Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 102: God Assist From Naruto, Shy Uzumaki Kushina

"Mom... what you look like now..."

Seeing his mother for the first time, even Naruto, who has matured and calmed down a lot, couldn't help getting excited.

He noticed something strange about Uzumaki Kushina at first glance.

Even if the place that looks different from ordinary people is relatively small.

Naruto is also a descendant of the Uzumaki clan.

The perception of blood and vitality is still very keen.

"It's worth not mentioning this..."

Uzumaki Kushina had a wry smile on his cheeks, and his usual fiery personality was rarely restrained at this time.

No matter how strong she is outside the female ninja.

When facing Naruto, her only child, she will show her soft side.

"I've really wronged you these years...I really don't know how you got here..."

Uzumaki Kushina looked at Naruto's body, which was a little bit stronger and straighter than the one in the first ninja world, although he was still thin and small.

There was a rare smile on his tear-stained face.

Mother and son recognize each other, this is the meaning of her persistence, even at the expense of surviving in the world as Impure World Reincarnation.

"Thanks to Beichen baby daddy!"

Speaking of this, Naruto also had tears in the corners of his eyes.

He turned his gaze to Beichen who was on the side.

There was a look of gratitude in his eyes.

"Baby Beichen..."

I heard Naruto address Beichen.

Even Uzumaki Kushina, who has always been known for his thick skin, became a little shy, spat with a slightly rosy face and said, "How did he become your little daddy?"

"I haven't agreed yet!"

Uzumaki Kushina's face full of embarrassment made Naruto realize it even more.

The current him is not the idiot in the original book who knows nothing about feelings.

Not even a simple ninja without winks.

He saw it right away...

My own mother also has feelings for Beichen's baby daddy!

Otherwise, facing his title, Uzumaki Kushina must be scolding himself!

How could it be possible to show such a shy expression?

Is it because you have been spoiled by yourself that you are so shy?

It has to be said that Beichen's teachings have already paid off.

Now Naruto is not only a ninja who can disguise himself.

He is also an outstanding son who is especially good at observing words and expressions!

"Naruto, don't say such things."

Beichen heard Naruto mentioning himself, pretending to be serious and coughing lightly, and walked over.

However, I still secretly give Naruto a thumbs up for his divine assist today.

Uzumaki Kushina, but a superb young woman.

Not only the body is hot, but the temper is also first-class hot.

Different from Tsunade's firmness, if we say that Tsunade is the kind of aged and fermented old wine, it has a slight mellow aroma.

Then Uzumaki Kushina is a jug of turbid wine, hot and straightforward.

To be able to subdue such a superb...

And Uchiha Mikoto is completely two contrasts!

Although he said this on his mouth, Beichen's eyes hinted at Naruto vaguely.

Talk more, you boy.

If you can talk, talk more!

"Why? Little Daddy Beichen is my most important teacher and friend to me. Without you, I'm afraid I would be the same as the guy in the comparison video...

The clever Naruto immediately understood Beichen's real intention, and immediately followed Beichen's mouth.


This is also his sincere words.

He has always been aware of Beichen's kindness to him, even if Beichen's kindness to him is not pure, but has a purpose.

Much better than the disgusting hypocrisy of Third Hokage, too.

He even said from the bottom of his heart that he wanted Beichen to be his little father.

"You child!"

Uzumaki Kushina pretended to hit Naruto, trying to cover up his shyness with an angry look.

How could she not know Beichen's attraction to her?

She still insists on not relying on Beichen,

On the one hand, it is still for Namikaze Minato.

After all, Namikaze Minato is still Naruto's biological father, and he was still in love with him before his death......

On the one hand, it is also because...

I rejected Beichen at first.

"I regret it to death... If I borrowed a donkey to go downhill, let him be Naruto's baby daddy..."

"Now I don't have to be so lonely anymore? Minato has been gone for so long... Whether it's for myself or for Naruto, I should find a backer

Uzumaki Kushina was taken aback by the sudden thought that came to her mind.

She quickly comforted herself, all this is for Naruto.

It's all to make up for the misunderstanding and blindness that Naruto has suffered over the years.

That's why I started to fall in love with Beichen!

"Mom, don't always be in the way of those worldly eyes..."

"Baby Beichen is not only powerful, but also outstanding in appearance."

"If you think about Beichen's little father? Anyway, his father is dead, and we have nothing to rely on..."

Naruto saw that Uzumaki Kushina was already wavering, and immediately pursued the victory.

The question after sentence made Uzumaki Kushina a little bit unable to support the belief in his heart.

