Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 900 Wind and Fire Order

Seeing Qingyang sighing and preparing to leave, the shop owner couldn't help but said: "If you really want the Wind and Fire Token, it's not completely impossible. We two are also compatible. Seeing that you just spent time with me." For the sake of several thousand spirit stones, I can show you a clear path."

"What clear path?" Qingyang was overjoyed.

The shop owner said: "Now you have a chance to get to know Monk Nascent Soul. If you can get his favor, you might be able to get a Wind and Fire Token."

"A chance to meet the Yuanying monk? Could it be that the shop owner also has a relationship with the Yuanying monk?" Qingyang asked in surprise. He has never come into contact with a Nascent Soul cultivator. There is only a pseudo-Nascent Soul cultivator named Lingxue Zhenren in Jiuzhou Continent. There are some in the Zhongsha Region, but Qingyang has not had much contact with them. If he can make friends with a Nascent Soul cultivator in Gufeng Continent, it will be a blessing. It’s worth going to the Wind and Fire Order.

The shopkeeper laughed dryly and said: "I don't know any Yuanying monks, but I just happen to know that there is such an opportunity. Whether you can make friends with him depends on whether you have the good fortune. In recent times, the reason why Jiuxian City is like this It was lively, in addition to the opening day of Yinfeng Jihuo Cave once in forty-nine years, but also because a wine tasting party was being held in the city lord's mansion. However, this wine tasting party was only held in a small area, and the participants were all people who know wine and drink well. , the influence is slightly smaller, if fellow Taoist inquires deliberately in Jiuxian City, you should hear some rumors. "

Qingyang had been busy looking for the materials for the Golden Pill during this period, and didn't pay much attention to other things. He didn't expect that he missed so much important news.

Qingyang is also a good drinker. When he heard the name of Jiuxian City on the spiritual ship, Qingyang also planned to experience the good wine here, but he forgot about it for a while after coming. At the wine tasting party, everyone must have brought out the same The best spiritual wine, how can you miss such an event?

More importantly, this wine tasting will be held in the city lord's mansion, and the city lord of Jiuxian City must be the Yuanying monk. This is indeed an opportunity to get close to the Yuanying monk. If he can get the city lord's attention at the wine tasting party, Maybe I can actually get a Wind and Fire Token.

Seeing Qingyang deep in thought, the shop owner smiled and said, "My little friend guessed right. The Yuanying monk I'm talking about is none other than the city lord of Jiuxian City, Mr. Yao Yue. Zhen Jun Yao Yue is very good at wine. The biggest wish in your life is to drink all the good wine in the world, often meet friends with wine, and regularly hold wine tasting meetings in Jiuxian City. If you can stand out from the wine tasting meetings, will it still be difficult for the Fenghuo Order? "

Qingyang likes spiritual wine. He has drunk many different grades of spiritual wine in the past, and now Zuixian Gourd also has a lot of them. If it were just an ordinary wine tasting, Qingyang would be sure to stand out.

As a place that produces famous wine, this Jiuxian City is very famous throughout the ancient continent. The grade of the spirit wine here must be very high, otherwise it would not spread to the Zhongsha Region. The wine tasting party is also held by Yuanying monks. Even though it was held, I didn’t know if I could gain anything from it.

In addition, Qingyang also has another worry. Spiritual wine is very important even if it is important. It is not important even if it is not important. He does not know what the character of Zhenjun Yaoyue is. If he reveals the spiritual wine on his body, what will happen to him? It will not arouse the covetousness of others and cause unnecessary trouble to oneself.

The shop owner seemed to know what Qingyang was worried about, and continued: "Zhenjun Yaoyue has been serving as the lord of Jiuxian City for hundreds of years, and his reputation is still very good. My time in Jiuxian City is not short. , I have never heard of any bad rumors, or rumors of plundering, especially for those who are good at wine. Zhenjun Yaoyue will take a high look, so there should be no trouble in this wine tasting. The conference was held entirely on the basis of Zhenjun Yaoyue's personal reputation. It has been held for many times so far. He has spent countless efforts on it. If something dirty happened during it, wouldn't it be a slap in Zhenjun Yaoyue's face again? ? So he will not allow others to ruin his grand event."

Think about it, what kind of good things has a Yuanying monk who has lived for hundreds of years not seen? What good wine have you not drunk? How could he casually covet a low-level junior? I am still a little bit petty. For these senior experts, face is the most important thing. The grand event that he has managed to support with great difficulty does not allow others to ruin the reputation casually. Safety should be guaranteed, and he can just act according to the situation when he gets there.

Seeing that Qingyang was noncommittal, the shopkeeper finally said: "This information is not a secret. It's just that you don't know much about it when you first come here. You can find out after you have stayed in Jiuxian City for a long time. It's because I'm attracted to you that I've said so much. Go If you don't go, it's up to you. If I have the opportunity to go to the Yinfeng Jihuo Cave and get any strange or uncommon spiritual herbs there, you can sell them to me. This is my only request, and it can be regarded as reciprocity. Let’s be mutually beneficial.”

After a conversation between the two parties, Qingyang got a lot of useful information, and the shopkeeper also got himself a long-term customer. Qingyang is a person who knows how to repay kindness. The shopkeeper was so helpful, and Qingyang got an uncommon spiritual herb in the future. , the first thing he thought of must be this Qicao Pavilion.

After coming out of Qicao Pavilion, Qingyang did not go to the City Lord's Mansion rashly. Instead, he walked around outside first, and then found a few shops to inquire about the situation. He found that what the shopkeeper said was true. There is no possibility of buying the two elixirs, so we can only look for them in the Yin Feng Ji Fire Cave. Now it is the time when the Yin Feng Ji Fire inside is weakening, and a large number of monks have already rushed there.

If ordinary monks want to go in, they must be protected by the Wind and Fire Tokens. However, they arrived late. The Wind and Fire Tokens in Jiuxian City have been looted. If they still want to go, they can only ask the Nascent Soul monk for help.

There is more than one Nascent Soul cultivator in Jiuxian City, but most of them are in retreat, and all of them are out of reach. Not to mention a foundation-building cultivator in Qingyang, even the Golden Core cultivator is out of reach. Now the only one who has contact with the Nascent Soul cultivator is The intersection was the wine tasting party at the City Lord's Mansion.

Qingyang spent most of the day, through insinuations, and finally found out everything. At the same time, he also made up his mind to go to the wine tasting party and meet the Nascent Soul monk no matter what. Because this is the only chance for him to obtain the Wind and Fire Order and enter the Yinfeng Jihuo Cave to collect the two elixirs, and it is also the most promising way.

Cultivation of immortality is about competing with heaven for your life. If you try hard, you will at least leave no regrets. If you don’t dare to fight or take risks, you will never succeed. Cultivation of immortality is like this. One step is faster, the other is faster, and the step is slower, sometimes the opportunity is there. In front of you, it depends on whether you have the vision and whether you can grasp it.

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