Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 903: : Invite the Moon True Monarch

Seeing the scattered people in Baotan, Jiuquzi is equivalent to the original self. He also raised his cultivation base to complete foundation construction early, but because he did not get the opportunity, he could only watch the lifespan run out.

Jiuquzi didn’t want to hit him too much, so he said, “It’s not without hope. Every wine tasting will determine one jar of first-class spirit wine, two jars of second-class spirit wine, and three jars of third-class spirit wine, for a total of six. Winners, occasionally there are foundation-building cultivators who can get the third-class spirit wine ranking, but this probability is too low, so I advise everyone not to hold too much hope."

Hearing the words of Jiuquzi, the mood of Baotan Sanren was a little better. It was not that the foundation-building monks must be hopeless, but the chances were lower. But this is also normal. First, the foundation building monks have a low cultivation base, and the possibility of getting a higher level of spiritual wine is relatively small. Second, the number of foundation building monks participating in the wine tasting is less, and the chance of winning the rankings is even less.

The hospitality of the City Lord’s Mansion is still very thoughtful. Regardless of the level of cultivation, some spirit wine and spirit fruit are placed on the table in front of each monk. They are allowed to be used by everyone, and they will not be allowed to sit down. Of course, because there are so many people, things are definitely not much better.

Everyone was eating and chatting. Some monks came to learn more and knew that they had little hope of winning, and they would take out their spirit wine for everyone to taste. The scene was quite lively.

Unknowingly, a few hours passed. Seeing that the tables on the square were almost full, someone suddenly shouted: "The Lord of Jiu Xian City invites True Monarch Yue, Master of Spirit Talisman Sect Master Shifu True Monarch, Elder Longevity Valley Qingliang True Monarch , True Monarch Qingyue, the master of the Qinglan Pavilion...Here."

Zhenjun Invite Moon came, and the wine tasting began immediately. Hearing these words, the entire square suddenly fell silent. Everyone stood up and looked in the direction of the sound.

Not far away, a group of people were walking towards this side. The first one was a man with a strong face, a rough face, a short black beard, a breezy walk, and a straightforward speech. At first glance, he was a man with a bold personality. This person's cultivation base is unfathomable. Anyway, with Qingyang's strength, he is not well known. I only know that his strength should be higher than all the other Nascent Soul cultivators present. It seems that this person is completely a master's. , It should be the lord of Jiu Xian City invited True Monarch Yue.

Walking side by side with True Monarch Yueyue is a middle-aged man in purple robe, tall, well-dressed, and a look of extravagance. At first glance, he is a person who has been in the top position for a long time. His aura is not much worse than True Monarch Yueyue. Needless to say, Man must be Zhenjun Shifu, the lord of the Lingfuzong.

Next to Zhenjun Yingyue was an old man with a fat white beard. His snow-white hair was wrapped in a tall dao updo, and he was wearing a black robe. He also had a fascinating temperament. This person is kind and kind, smiles before saying a word, and is naturally close. The elder of Wanshou Valley, Qingliang Zhenjun, is this person.

Next to Zhenjun Shifu is Zhenjun Qingyu, the master of the Qinglan Pavilion. Perhaps a woman is born to value appearance, so Zhenjun Qingyue is actually no better than the other three, but she looks very young, wearing a plain Tsing Yi. At first glance, it looks like a girl next door who has not been out of the cabinet.

Of course, this is only a superficial phenomenon. If you observe carefully, you can easily see the experience and the vicissitudes of life from her face and eyes. After all, Monk Yuan Ying has practiced for hundreds of years, and even if it is well maintained, there are some Things can't deceive people.

There are also two Yuanying cultivators walking behind True Monarch Yaoyue. They look ordinary, wear well-dressed, and are weak in momentum. The other cultivators of Yuanying are more than one, and the strength of Yuanying cultivators is also different. Yes, although Qing Yang couldn't judge their cultivation level, he could still tell that the strength of these two Nascent Soul cultivators was probably much lower than the others.

Behind the six Yuanying monks, there are also a few golden core monks. They are relatively young, they should be the nephews of the former Yuanying monks. Regardless of the high cultivation level of these people, their performance is similar to that of ordinary young people. They have personality. The humble, followed step by step, some were curious and smart, secretly observing with their eyes, and some were arrogant, seemingly dismissive of everything.

Since Qing Yang cultivated immortality, he had only heard of the rumor of Yuanying monk, and had never seen a real Yuanying monk. He didn't expect that he had just come to a wine tasting and saw six at once. I have long heard that Ancient Wind Continent is developed to cultivate immortals, but I didn't expect it to reach such a level. A wine tasting party in Jiu Xiancheng can gather so many.

Of course, Qing Yang knew in his heart that this was also related to the wine tasting conference held by the true monarch of the moon. The monks Yuan Ying associates with the monks of the Yuan Ying, and the monk Yuan Ying is definitely indispensable if he is invited to hold a wine tasting. In normal times, the cultivators of Yuanying would not show up casually, and it was not easy for the low-ranking cultivators of Gufeng Continent to meet the cultivators of Yuanying.

Jiuquzi is well-informed, and I have already introduced them one by one in a whisper next to him. True Monarch Yingyue and True Monarch Shifu are middle-stage cultivators of Yuan Ying, and True Monarch Qingliang, True Monarch Qingyue and the remaining two are Yuan Ying. Early monks, but some were three levels, and some were only one level.

True Monarch Shifu, True Monarch Qingliang, and True Monarch Qingyue are not Jiu Xiancheng monks. They just made friends with Yin Zhenjun and were specially invited to participate in the wine tasting conference. The remaining two are all Jiu Xiancheng monks~www .wuxiaspot.com~ That's why it is so low-key in front of the true monarch of Yueyue.

A group of people stepped up to the main seat and invited True Monarch Yue to glance around. Seeing that everyone was still standing, they waved their hands at the bottom and said, "Several Yuan Ying Dao friends are visiting, and I will delay it if I am happy for a while. After a while, I'm neglecting everyone, please sit down, please sit down."

After saying that, Zhenjun Yingyue gave the other Yuanying monks to their seats one by one. After everyone was seated, he said: "Jiuxian City is famous for spirit wine and has a long-standing reputation in the entire Ancient Wind Continent. It is not only the favor of the predecessors, but also the blessing of future generations. As the lord of Jiu Xiancheng, I am also proud of you. The wine tasting is aimed at meeting friends with wine. Seeing everyone attending the meeting graciously, many good wine lovers gather together. I am deeply impressed. I am honored, and thank you all for coming."

After finishing his polite remarks, True Monarch Inviting Yue said again: "From the time when the City Lord’s Mansion was opened to the present, the early monks entered the City Lord’s Mansion three days ago. I guess I am impatient to wait a long time ago. I am a happy person, no Be patient with the red tape, and the wine tasting will begin right away."

Inviting True Monarch Yueyue to finish talking, a late Jindan monk walked up to the crowd and said: "The wine tasting meeting selects people who know good wine, people who understand wine, know wine, know wine, and make wine. People, so in accordance with the old rules, and the first item of the wine tasting meeting is still wine tasting, my city lord’s mansion has prepared three glasses of spirit wine for everyone, and everyone needs to evaluate the spirit wine in the cup."

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