"Naruto, your mother is quite proud."

"She still won't be able to accept it for a while. Today, you mother and son have a good get together."

Beichen saw that the heat was almost ready, so he spoke.

For a hot young woman like Uzumaki Kushina.

He naturally has his own set of strategies.

Uzumaki Kushina, is undoubtedly much harder to deal with than Uchiha Mikoto.

On the one hand, she is tougher than Mikoto.

Namikaze Minato, on the other hand, is dead and is not manipulated by himself like Uchiha Fugaku, which has a good pawn.

Therefore, the Raiders for Uzumaki Kushina can not be too hasty.

Only by drawing it slowly can we break through the city wall in Uzumaki Kushina's heart little by little.

"This...Beichen, thank you anyway."

Uzumaki Kushina finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Beichen said.

If she had to make a decision, should she be with Beichen...

She really can't do it.

At the beginning she rejected Beichen, but now he is still able to give himself a step down.

Sure enough, he is a ninja with a broad mind!

"The goal has been achieved."

Beichen smiled, seeing the joy and a little disappointment in Uzumaki Kushina's eyes.

I knew that my goal of bringing Naruto to mother-child recognition had been achieved.

This time thanks to Naruto's divine assist.

Otherwise, he couldn't figure out where Uzumaki Kushina's bottom line is so quickly.

With the help of Naruto, he can only attack Uzumaki Kushina faster!

"This wave of Naruto sending mother off, I must like it."

Beichen thought to himself.

"Naruto, from now on, if you miss your mother, you can come to her at any time."

Seeing that Beichen was no longer entangled in this topic, Uzumaki Kushina was also relieved.

Today, I was able to meet Naruto, thanks to Beichen.

He's Fifth Hokage now.

And it's still Fifth Hokage without any restrictions.

When Namikaze Minato was elected as the Fourth Hokage, he was restricted a lot.

Whether it comes from the constraints of Konoha F4 or the constraints of major families.

Moreover, Minato himself is an honest person, and he always thinks of the village as the most important thing in the face of constraints. Don't care about your own power.

Even so, the Fourth Hokage's power taught Uzumaki Kushina how terrifying it was.


Beichen as Hokage without any constraints.

The power it can control is even more imaginable!

"Okay! Mom!"

Naruto stared at Uzumaki Kushina's familiar face, and nodded heavily.

None of the people present mentioned Namikaze Minato.

Even though Naruto has acquired Namikaze Minato's space talent, he doesn't say a word about his biological father.

Don't ask why Beichen and Uzumaki Kushina didn't revive Namikaze Minato at all.

He could feel it keenly.

own little dad and mom.

It seems that there is not much interest in Namikaze Minato's resurrection.

Therefore, he wisely didn't mention it again.

"Mother and son talk first, 260, Naruto, you go back first, release your Chakra, and I will come to you."

Beichen smiled lightly at Naruto, then waved to Uzumaki Kushina and left the underground laboratory with the Body Flicker Technique.


Seeing Beichen come out, Uzumaki Xiangling and Bao Zhibo immediately surrounded him.

Both of them wanted to be Beichen's partner.

Naturally, there is some hostility between each other.

Uzumaki Xiangling is not so repulsive to Uzumaki Kushina of the same family.

But Uchiha Izumi is very repulsive.

Various Shura fields have become the norm.

"You two..."

Seeing that the two of them did not continue to obtain the information from Danzo's mouth as instructed.

Instead, they are all here waiting for themselves.

Beichen was both helpless and wanted to laugh.

Fortunately, no matter how jealous the two of them were, there were no mistakes in the various major orders.

Otherwise, Beichen's men don't keep vases.

Uchiha Izumi and Uzumaki Xiangling, with the help of Beichen, they have all reached the Kage-level threshold.

"Just recently developed the Life Snatching Technique, which is about that ninjutsu in your video."

Beichen took out the Life Snatching Technique that he exchanged from the system.

It is the same technique that appeared in Uzumaki Koling's comparison video.

Beichen almost had a lot left, so he directly exchanged it and a series of Forbidden Techniques that appeared.

"Ahem, mom, do you really not think about making Beichen a little daddy? You know, I still have the title of carrying dad..."

Seeing that Beichen had gone far away, Naruto smiled maliciously and said to Uzumaki Kushina.

"You child!"

Resignedly, Uzumaki Kushina lowered his body and poked Naruto's forehead, smiling dotingly all over his face.

Naruto clearly knew that his little father was interested in his mother.

So after Beichen left, Uzumaki Kushina was not so shy.

Bringing up the topic again!.

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