted to the eighth level of Golden Core, which was not much better than Master Qiyun in his heyday.

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