Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 890 Mark

Liu Wei kept talking, and Qingyang listened quietly. At this point, Liu Wei's voice was already too weak to be heard, and said: "Alchemist Qingyang... I am the happiest during this period... I... really want to I'm gone...I hope...not to embarrass the Liu family..."

Suddenly, Liu Wei's voice stopped abruptly, and then she tilted her head and fell on Qingyang's arms. There was no breath in her body anymore. Then a light green light ball floated out from Liu Wei's body, and it fell on Qingyang's arms. Qingyang keeps wandering around, with a trace of reluctance and nostalgia.

Looking at this light green ball of light and savoring Liu Wei's previous words, Qingyang couldn't help but be filled with emotion. It was impossible for Qingyang to be unaware of Liu Wei's affection for him, but he didn't take it to heart because he This is not his ambition. He knows that he cannot stay in Wantong Pavilion forever. Sooner or later, he will leave, just like the Duanmu family on Wucheng Island a few years ago.

Qingyang thought that Liu Wei would be like Duanmu Fei. After understanding her feelings, she would gradually become alienated. However, she did not expect that Liu Wei was different from Duan Mufei. The longer time passed, the deeper Liu Wei's feelings for him became. He even abandoned the Liu family and went to the Gufeng Continent just to take a few more glances at him. Even at a critical moment, he dared to sacrifice himself by blocking the sword with his body.

Over the years, apart from Master Song He, the only one who has been able to do this for Qingyang is Liu Wei. As for Yu Mengmiao, maybe she can do it too, but there is too little contact between the two parties, and her master is watching. I guess there won't be a chance.

Qingyang is very emotional. Even if he becomes a monk and has to wear a mask when dealing with people, in private, he is still willing to treat people with sincerity. He will repay those who have helped him, treat him well, and he will be better. He cannot be too forgetful, unfeeling, or cut off from love.

So when Liu Wei sacrificed herself for him, Qingyang was really moved. He was shocked by Liu Wei's boldness, moved by Liu Wei's sincerity, and saddened by Liu Wei's sacrifice. He was also the first This is the first time that someone else has sacrificed their life for you, but you are unable to repay them. In other words, you may be owed this love forever.

But Liu Wei also did it, leaving a deep mark in Qingyang's heart. Qingyang will definitely think of her often in the future, and it will not disappear as time goes by.

Qingyang was speechless for a long time. He didn't know what to do at this time, nor what to say, nor how to repay the other party for saving his life. Others seemed to understand Qingyang's mood, standing quietly outside without anyone speaking.

I don’t know how long it took, but the light green light group outside gradually separated into countless light spots, slowly drifting around, and the light of the light group became darker and darker, and finally disappeared into the air. At this time, Qingyang just Realizing that Liu Wei was completely dead, there was no such person in the world anymore.

This light green ball of light is Liu Wei’s soul. If someone dies in an accident like this, by chance, it is possible to seize the body and be reborn. If the conditions are right, he can also become a ghost cultivator. However, Liu Wei does not know how to seize the body. There is no cauldron to seize the body, so it is impossible to seize the body.

As for turning into a ghost cultivator, there is a certain possibility. For example, if Liu Wei's soul is attached to the soul-gathering grass, and then he can consciously teach him some ghost skills, he can slowly transform into a ghost cultivator. It's just that only Master Shi Han has the Soul Gathering Grass, and it is already attached with the spirit of Master Shi Han's double monk Mei Qing. I'm afraid it won't be able to support the second one, and it may not be useful if it is brought.

Moreover, not all monks are willing to turn into ghost cultivators, because there are many restrictions on the transformation of souls into ghost cultivators. First, the external conditions must be suitable, which means that there happen to be ghost cultivator-type heavenly materials and earthly treasures nearby, such as soul-gathering grass. Or the surrounding environment is very suitable for the formation of ghost cultivators, such as the underworld cave. Without these conditions, the monk's soul will gradually dissipate after the death of the body.

Secondly, the lifespan of the soul will limit the lifespan of a ghost cultivator. If a monk dies at the end of his life, because the lifespan of the soul is almost exhausted, it is impossible to turn into a ghost cultivator because the lifespan is not enough. Only by accidental death and enough lifespan is left. Have enough lifespan to improve the realm of ghost cultivation.

Lifespan is such an advanced thing that no one can figure it out. It is engraved in the soul and cannot be changed even if you die. The only thing that can change it is to quickly improve your cultivation and realm, and your lifespan will also increase accordingly. It is the same before life and after death.

Another characteristic is that after ordinary people or low-level monks turn into ghost cultivators, they will forget all the past events, as if they have become another person. Only when their strength reaches a certain level in the future, they may remember some, or some The reincarnation of some high-powered masters may bring some memories of their lives, but this kind of thing is just a legend, and few people have actually seen it.

In other words, when the soul becomes a ghost cultivator, it is almost like becoming a different person. It is no longer the original person. It is not necessary or worthwhile for most people, and only those with a withdrawn temperament like Master Shi Han Only paranoid and passionate monks would do this.

After all, Liu Wei is just a passerby in his long career of cultivating immortals. Perhaps her weight will be heavier than others. Although she has left a mark in his heart, it will eventually pass. This kind of life and death matter , there will definitely be many more in the future. As a monk, you cannot live in grief or memories forever, and you must learn to adjust.

This was not the first time Qingyang experienced this kind of thing. He quickly adjusted his mood, looked up at everyone, and said: "Although the man in blood has retreated, it is not completely safe. Maybe the man in blood will chase him at some point. Come here, we must leave here as soon as possible. As for Liu Wei, she was born and raised in the Zhongsha Region, so let her stay here. "

Liu Wei died for Qingyang. The murderer was the man in blood. However, Qingyang didn't know the origin of the man in blood. Moreover, with his current strength, he couldn't defeat the man in blood, so revenge can only be discussed later. Now the man in blood They may come after you at any time, so you must pack up and leave here as soon as possible. As for Liu Wei's body, it was impossible to transport it all the way to Gufeng Continent, let alone return it to Qingyan City. It would not be appropriate to throw it into the sea, so it could only be buried on a nearby island.

Qingyang first circled around the surrounding sea area, collected all the injured and lone Alcoholic Bees, and sent them to the Drunk Immortal Gourd to recuperate. After some counting, it was found that not many alcoholic bees died in this battle. There were only a dozen in total. Most of them were stunned and could recover quickly. As for the blue-backed alcoholic bees, , the injuries were relatively serious, especially the alcoholic queen bee, who has been in a coma, but it can be cured by being raised for a while.

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