Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 906 Blue Spirit Wine

After finishing speaking, the Jindan monk waved his hand towards the back, and then a group of female cultivators in the foundation stage walked into the crowd carrying trays and distributed a cup in front of everyone. The cup was about the size of an egg. , which contained a sip of Lan Wangwang's spirit wine. Along with the spirit wine, there is also a blank jade slip, which can be used to enter information using spiritual thoughts.

After the spiritual wine and jade slips were distributed, the golden elixir monk continued: "This first test question is very simple. The spiritual wine just distributed to you is a mixture of three ordinary spiritual wines. You can taste it carefully. If you can taste which three kinds of spirit wine are mixed, enter the answer you think is correct into the jade slip sent to you. The jade slip is specially made by the City Lord's Mansion, and the correct answer has been set in it in advance. You can judge whether the answers you entered are right or wrong. If you answer a question correctly, the jade slip will emit a green light. If you answer a wrong question, the jade slip will emit a red light. After answering the three questions, the jade slip with a red light will be eliminated. , three green lights are required to pass the wine tasting session.”

Having said this, the Jindan monk paused for a moment, and then said: "Of course, there must be a time limit. There are hundreds of monks present, and we cannot let someone delay everyone's time. Each question requires one stick of incense. Those who cannot answer will be eliminated at that time.”

After the golden elixir monk finished speaking, he made a gesture of invitation, then stepped aside, took out an incense burner from the holding talisman, lit the incense inside and started timing.

The questions had been finished, and there was only time for one stick of incense. Everyone did not dare to neglect. They picked up the wine glasses in front of them, took a small sip, and tasted it carefully in their mouths. The cup is too small, and there isn't much spiritual wine. If you drink too much, you won't be able to taste the wine and the wine will be gone.

Qingyang looked around. Many monks had different expressions. Some frowned, maybe they were stumped by some of the details; some looked happy, probably because they had just guessed some kind of spirit wine; some were pretending to be relaxed. Some seem to think that mentality is very important in whether they can pass the test; others are confused, probably because they have no clue about the spirit wine in front of them.

Generally speaking, the atmosphere at the venue was not particularly tense. Maybe some monks came to participate in the wine tasting with a special purpose, but most of the monks came to gain experience. Meet the wine lovers from all over the world, exchange their drinking experiences, and see famous spirits from all over the place. For them, the important thing is to participate, and winning or losing is not very important, so they behave very relaxedly.

Influenced by this, Qingyang's mentality has also improved a lot. I am lucky to have lost my life. I have done everything I should do and tried my best. Even if I don't succeed in the end, I will have no regrets. , if you are too competitive and worry too much about gains and losses during the process, you will easily fail.

Seeing that everyone around him was already tasting wine, Qingyang didn't waste any more time. He also picked up the wine glass in front of him, took a small sip of the blue spirit wine in the glass, and began to taste it slowly.

The spirit wine enters the belly, and a warm current flows from the mouth to the abdomen and intestines, and then spreads into the meridians of the whole body. Wherever the warm current passes, the qi and blood rise, the whole body is full of strength, and the meridians seem to be nourished, becoming It seemed to be more tenacious than before, and finally some of the energy remained, all of which merged into the Dantian and became the monk's true essence.

This spiritual wine is much better than the spiritual wine used for entertaining on the table before. It has an effect on Foundation Establishment Perfection monks like Qingyang, which means that the level of the spiritual wine is at least the Foundation Establishment level, and may even reach the Golden Elixir level. This Blue spirit wine is a mixture of three spirit wines. Whether it is the effect of one of them or the effect achieved after mixing depends on one's discernment.

Qingyang guessed that among these three kinds of spiritual wine, one should have a repairing effect on the meridians, one would replenish qi and blood, and another would slightly improve cultivation. As for which one it is, It’s hard to guess. There are countless varieties of spiritual wines in the world, and the customs of Gufeng Continent, Kyushu Continent and Zhongsha Region are also slightly different. What kind of spiritual wine is popular there may not be popular here. Qingyang is new here and doesn’t know much about many things, and Some spiritual wines have different names but very different functions. It is difficult to distinguish them. All these must be considered.

Qingyang frowned and thought hard for a long time before he finally got some clues. Seeing that most of the stick of incense had burned, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and enter his answer into the jade slip, and then quietly stared at his hands. until a green light appeared on the jade slip.

Seeing this, Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief and finally got the answer right. It seems that the common spiritual wines and names here in Gufeng Continent are not much different from those in Jiuzhou Continent and Zhongsha Region.

Qingyang is also a good drinker, and he has a large group of alcohol-loving bees. He has a large demand for spiritual wine, so he has researched a lot of various spiritual wines, so he is somewhat confident about this wine tasting session. What he is afraid of is the ancient style. The mainland is blocked from the Kyushu Continent and the Zhongsha Region, and the customs and names of spirit wine are too different from those of the Kyushu Continent and the Zhongsha Region, so there is no possibility for him to pass this level.

After passing the test, Qingyang was in the mood to check the answers of others. There were hundreds of monks on the scene. At this time, about 300 people answered correctly, 70 to 80 people answered incorrectly, and 100 people did not answer. Complete, overall the pass rate is still very high.

There were many monks like Qingyang. Because there was no time and no private communication was allowed, everyone just looked around. No one dared to speak, not even private communication.

There were six Nascent Soul cultivators watching on the stage. How could the low-level cultivators hide their little moves from them? Besides, this is just an ordinary wine tasting conference. Even if you get a good ranking in the end, the rewards are not huge, so there is no need to take that risk.

Seeing that only one-third of the stick of incense was left, a young Jindan monk behind Zhenjun Shifu suddenly said: "Senior Yaoyue, this junior also likes spirit wine. Seeing that this wine tasting question is interesting, I also want to finish it. After participating, I wonder if there is any leftover spirit wine and jade slips?"

Hearing what this young monk said, Lord Yao Yue was a little surprised. He was very familiar with this person. He was Shi Ruyu, the only son of Lord Shi Fu, the leader of the Lingfu Sect. He came to the wine tasting party with his father. Before, Shi Ruyu had always behaved very low-key. Thinking of him suddenly speaking out.

It is said that this wine tasting level is not very attractive to the younger generation of Yuanying monks. If there is any request, for the sake of their elders, I will definitely not refuse it. Why should I compete with these casual cultivators below? Winning doesn't bring much benefit, losing is embarrassing. I don't know what Shi Ruyu is thinking. Lord Yao Yue Zhen said: "If your nephew has any requests, just tell him directly. Why do you have to go out in person? This test only tests the basics of spiritual wine. There is nothing strange about it."

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